Shushan Wushen

Chapter 826: Over [-] subscriptions yesterday!Thank you more today!

Chapter 826: Over [-] subscriptions yesterday!Thank you ten more today!
【Shushan Martial God·Zijin Xingchen Works】


Tang Chen saw it.With a slight smile, he clasped his fists and bowed: "Father-in-law, don't use my Junyun as a tool for alchemy. If my Yunyun is exhausted, you..." As he said, he leaned into Tang Xiong's ear, " But I can’t hug my grandson.”

"Oh? Really?" Tang Xiong was shocked.Tang Chen smiled without answering, slowly backed away, and waved goodbye! "Husband!..." Tang Zhiyun was immersed in the excitement of getting the strange fire for the first time. Seeing that everyone was different, she raised her head and saw that Tang Chen had already retreated, so she shouted.

There was a flash in front of my eyes, the scene changed, and I returned to the original space one after another!

Tang Chen raised his watch and glanced, "There are still three and ten minutes, that's enough! Uncle, come! I'll heal your injuries!" The fat man smiled happily, "Good brother-in-law, I haven't forgotten my uncle. Huh? Tang Liang, there are family members It feels really good to care.”

Tang Liang chuckled, and teased: "Fatty! I didn't lie to you! You said you were going to kill my brother, who will heal your wounds now? Right! You owe me another pair of pants! Do you accept the debt?"

Fatty showed a embarrassed expression on his face, "Admitting the account is admitting the account, but right now, this is the only one left for me! I really can't fulfill the bet! Can you give me some grace?"

While chatting and laughing, Tang Chen had already thrown a lot of punches, the last punch! "Inverse~~scale!"

The sacred purple gold dragon is instantly clear, vivid and lifelike!Exuding the coercion that made Void stand, he swallowed the fat man with one mouthful! "Woooooo..." Fatty was caught off guard.After struggling a few times, he stopped moving.

Tang Chen didn't stop at all, huh huh!The flowers of good luck all over the sky gradually bloom, and the dragon scale flowers are mysterious and shocking!Tang Chen shouted in a low voice: "Ni~~Lin!"

The fist flowers all over the sky gathered into a dragon shape!Another sacred purple gold dragon was born out of nowhere!

boom!The [-]th sacred purple gold dragon opened its mouth and swallowed the [-]th purple gold dragon!
"Enough! Enough! Good brother-in-law! That's all!"

"Not bad! All recovered! Good brother-in-law, you have supernatural powers!" The fat man moved his body, feeling the surging vitality, and his eyes became brighter.

"Hehe, it's good to recover! I don't know how long it will take to go, uncle, you are always sick, Rou'er and I are also worried!"

Tang Chen let out a foul breath wearily.Tang Liang urged, "Brother, it's time to get on the road!"


The tragic hero that was once portrayed on the screen in his mind... Tang Chen's tired brain shook for a moment, and his mind involuntarily appeared in a trance for a moment. The sound of "it's time to hit the road" made Tang Chen feel quite uncomfortable!Some are taboo.He raised his wrist and looked at his watch, "There are still 10 minutes!"

Ye Mengrou took out a brocade handkerchief, and carefully wiped off the sweat on Tang Chen's face. Tang Chen said softly, "Everything is complete, let's go!" After speaking, he took out two ancient bronze mirrors, which were the admission tokens of Jinwu Academy.

"Brother, practice hard! You are my role model!"

"Sister, brother-in-law! Early proof of the Dao of Heaven and Earth!"

A smile appeared on the corner of Tang Chen's mouth, "I want to take a look at the Chaos God Crystal before I leave, brother, do you think you can arrange it?"

The fat man froze for a moment, and looked at Tang Liang, who couldn't help but raised his hand and scratched his head. "Brother, it may be too late! The interview process will be delayed by ten or eight minutes. Wait until you come back! After the meeting, go to the Chaos Crystal!"

"Oh! Alright! How do you use this mirror?" Tang Chen handed the ancient bronze well to Tang Liang.Tang Liang didn't go to pick it up, but put his hands behind his back, "Acknowledge the master with a drop of blood, and then run the spiritual power to activate the formation, and the mirror will emit a divine light! Cover the top with the divine light, and it will be done! Haha, it's very simple! The magic weapon is very humane."

Tang Chen nodded, turned around and said to Ye Mengrou, "I'll try first, just watch! Hehe." Ye Mengrou pursed her lips and smiled, "Don't deviate from the spatial coordinates! Rou'er can't find you, but I don’t want to look for a husband from thousands of miles away!”

