Shushan Wushen

Chapter 834 Surprising methods

Chapter 834 Surprising methods


"Little Doyle!" Tang Chen showed a hint of impatience.

In just one stick of incense time, there are a hundred or so members of the Demon Blood Mercenary Corps, this group of hateful extraterrestrial demons!Professional interstellar adventurer!Finally finished their despicable life!The body dies and the road disappears!Silky miserable!Some even have protruding eyes, and they will not die with peace in their eyes!They didn't understand why the rescue ship invited at a huge price, the great magician Xue Xiaolian, actually supported a death boat!
The supernatural power of the dragon clan [Instant Teleportation], moving the stars and treasures is like using your arms and fingers, and you can move the universe and luck to your hands, just like picking things out of a bag!The teleportation magic, of course, is a no-brainer!Even though Tang Chen's current state is low, Xue Xiaolian casts magic remotely and indirectly through communication!Moreover, dragons are naturally immune to magic! ...Tang Chen is also a practitioner of the Dragon Clan supernatural powers!
Beard, as the leader of the Demon Blood mercenary team, he has done his best!Jai was about to burst, the corners of his eyes were bleeding, and he tore open the magic scroll [Space Replacement], whoosh!The bearded man and Ye Mengrou switched places!Picking up the fine steel rod in his hand, he stabbed it vigorously!Exhausting all the strength of the whole body, exhausting the last trace of soul...

Seeing that the hand holding the fine steel staff, even the arm, and even half of his body were pierced into Tang Chen's body, Tang Chen looked indifferent, with contemptuous and disdainful eyes!I just glanced at it out of the corner of my eye!That's all!

"Ah!..." The bearded man was shocked, and suddenly realized that he had been swallowed!Tang Chen is so smart, see Tang Liang.Ye Mengrou broke through the void many times and used supernatural powers to bless her soul!A high-level true warrior can easily destroy a city with every move!
Tang Chen felt that he had to learn it!Cultivate and maintain good and elegant combat habits!Breaking through the void and releasing the supernatural powers into nothingness is not just a respect for the stars!More importantly, Yanhuang Star is his home after all!How can it be easily destroyed?It's too late to protect!
Immediately, Tang Chen carefully checked the imprint of the soul, and sure enough, it was recorded in the Dragon Clan's supreme secret book "Shu Mountain Classic"!Not only that, but there are many types of methods!Run spiritual power, true energy, vitality, and the power of good fortune, all of which can be displayed!Tang Chen learned a few at random, and sold them now!
The bearded man stabbed Tang Chen's body with the steel rod, and Tang Chen broke through the void at the same time!call out!Although it is only a short distance away, it is already separated from the endless star field!The bearded man stabbed into the void in a desperate move!A strong negative pressure appeared in the void!Beard, old moves, no room for maneuver!Can't hold back!With his current cultivation base, there is no way to break through the shackles of good fortune, and his cultivation base is only partially recovered, so naturally he cannot compete with the power of the void!The void blatantly swallowed the bearded man!

The demon blood mercenary group has traveled through countless stars, traveled through countless dangerous places, and haunted the secret realms of the wilderness, and saved themselves from danger time and time again!Licking blood with a knife edge, there will always be a time when the tongue is cut!You always have to pay it back when you come out to hang out!This time, good luck was not on his side, and he finally hated Yanhuangxing!From now on, there will be no more Demon Blood Mercenary Corps, Demon Blood Shang!
"Not bad! Not bad! Brother, my brother will give you [-] points for your look!" Tang Liang smiled and stretched out his thumb, full of praise!With Zu Afang's realm, how can Tang Chen not be able to see that this is speculation!Even Tang Chen, who was a little unconfident and flustered at that time, could not escape Tang Liang's consciousness!
"How can King Ye Meng's talent be compared to that of a little dragon king like you? There will be a lot to learn from your brother in the future!" Ye Mengrou put on a big sister-in-law's demeanor and taught her brother-in-law a lesson.Tang Liang was not annoyed, and smiled even brighter, "Sister-in-law is right! What you said is true! The road is long, the road is long, the road is long, and the road is long! My general, my brother, is a role model!"

"Very good!" Ye Mengrou stretched out her hand boldly, patted Tang Chen's shoulder, and said something in English.Tang Chen turned his head slowly, his eyes were soft and full of affection.

A woman who is willing to learn for you, and she is also a beautiful woman, why not love her?
Why is Ye Meng Rouxiu so powerful?His spiritual consciousness is even more disdainful to Yanhuangxing, learning a simple language, half a breath is enough!The vast majority of the Demon Blood Mercenary Corps have a highly educated background!Several of them have even been exchange students and visiting scholars.After just a few brandings, the pure London sound is copied!Still the most aristocratic kind!This fellow has been secretly honored by Her Majesty the Empress...

Unfaithful people, regardless of the vicissitudes of life, time and space, when and where, wherever they go, will leave the seeds of betrayal!Always be in danger, there is no crisis, even if you create a crisis!Use it to prove your ability!Create something out of nothing, do your best to instigate, and spread rumors to make trouble!I'm afraid the world will not be chaotic!This kind of person's heart is like duckweed, his mind is like flowing clouds, and he seems to be affectionate and always ruthless!I have never loved others deeply, and I have never loved myself!It can be said that death deserves more than guilt!Many people will be freed from sinking and liberated!
"Here!" Ye Mengrou handed Tang Chen a satellite communication.In the communication, Xue Xiaolian had already stopped singing!The magician's soul is powerful, and his soul perception is particularly strong. He can hear extremely subtle voices. When Tang Chen's voice came through the earpiece, the sacred purple gold dragon deep in Xue Xiaolian's soul uttered a cry. Roar!
"My master?" In the deepest part of Xue Xiaolian's heart, the maid's nostalgia for her master spontaneously arises!Move the ear communication to the front, quickly locate the coordinates, chant magic, [Feng Xing Shu]!It turned into a wisp of white storm, soaring into the sky!

Today's Yanhuangxing is really too small!A large number of planes are exhausted, forming secret realms, which cannot be entered!Yanhuangxing itself is also tilted, spinning carelessly and revolving carelessly!The great magician has an extremely high status in other galaxies!The Yanhuang Star Region doesn't fully understand magic yet!
Whoosh!Tang Chen held up the communication, thinking about the content of the next conversation.Negligence, Xue Xiaolian!It actually appeared in the air!On her face was a soft and coquettish look that would harm the country and the people.Come here!

Xue Xiaolian is very good at creating an atmosphere, deliberately creating a magical cyclone under her feet, gradually lowering the height, as if walking on a staircase in the air, with a graceful figure, twisting her waist three times a step, creating a commotion!
Ye Mengrou frowned slightly, feeling the danger. The heroine is a heroine after all, she has a lot of wrists, she waved and threw a bracelet, and said in a royal tone, "Princess A of Shushan! Quickly refine it!"

Xue Xiaolian was generous, she bit her lips and gave a playful smile, biting the corners of her mouth in a very measured way, and poking her hand, her wrist turned around beautifully, two fingers just pinched the bracelet, her pupils She cut water, stared at Tang Chen, put the bracelet on her lips, and gave an extremely ambiguous kiss!
"Recognizing the master with a drop of blood, you can play a different style! Tsk tsk!" Tang Liang clicked his tongue, and couldn't help but glance at Xue Xiaolian!Playing so ambiguously, it may not be unexpected by [Emotional Intelligence]!Not necessarily [IQ] can't do it!If you don't have a certain coquettish style, you dare not do it at all!
(End of this chapter)

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