Shushan Wushen

Chapter 839 He Is Overbearing! 【Shushan Martial God·Zijin Xingchen Works】

Chapter 839 He Is Overbearing! 【Shushan Martial God·Zijin Xingchen Works】


"The extraterritorial celestial demons want to destroy the Yanhuang star civilization! How can they treat the Yanhuang star people as human beings?" Tang Liang breathed heavily, obviously angry.With the pride of the dragon clan, Tang Liang couldn't stand it!He is already angry!

"Chirp!" Tang Chen raised his hand and punched him!
"【Overbearing】?" Tang Liang turned pale with shock and couldn't help exclaiming. [Overbearing] It is the supreme supernatural power of the dragon clan!Only the Royal Ao Clan of the Dragon Clan is eligible to practice!Only practitioners of the [Shu Shan Jing] can trigger it!The supreme secret technique!Untold supernatural powers!
"Ao God is really kind to Guiguzi!" Tang Liang sighed.

"The Dragon Clan is also a hard-working father! No matter how brave you are! How kind-hearted you are! How...! How advanced your cultivation is! It's useless! A good father, these are all bullshit!" Tang Chen didn't turn his head, Yun Yun Breezy, blurted out!

[Overbearing] It is worthy of being the supreme supernatural power of the Dragon Clan!Tang Chen's punch, with the speed of the Emperor Wu that surpassed the speed of light, "Bang!" It hit the Star Warship lightly, and the Star Warship shook lightly!Nothing has changed in appearance!But……

"Brother, you are right!" Tang Liang still had fantasies about the Dragon Clan, and he had extravagant hopes!But I have to admit, Tang Chen's words are cold and realistic!
"Tang Chen, let our mecha soldiers go up to experience it!" Yang Zhenting heard Ye Mengrou say that there are interstellar warships coming from outer space, he was anxious, and could not help but raise his fighting spirit.

"Okay!" Tang Chen nodded to Tang Liangliang, Tang Liang understood, and probed out a space channel, a huge negative pressure formed a powerful devouring force, whoosh!The skin on the faces of Yang Zhenting and Liu Weiguo was deformed!

After a hundred years of training, 20 mecha soldiers have already adapted to the void environment, and [-] mecha fighters, in the world of Wang Mian, there is a training program in the later stage, which is massacre!Driving the mech to wantonly slaughter Ye Meng's army!
A tiger without blood is a big cat!Seeing all kinds of killings a lot, I got used to the blood!One hundred thousand mechas merged into an iron dragon, whoosh!It's like getting into the void!It is truly majestic and magnificent!

Bass mist.

The mecha soldiers spread out, formed a loose encirclement, and surrounded the interstellar warships!Gradually approaching... 1000 kilometers! ...Nine thousand kilometers! ... Eight thousand kilometers! ... 500 meters! ... 100 meters! ……[-] metres!

Whoosh whoosh!A small team of mechas, jumping into the starship!
"Boom!" With a slight cracking sound...

jump jump jump……

An interstellar battleship as big as the moon is cracked every inch of it!Swish!Turn into cosmic dust!
ah?how so!
The hull of the battleship turned into fly ash!Turn into the most basic particle of the universe!Everyone looked around, shocked, almost nauseated!A large number of flesh and blood lives inside, hundreds of millions of demons, have lost their vitality, and have withered into mummified corpses!It is densely packed, like a toy factory throwing broken witchcraft dolls...

Intensive phobia!Garbage phobia!Vomit!
Tang Chen couldn't help himself, and staggered!Tang Liang knew it well, and he was prepared to support Tang Chen!

[Overbearing] This is the most overbearing supernatural power of the Dragon Clan!It is to forcibly reverse the universe with all the cultivation bases of oneself!The power of the universe, no matter fission or fusion, is the reverse of the most basic force in the world! [Overbearing], forcibly changed the attributes of Qiankun! !

Tang Chen's move [Overbearing] changed the metal universe of the starship battleship's hull!The song wave is not finished, and the spirit is long~~, penetrated into the interior of the battleship, domineering!You have to respect!Forcibly tampered with the universe in the devil's body!
Whether human or demon, flesh and blood life, or special life, they are all projections of the will of non-civilized stars across [dimensions]!The most direct consequence of changing the universe in the body is losing contact!Non-literary stars are no longer the original stars that project life!Water without source, tree without roots!In this way, the demon was robbed of its breath of life!
So overbearing! 【overbearing】!
The price paid for such a supernatural power beyond the limit is unimaginable!As a high-ranking member of the Dragon Clan, Tang Liang knows the pros and cons!So actively cooperate and help cover up!

no doubt!Tang Chen has exhausted all his soul power! !
"Is it worth it? It's too risky!" Tang Liang couldn't bear it, and couldn't help blaming his brother.Tang Chen's soul was exhausted, and his consciousness couldn't transmit sound, so he clenched his fists and made a slamming motion!

"Shock! I understand!" Tang Liang whispered.

"That's enough! My lord, that's enough! You can let go of your hands and feet!" Ye Mengrou's spiritual sense instantly enveloped the entire space, counted the number of demons, swept away all the spoils, and moved them into Shushan Order!The technique is skillful, flowing and flowing, without any stagnation!Obviously, Ye Mengrou was proficient at this in the past, reaching the pinnacle!

Tang Chen nodded appreciatively to Ye Mengrou, Ye Mengrou didn't know why, but she always hit the right spot, guessing Tang Chen's true thoughts!Tang Chen secretly thought, do you have a clear understanding?Or, that's what Ye Meng did in the first place!

Ye Mengrou smiled sweetly and didn't take it seriously.It seems to be used to it!Everything is as it should be, a fixed routine!Tang Liang was very curious, and quietly transmitted the voice: "This posture, is it back to the original?" He imitated Tang Chen in his hand and slammed it down.

"That's right! Ye Meng never fights a losing battle! Killing one is enough money, killing two is enough to earn one! If you can't win, retreat!" Ye Mengrou smiled, her eyes were bright, she stared at Tang Liang with a look Sound transmission.Tang Liangliang nodded, "When we were young, we fought with others, and my brother did the same. It seems that I am not as good as my sister-in-law. I know my brother well!"

"Hehe, you are right! This is what you deserve!" Ye Mengrou handed several magic weapons to Tang Liang.Tang Liang was startled, and subconsciously took it.Look at Ye Mengrou again, holding a piece of bark in her hand, there are a lot of treasures in the bark, and the goddess scattered flowers!
20 mecha soldiers, [-] people each have a share!
Yang Zhenting and Liu Weiguo also got some magic treasures and spirit jades, and they were very pleasantly surprised when they held them, "Good stuff! Good stuff! Will the military subordinates reward the three armies?"

Ye Mengrou said loudly: "The spoils of war! Everyone has a share! The position is high or low, the military achievements are different, and the rewards are different! Follow Tang Chen, everyone has a share of the treasures of heaven and earth! One person cooks, and the whole family enjoys it!"

"Tang Chen is mighty!!"

One hundred thousand mecha soldiers, their eyes are red!Ye Mengrou's words are exactly Ye Mengjun's usual motivating phrases!Ye Mengrou touched the inner defense of 20 children!A hundred years of military training has already turned one hundred thousand mecha soldiers into killing machines, facing killing all day long!Fall into despair, or counterattack!The heart is traumatized, already scarred!

Heartbreak never heals!

The magic weapon in his hand, or a few pieces of spiritual jade, suddenly became heavy!It's not just a trophy, it's a promise!A magical medicine to heal heartache!

Rooted in the depths of the soul, from the distant memory, the commitment to practice!
(End of this chapter)

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