Shushan Wushen

Chapter 829 The Dao of Heaven

Chapter 829 The Dao of Heaven

Thanks for the madness of the book friends, but unfortunately there is no manuscript left!Sorry!I write books focusing on quality, so I can't do too much!Feel sorry!Thank you all for your love!

"Is there a problem? I also find it strange that you say that! You can't seek the well-being of the Yanhuang Star Region, be obsessed with scheming, play with people's hearts, control the balance, and maintain your own status! This is clearly a sign of lack of confidence and guilty conscience!"

Tang Liang's eyes flashed, and he nodded approvingly, "Especially Yanhuang Xing, in fact Yanhuang Xing is the Chaos Orb! The center of the entire universe! The Chaos God Crystal gave birth to the will of the universe, and as the maker of countless rules and mysteries! How can you not be confident? ? Why are you not confident! Why are you guilty?"

"Hiss!...Could it be..." Tang Chen had a flash of inspiration.

What a tacit understanding between Tang Liang and Tang Chen!Tang Liang immediately understood, without any tact, he shouted loudly: "Brother! You guessed it right! I have already found out that it is an evil remnant soul! He took away the real Chaos God Crystal Spirit! Its real Its name should be Tiandao Luotian! The technique it cultivates is called [The Heart of the Great Emperor]!"

"Ah~~~[Heart of the Great Emperor]!?" Ye Mengrou exclaimed, consciously slipping her words. Facing Tang Chen, Tang Liang cast a sharp look and covered her mouth with her hand.

"Sister-in-law, do you know [Emperor's Heart]?" Tang Liang tried his best to control his emotions and asked softly.

Ye Mengrou hesitated for a moment, then looked at Tang Chen, Tang Chen nodded gently, "Rou'er, don't worry! Liangliang, he's my younger brother, and we have a brotherhood of three generations. We get along day and night, and there is a tacit understanding between our gestures! This smelly Boy, even if you want to harm me, I can find out in advance! But it doesn't matter!"

An awkward smile appeared on the corner of Tang Liang's mouth, he couldn't help reaching out to scratch his head, and pursed his lips.Tang Chen was overjoyed when he saw this, and said to Ye Mengrou: "Look! Tang Liang's bear-like appearance was just at Tiandao Luotian's place, did he ever have it? In Tiandao Luotian's place, the enthusiasm that Liangliang deliberately produced , it’s all the tricks I used when Liangliang and I fooled others together! Hahaha~~~”

"Smart or sluggish eyes, it doesn't go against common sense! This point, I've always been unsure!" Tang Liang sighed.Tang Chen patted Tang Liang on the shoulder, "It's not bad! The only regret is that the performance traces are too heavy! It makes the performance too mediocre and exaggerated. Understand? From now on, focus on expressing inner emotions. Pay attention to inner portrayal, from the inside to the outside, The main thing is the temperament!"

Tang Liang nodded obediently again and again, "Brother, I understand! I will pay attention next time! But this time, I deliberately left a loophole, in case you may not understand and miss a big deal!"

Tang Chen punched Tang Liang angrily, "You silly boy, you always pick your chin, I still don't realize that you two are plotting against me?"

"Puchi..." Ye Mengrou was amused.He couldn't help laughing out loud.Only then did Tang Chen and Tang Liang come back to their senses.Whether it is a brother or a lover.With the closest people, no matter how dangerous the place is, the heart is extremely peaceful!

"Oh, Rou'er, tell me! [The Heart of the Great Emperor]..." Tang Chen also felt too relaxed, and got off topic.Hastily pulled back the heart of the emperor.

Ye Mengrou reached out and took out a brocade pouch from her bosom, which Huang Lingzi roughly sewed.The stitches are huge and extremely uneven. "This is the Great Prophet kit I got from the auction." He handed it to Tang Chen while speaking.

As soon as Tang Chen saw that the seal had been opened, he stretched out his hand and pulled out a corner of sheepskin inside.There is a line of big characters written on the sheepskin.When the husband and wife join the mirror, the spirit will never die!The following line of small characters: Hearing the heart of the great emperor, open another kit.

"Wearing the Emperor's Heart, open another bag...another bag!" Tang Chen read lightly.Before she finished speaking, Ye Mengrou handed over another kit, which was also sewn by Huang Lingzi.Compared with the previous one, it is more crude, wasting the fine silk.

"This Rou'er was asked for the prince, so I didn't open it!" Ye Mengrou saw Tang Chen turned to look for it, and reminded her.Only then did Tang Chen open it directly.

Inside is another piece of parchment, with a line of small characters; the sky is dead, and the way of heaven should stand!The sovereign of the universe, divine right!
Tang Chen handed the note to Tang Liang, Tang Liang glanced at it, and hurriedly handed it to Ye Mengrou.Ye Mengrou's eyes suddenly showed confusion.

Tang Chen said: "What's going on? The Yellow Turban Army Zhang Jiao's uprising slogan? Or the one outside?"

Tang Liang shook his head, "With you, I habitually lose my ability to think! Whatever you say, you will do!" After speaking, he lay down on the ground again and began to practice on his own.The body is bent like a four-legged snake.Tang Chen's eyes suddenly lit up.Recite the dragon mantra, open the [Dragon Hidden Space] and take out the Chuanguo Jade Seal, gold inlaid with jade!

The gold inlaid jade is an artifact, and it cannot be accommodated by the storage ring.

The dazzling light actually made a bursting sound!Tang Chen's cultivation secret room was shaken suddenly, and the restrictions and barriers set up by Tang Chen and Ye Mengrou shattered one after another!
"Hahahaha! Slaves! You are the slaves of this seat! Let me go! You, accept slavery!" Tiandao Luotian changed his decadent and lazy temperament, wearing a divine crystal crown on his head, with evil and unruly eyes!Waving an enchantment, "The end of the world is so close!" Contains endless rules and mysteries, click!Divide Tang Chen and Ye Mengrou into two spaces!

In an instant, although Tang Chen and Ye Mengrou looked at each other and could feel the breath, they were out of reach!In fact, the distance between them is time and space!Not at the same space-time node!One is in the future and the other is in the past. Of course, this is the supernatural power of the detached person!
"My Eternal Emperor, come! Lord Star Master!" Tiandao Luotian waved his hands to restrain Tang Chen and Ye Mengrou, and waved at Tang Liang contemptuously.Tang Liang's eyes were angry and full of hatred, and he quickly backed away. "Hmph! Still want to resist? You lowly slave!" The words followed, and the mysterious rules descended mysteriously. Tang Liang's eyes flashed a look of struggle, but he was quickly controlled.Involuntarily, the limbs suddenly froze downward, suspended in the air.

"It's very comfortable!" Tiandao Luotian was so proud that he did it!Like sitting on a bench.At this moment, Tang Liang's eyes were neither happy nor sad, and he was at a loss.Obviously belonged to enslaved, absolute control state.

"What? A thieves from outside the territory, and a foolish dragon who is obsessed with cultivation, get together, brothers as one? Want to fight against the sky? Want to deal with me? Bah! Childish and ridiculous!"

Tian Dao Luo Tian showed sarcasm, looking down at the world!Huo Di stood up and kicked Tang Liang away! "Another unqualified bastard! Trash slave! I'm quite disappointed!" Pointing back at Tang Chen, he asked aggressively, "If you want to rob God's crystal, you just want to rob God's crystal! But you father and son are making trouble out of nothing! Especially you Tang Chen! He actually wanted to help the slaves of Yanhuang Star. Hmph! Isn’t being an interstellar robber the most promising career? Why are you still playing chivalry and doing justice?”

(End of this chapter)

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