"Don't worry! What's lost won't come back, and what shouldn't be lost will never be lost no matter what!" Tang Chen said as he recognized the Lord with blood dripping. Tang Chen felt that there was a little more connection in his soul.Observe the ancient mirror carefully.Empty!Not a single message.

The fat man hurriedly asked: "How is it? What message did you receive?" Tang Chen nodded, "It's very strange!"

The fat man glanced at Tang Liang, and Tang Liang hurriedly asked, "Is it a spam message like Golden Crow Academy welcomes you?"

Tang Chen laughed suddenly, "Hahahaha! Hahahaha!" Amidst the laughter, tears rolled down Tang Chen's eyes! "Liangliang!..."

"Brother, what's the matter with you? Are you thinking about Liangliang and are reluctant to leave Liangliang? Brother, don't worry, I will often visit you and sister-in-law when I have free time!...Don't worry! Brother, go all the way!"

Tang Chen burst into tears, kept shaking his head, and ran the "Qian Kun Jue" in his hand. The huge spiritual power was instantly poured into the bronze mirror, and an extremely bright light suddenly appeared on the smooth mirror surface!The light path is straight and slightly divergent!The rays of light emitted unexpectedly formed incredible scales, which made the entire light path look like a... dragon plunged headlong into a bronze mirror!

"Golden Crow, a carp that transforms into a dragon! Lucky head!" The fat man clapped his palms and laughed. "It's getting late, don't delay! Go, sister, brother-in-law! Come back as soon as possible..."

Before the fat man could finish his sentence, Tang Chen rose into the sky, and his strikes were like lightning! "Ah~~~~, brother—" Tang Chen aimed the mirror at the top of Tang Liang's head, and swiped!Tang Liang's figure was instantly enveloped by the Dao of Light!The dragon scales that radiated out seemed to have spiritual intelligence, and put a full body armor on Tang Liang out of thin air!
As the armor takes shape, the light path also disappears!Whoosh, Tang Liang entered the small bronze mirror!Tang Chen sighed, glanced at the stupefied fat man, and turned over the mirror. At this time, the bronze mirror had a restrained brilliance. Tang Liang was dressed in dragon scale armor, with a big mouth open, and his face and figure were completely frozen!It is a painting!

"Tang Liang is an extraterrestrial demon! He was caught by me! Uncle, are you okay?" Tang Chen shook the mirror in his hand.The fat man stretched out his big fat hand and kept patting his chest, with a look of lingering fear, "The Star Lord is an extraterrestrial demon! Never before! Never before! No wonder Houyi Xingjun, who indulged the Lunar Star so much, ran amok! Disaster Starfield!"

Tang Chen sighed: "The extraterrestrial demons have vicious methods and many tricks! It is impossible to guard against! Fortunately, this method was understood by me, otherwise, I would not be able to crack it!"

Fatty's eyes lit up: "What method?"

"Black Prison!" Tang Chen's face showed a look of melancholy.

"This is the magic weapon left by [Demon Killing Plane] Lin Lu! One of this magic weapon can be self-confined and used to break through the bottleneck! The other can detain the enemy! In fact, it should be the secret room set up by Lin Lu to experience the family's children. ! Look here..." Tang Chen turned the mirror down.The fat man leaned forward, and Tang Chen said, "There is a mirror button behind the mirror. This thing is here to set up the aura input and exit standards. Look now, the aura is withdrawn! The exit realm; Product! What kind of concept is this? It is equivalent to completely changing the bloodline regardless of cultivation level! How is it possible?"

"Yes! This is absolutely impossible! Nonsense! Guigu himself has no rank and no rank. How could there be a proud Ao family in this universe? This is indeed a prison! Black prison! Tang Liang actually lied to me! Deceive me! Deceive me for endless years...Liar! Liar hands!..." The fat man stamped his feet angrily and beat his chest.Curse Tang Liang.After going crazy for a while, he stood straight in front of Tang Chen, bowed deeply, and said sincerely: "Tang Chen, I was deceived by Tang Liang! He is a big liar! Please believe can still Do you believe in your uncle's sincerity? I long for family affection, really! For the sake of family affection, I need your trust! Can we be honest with each other?"

Tang Chen said without hesitation: "Yes! If I didn't believe you, even you would have been sent to a black prison just now! We are a family! You are my uncle, I recognize you!"

The fat man looked soothed, and patted Tang Chen's shoulder, feeling relieved.

(End of this chapter)

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