Shushan Wushen

Chapter 837 The God Has Fallen

Chapter 837 The God Has Fallen


"Tang Chen, my captain! Don't be as knowledgeable as me. I'm short-sighted and short-handed. Isn't it? The money doesn't count as a few days to buy a car, it's the internal price I got from Mr. Shi I still have a few notes in my hand, I haven’t handed them over yet! Hehehe! It’s not too late to kill Tang Xiaoshao after he’s approved!”

Wu Haotian sneered, "Give me the note, and I'll approve it for you! I, Wu Haotian, still have this right!"

"That's a good relationship! That's really great! The last time I asked you to approve the note, you refused, so I asked Tang Xiaoshao, and I still blame you..." Ding Yin said while flipping through the briefcase , take out a piece of paper with the desired model and the name of the car buyer written on it.

"What are you doing? In front of the executive director of the Tangmen Group, poaching the corners of our Tangmen's own house? Look! Look! This one, these few units, are all limited editions! How can we use the internal price? " Tang Zhiyun snatched the paper, glanced at it, and glared at Ding Yin angrily.

Tang Chen remained calm, disgusted to the extreme in his heart, Ding Yin and Han Xiang were like them, already showing a tendency to change!With their salary, how can they afford a car worth millions?Especially Zhang Pusen, actually shot two large displacement!However, this is not the time to attack.

"Okay! Let's not take this as an example! This time the car has been approved for you, so we should carry out the task! Everyone checks the demon information in their hands, and if there is any difficulty, we will solve it together!"

"It's gone! It's gone! Let me arrest Tang Xiaoshao myself!" Ding Yin happily stuffed the approval slip into his briefcase while talking.

Han Xiang also asked: "How long will it take to win Tang Xiaoshao? Is there a time limit? Additional funds..."

"Funds?" Tang Liang stared at Han Xiangyi with a smile that was not a smile. Han Xiangyi couldn't help but feel a little nervous when he saw Tang Liang's sharp eyes. If you don't understand, don't meddle in it!"

Tang Liang chuckled, "Then how much money do you need?"

Ding Yin scolded Han Xiangyi, "Don't make trouble for the captain, the hall will reimburse you the actual expenses! Give me the subsidy! Get me to sign!" Only then did Han Xiangyi relieve the stiffness in his neck, and slowly sat on the sofa, with a hint of arrogance at the corner of his mouth.

"Forget it! Don't add trouble to the secular world. I'll drive the mecha, let's go there myself!" Liu Weiguo finally couldn't bear Tang Chen not coming to the stage.Make a statement.With a smile on the corner of Tang Chen's mouth, he shook his head slightly at Liu Weiguo.

"In the face of power, everyone will go crazy!" Ye Mengrou said lightly.The sound is not loud, but it is loud.Tang Zhiyun took a deep look at Ye Mengrou.He even nodded.

"There is nothing we can do about our responsibilities. In this plane, we all have wives and children. For nothing else, we must ensure the safety of our families! Understand and understand!" Zhang Pusen stood up and gave timely assistance.There are thorns in the words, but the needles are hidden in the cotton!

"What? Yin-yang weirdness!" Ye Mengrou hooked her finger, and a green willow branch was wrapped around Zhang Pusen's neck impressively, whoosh!Zhang Pusen couldn't help himself, and was dragged to Ye Mengrou.Negligence, back to the original place!Zampson was terrified, sweating profusely and out of breath.

Ye Mengrou's bravery is invincible!The cultivation base is high!Jampson saw it with his own eyes.I don't want Ye Mengrou to dare to attack in public, it is true that she does not play according to the routine.

"The celestial demons from outside the territory are so bold!" Han Xiang also defended Zhang Pusen and insulted Ye Mengrou.His eyes flicked to Tang Zhiyun.He felt that Ye Mengrou would never dare to kill him if Tang Zhiyun was defending the Tang clan on the one hand and Tang Chen was on the other hand!

"Are you really sick, aren't you? Who are you with?" Tang Chen waved his hand with a big mouth, "Crack!" Han Xiang also "whoosh" and flew out of the window. "Hey, that's crooked, a bossy head-hunter, he really treats himself like a green onion!"

Before Tang Chen finished speaking, "Boom!" Han Xiangyi just bumped into the fence of the manor. "Bang!" It fell on the flower bed.

Tang Chen raised his chin, slowly turned his gaze to each other, and his tone became extremely kind, "Everyone, let's put aside the friendship you had with me in the past! Today, that is, at this very moment, our demon-killing operation is about to begin! You guys Well, those who are willing to protect Yanhuangxing and want to take responsibility, then we will form a team to kill demons! If you don’t want to, I, Tang Chen, don’t need any reason. If you want to go, just go! Get out of here, and you will never know the world from now on! Just pretend we haven't touched each other in our previous lives!"

"Is this true? It's testing our sincerity! No need, Captain! I, Ding Yin, will just do it with you!" Ding Yin's eyes flickered, and his tone was sincere.

"I, Tang Xiaoshao, will be with you, Tang Chen! Execute demons and protect the way! Defend Yanhuangxing!"

"My money doesn't count as a leader, I'm going to follow the lead! Go through fire and water!"

Tang Chen's tone suddenly became stern: "Of course what I said is true! Last chance! It's still too late to quit! It can be said that killing the devil is close to death! The mission is extremely dangerous! Mengrou! For the last time, who will quit? There is still time!"

Ding Yin bowed his head in thought and remained silent, suddenly!He raised his head, with guilt in his eyes, "Tang Chen, my son will take the university entrance exam next year, I really am! I have difficulties! I can survive until the head of the Headhunting Office..."

"Exit or form a team?...Say it!" Tang Chen faintly revealed his murderous intentions. He was so inconsistent, full of clichés, and pretended to be sincere. Tang Chen was very displeased!

"I... oh! I... quit!" Ding Yin spat out the last two words, extremely difficult! "I'm sorry Tang Chen! I was poor. I was low-paid in the first half of my life. I almost didn't marry a wife. After awakening, my experience as a magic car repairman in my previous life made me... Sigh! I like glory and wealth..."

Tang Chen waved his hand, "Everyone has his own aspirations, let's go!" On the contrary, his heart was smooth, the truth is better than the stereotyped scene, what to say in the scene, the enemy is in the face, and if you still play false, it is too disgusting up!
"I'm sorry! Tang Chen, captain..." Ding Yin said in a low voice, turned and left without turning his head.

"Is there any more? Who's leaving?" Tang Chen's cold eyes swept towards Zhang Pusen and the others.Tang Chen felt that Zhang Pusen and the money didn't count, so he should leave.

Zhang Pusen was sweating coldly, stroking the discomfort in his neck, shaking his head, "I..." Seeing Tang Chen's doubtful gaze towards him, Qian didn't count, and said directly before Zhang Pusen: "Captain! I don't I will leave you! From now on, as the captain, you... forget it! I don’t say anything about loyalty, missions, etc., I just form a team with the captain to kill demons! Listen to the Tang Sect! Accept two-way leadership!"

After finishing speaking, he walked to Tang Zhiyun's side beside Tang Chen, and stood up straight.Tang Chen's heart suddenly brightened, and finally a bright person appeared!Really don't be too embarrassed.

(End of this chapter)

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