Shushan Wushen

Chapter 831 5 cool fairies

Chapter 831 The Five Cool Fairies


With fluttering robes and white clothes better than snow, five godlike beauties suddenly appeared!The beauty in the middle is tall and has a cold temperament, and the four beauties in the back are faintly headed by this beauty, keeping a half-step distance between their feet.With beautiful eyes, Tang Chen felt the bone-chilling coldness, and lost his voice: "Bone-cold spiritual fire?"

"Huh? Cui Yan, he knows you!"

"Little sister, don't talk nonsense, Cuiyan will lose her temper!" The dimpled beauty next to her scolded softly, and God Son Shi Ren stuck out her tongue mischievously.

Cuiyan Shenzi has a graceful figure and a beautiful figure!She is the nine-headed body of the model world, elegant and well-proportioned, but her temperament is too cold, just like Tang Zhiyun who she met for the first time in [Demon Killing Plane].Temperament coercion is generally the same!Tang Chen suddenly felt an unusual kindness, and couldn't help himself. He took a few steps forward, grabbed Cuiyan Shenzi's little hand, and murmured: "Hands are still so cold!" face.

"Hey!" God Son Cuiyan turned his palm into a claw, and scratched Tang Chen's face with one claw! "Indecent to this God Son? Bold!" Cuiyan God Son became angry with embarrassment, and his face was covered with frost!

"Bold maidservant! The lord favors you, yet you dare to hurt him! I am angry!" Seeing her lover being humiliated, Ye Mengrou was furious. Ye Mengjia instantly transformed into a battle suit, which was actually a fishnet outfit!The soldier's armguard halberd in his hand, spewing out endless willow branches! "【Sound of Willow Twigs】!"

"Wooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooow!"Sparse but not missing!
The willow whistle confuses the soul!Cuiyan Shenzi was caught off guard, and was in a trance for a while, the black willow net had already covered his whole body!Followed, tight bondage!God Son Cuiyan scolded in a low voice: "Bone cold spiritual fire... burn!"

"Boom!" A dull explosion sounded suddenly!The black wicker cracked inch by inch, and pieces of willow carbon, red as blood, were flying all over the sky!
"Hmph!" The realm of Cuiyan Shenzi is lower than that of Ye Mengrou, but Huo overcomes wood!The bone-cold spiritual fire finally burns the wicker!Broken Ye Mengrou's martial arts!However, the realm is too disparate!Cuiyan Shenzi was obviously seriously injured, staggered and fell to the ground.He groaned in pain.Ye Mengrou couldn't help opening her eyes wide, her beautiful eyes revealing surprise! "Different Fire! This girl is the Primordial Spirit of Different Fire!"

Before Tang Chen came back to his senses, he had already twisted his body forward, holding a large number of talismans in his hand, snapping!After subduing God Son Cuiyan, "Cui... Cui Yan!..." the four beauties roared, scrambling for God Son Cuiyan.But where is Ye Mengrou's opponent?

"[Mother Yi Tianxia]!" Ye Mengrou's hair was calm and automatic, and she launched the ultimate move!The sky is full of talismans, mixed with five black lacquered bracelets.

"Ye Meng Tianjiao, come out!" A black sun rose instantly behind Ye Mengrou!The sun emits thousands of black lights!Looking closely at each black light, it is actually a space afterimage of a black beetle!
The Beetle transforms quickly!The immature young faces with cruel and murderous looks lined up impressively!
"Hiss!..." Tang Chen and Tang Liang couldn't help but look at each other!

The five extremely powerful fighting intentions have almost formed a substance!Turned into five fists, holding five iceberg beauties!Talismans radiate mana!In an instant, Concubine Ye Meng was covered in armor!Passive refining!

Princess A of Shushan, a peerless warrior for body protection!But for Queen A of Ye Meng, it is actually a means of confinement!Ye Mengrou looked at the five beauties who lined up neatly, and raised her chin one by one, pinched their cheeks, patted their little butts, and commented on their beauty.

