Shushan Wushen

Chapter 824: Over [-] subscriptions yesterday!Thank you more today!

Chapter 824: Over [-] subscriptions yesterday!Thank you ten more today!
【Shushan Martial God·Zijin Xingchen Works】


"Yeah!" Ye Mengrou generously picked up the tea cup, drank it down, and showed a sweet smile, "Thank you brother! This tea is really fragrant." The fat man smiled, "Rou, if you like it, drink more. Come! Brother, give it to sister, pour it... Hey, good!" He said, pouring another cup with a smile on his face.He turned to Tang Chen and said.

"I often hear Tang Liang talk about you, how you love your brothers and respect your parents. In this life, I specially arranged for a fool who lost his soul to be your mother. I didn't expect that you are still so filial. To be honest, I am very I admire you! Bet with Tang Liang more than once, let Tang Liang do some outrageous things to test your brotherhood....Haha, you know the answer!"

"Hahaha, the fat man has lost several pairs of pants to me! Brother, sister-in-law!..." The void was startled, Tang Liang smiled, picked his chin, and suddenly appeared.

"Brother, I won the underwear you are wearing from Fatty!" Tang Liang grinned and winked, picking his chin.Make fun of fat people.Facing Tang Chen and Ye Mengrou, they bowed respectfully.

"No way! No way! You are the Chaos Star Master!" Tang Chen and Ye Mengrou hurriedly stood up, clasping their fists in return.Tang Liang frowned, like the impatient expression of the secular world: "Brother, sister-in-law! Don't you two brighten up? I feel so uncomfortable when you are so unfamiliar. Brother, do I have money to buy cosmetics this month! And , the child should pay the tuition fee! What do you think?"

Tang Chen couldn't help but wiped his storage ring, and took out a silver ticket, "Save some money! Those dubious girls...Huh? Hi!... Brat, how dare you molested your brother!" Tang Chen Chen suddenly came to his senses, and couldn't help flushing with embarrassment, and cursed a few words with a smile.

Hahaha!Ye Meng and the fat man roared with laughter.Seeing Tang Liang pretending to be a thief, he snatched the bank note and put it in his underwear pocket with a smile.The fat man burst into tears from laughter.Fatty is not a life of flesh and blood, so he is especially envious of this flesh and blood relationship.

When the wine was half full, the fat man raised his glass, "My fat man is the will of the universe of the Chaos Orb, my sister is the heroine of the star, my brother-in-law is the star master of Pluto, my brother-in-law's brother, the star master of the Chaos Orb, our old man, and the god of hunting!" Great Emperor! Looking at the chaotic universe, we are the first in the universe!"

"That's right! That's right! Fatty is right! The first one in the universe!" Tang Liang responded with a smile and raised his glass.

"Brother is right!" Ye Mengrou smiled sweetly, took a piece of meat, put it on the plate in front of the fat man, and picked up the wine glass.

"Uncle said that everyone's heart is gone! Uncle, let's get a drink!" Tang Chen picked up the wine glass.

Fatty became interested, "Okay! Let me offer a drink! First of all, I wish the old man who is far away in the Hunting God Starfield, good health! He will be detached as soon as possible!..."

"Detachment?" Tang Chen was taken aback. Are these words clearly a curse?He couldn't help but cast his gaze towards Tang Liang.Tang Liang smiled slightly, "Drink this cup first, and I will explain to you in a while." The fat man continued, "Okay! I wish our family can realize the fate of the gods as soon as possible and prove the way of heaven and earth!" Drank it down.

Tang Chen put down his wine glass and looked at Tang Liang. Seeing Tang Chen's eager eyes, Tang Liang shook his head and chuckled, "Brother, I know what you mean. I still miss our father. Hehe! I'm worried, I can't get out, there are no big or small things, big or small safety, I am always concerned about everything..."

"What are the ink marks? Pick the key points! Hurry up!" Tang Chen unknowingly, his elder brother put on airs again.Tang Liang and Fatty didn't care.Tang Chen has a free mind without barriers, that is, the so-called normal mind.

Only then did Tang Liang get to the point, "Brother, do you know why every star field has a small reincarnation, which is in charge of life and death?" "I know! I am the star master of Pluto! Tell me, what is detachment?" Mengrou's face was full of black lines, but Tang Chen didn't even look at her.The fat man chuckled, ignored the Tang brothers, raised his wine glass, "Rou, come with me!"

Ye Mengrou smiled sweetly, and raised her wine glass: "Okay! Brother, drink slowly, eat more food!" After speaking, she picked up some more chopsticks and put them on the fat man's plate.Fatty smiled happily... secretly said, "It's nice to have family members! Tang Liang really didn't lie to me."

"The soul of a real warrior transforms into a divine soul. For example, the small reincarnation of Pluto you are in charge of can only be a virtual reincarnation, and the soul can be reborn. But how powerful is the divine soul of a real warrior! It is almost immortal! But the resources of the universe are limited. If a real warrior is strong There are too many people who compete with each other for resources, which will inevitably poison the living beings and even endanger the structure of the universe. The will of the universe cannot be tolerated, so there is a time limit. According to the level of cultivation, the lifespan is set, and the star! That is to become the universe A new star inside!"

"So, this is how the stars came?" Tang Chen's eyes lit up, as if a door had been gently opened.

"Yes! Then the will of the soul becomes the will of the stars. The will of the stars is projected from the will of the universe across [dimensions] to form the consciousness of creatures. The future cultivation level of creatures, chance and luck determine the upgrade of this star. Or, fall!"

"Oh! What about detachment?" Tang Chen was very persistent, and still did not forget his original intention.

Tang Liang smiled, "If you want to get rid of the fate of Hua Xing, you must try to get rid of the control of the will of the universe and obtain real eternal life. The immortal who successfully escapes the control is called detachment! Detachment is unrestrained, free and easy! How free and easy! " Tang Liang shook his head, revealing the color of infinite yearning.

"There is no responsibility and responsibility! Detachment belongs to escape!" Tang Chen's face sank, he raised his wine glass, and took a sip, heartbroken, "How similar is the detachment to the corrupt officials who are fleeing today? Nail? I'm full, I'm full I ran away! In the long run, the resources of the universe will be lost, and it will become more and more difficult for true warriors!"

Fatty and Ye Mengrou looked at each other, and couldn't help but look at Tang Liang.After all, Tang Liang knew Tang Chen the deepest.Tang Liang chuckled: "Brother! Why are you still so angry? You only see the present, why don't you focus on the future? Blocking is worse than sparse, Dayu's profound meaning of water control! Water control and people's governance are the same!"

"Huh? Let's go on!" Tang Chen is not an old-fashioned person. As a star master, Tang Liang has different heights and sees problems from different angles.

"Whether it is the universe or the country, even if it is an ordinary family, everyone hopes that their children will become dragons and their daughters will become phoenixes! The emergence of pillars in a country is not a vertical ranking, but a horizontal comparison is the kingly way! The universe! The vastness of the universe, how many universes exist? Stand still? It's really unacceptable!"

"Elite strategy! The way of development! It makes sense!" Tang Chen nodded, agreeing with Tang Liang's point of view.

(End of this chapter)

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