"God Son Xiangshou! He has a dignified manner, with black eyebrows and phoenix eyes, not bad!"

"God Son Zhenhui! Slender and exquisite, tsk tsk, wonderful person!"

"Son of God, Guanyong! Plump and charming, these lips are so beautiful!"

"Oh! Son of God Shi Ren! Tsk tsk, there is no flesh! A skinny beauty! Go with the trend!"

Ye Meng has a gentle demeanor and a graceful look, with a look of majesty in her eyes!The five beauties were restrained by the concubine of Shushan, and the coercion was upon them. They couldn't help trembling and couldn't restrain themselves. They didn't support them for a long time before they succumbed!
"God Son Cuiyan! You are fine! Very fine! You are cold and aloof, an iceberg for thousands of years? Huh! I've seen a lot of lowly servant girls like you! The appearance can be deceiving! The outside is cold, but the inside is hot. In fact, it is a sullen type! Crazy, don't want it! Pay attention to me in the future!"

"Yes! I would like to obey the Queen's order!" Cuiyan Shenzi bit the bullet and gave a deep salute. "Kowtow!" Aoki Gou relied on his power and kicked Cuiyan Shenzi's hind leg.God Son Cuiyan, "Plop!" Kneeling on the ground.The other four sons of God, acting according to circumstances, knelt down and saluted one after another.

"Qingmu, don't be rude, show some respect! This is the master!" Ye Mengrou folded her body and smiled at Tang Chen, "These five sons of God are decent in appearance and dignified! I took them for the prince! Warm the bed for the prince Bar!"

"Oh?" Tang Chen was astonished!Xindao, the relationship between me and you, Ye Mengrou, is just ambiguous!Self-assessment?Five beauties?One time...?
Ye Mengrou smiled and said, "Is the lord afraid...their breath is cold...hehe, it's just a matter of luck in the summer..." She raised her eyebrows mischievously, and made a "you understand!" look.

Tang Chen didn't know whether to laugh or cry, and waved his hands again and again, "Nonsense! It's just nonsense!" He refused weakly!Seeing this, Tang Liang couldn't stop laughing, "Brother, you can't beat sister-in-law, so just let it go! Hahaha!" After saying that, Ye Mengrou looked at each other and smiled.

Tang Chen sighed: "The devil hasn't been wiped out, why should I, Tang Chen!" He straightened his body, sighing endlessly!

Ye Meng softened Tang Liang, and couldn't help nodding his head in agreement, "Tang Chenzhi is not here, he takes maintenance as his own responsibility, let's let this matter go!" Tang Liang spoke out to rescue Tang Chen.

Unexpectedly, the son of Cuiyan, the son of Xiangshou, the son of Zhenhui, the son of Guanyong, and the son of Shi Ren.His complexion changed drastically!Once again, they bowed together and bowed to the ground, God Zi Cuiyan was terrified!
"I hope the lord will take us and my sisters! We are special beings, and the main body of Cuiyan God is Wushen Peak! Several plane avatars have been cultivated into high-strength peerless powers and refined into divine weapons! Face] My emerald soul, bone-cold primordial spirit was refined into a strange fire by the dragon's blood undead God of War, wiped away my sanity and consciousness, and gave it to the Tang Sect..."

"Oh? There are such secrets? Sigh!" Tang Chen sighed, "You sisters have been ravaged repeatedly, why don't you sisters leave Yanhuangxing?"

Cuiyan Shenzi, icicles formed from the corners of his eyes, and the mist was thicker!Raise your head and report: "My sisters, in the past, I killed five dragons, seized the universe, and cultivated into a divine body! How could I offend the dragon clan! So I couldn't ascend through the catastrophe! I had to turn into a sacred mountain to protect the people here. For endless years, our sisters have already Deeply in love with this hot land! Never let go of it!"

(End of this chapter)

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