Shushan Wushen

Chapter 841 A Glimpse of Surprise 【Shushan Martial God·Zijin Xingchen Works】

Chapter 841 A Glance 【Shushan Martial God·Zijin Xingchen Works】


Tang Liang grinned: "Brother, Guiguzi even teaches you supernatural powers like [Overbearing] that I don't have the right to touch, so he won't begrudge the supernatural powers of soul power!"

"But I don't know the supernatural powers of soul power!" Tang Chen looked at Tang Liang and said solemnly.

Tang Liang shook his head and said patiently: "Although I am not qualified to practice the [Shu Mountain Classic], as the patriarch of the Zulong lineage, I am a high-ranking dragon clan after all, and I know that [Fengyun Qiankun Reincarnation Sutra] is divided into five unique skills, namely [Fengyun [Record], [Qiankun Jue], [Good Fortune Jue], [Reincarnation Test] and [Great Emperor’s Sutra]! [Reincarnation Test] is the supreme book of soul power arts! Planetary-level Martial Emperor happens to be the minimum standard for entry! Cultivate [Reincarnation Test] 】It is to reshape the universe of the physical body! Life after life, no matter thousands of kalpas, the soul will not change hands with your magic weapon! The true eternal belonging! "

Tang Chen was overjoyed, "That's a good relationship! I'm afraid that my soul seal will be erased by other powers and refined again! What are [Fengyunlu] and [Great Emperor's Manual]?"

Tang Liang shook his head, and said apologetically, "My realm is not enough, so I can't say it. I can only tell you when your realm is enough, bro, and let you know!"

Tang Chen nodded, "I understand, talent restriction, I understand!" Seeing that Tang Chen didn't blame him, Tang Liang heaved a sigh of relief, and continued, "Brother, [Qian Kun Jue] is mainly to refine qi and blood and strengthen the physical strength. And the secret of the real immortality of the Dragon Clan is actually [Reincarnation Test], [Reincarnation Test] refines the soul power and strengthens the soul! For example, the [Soul Condensation Pill] you often eat is useless when it reaches a certain level, at least it has the effect It’s not big! Instead, it’s a waste of natural materials and earthly treasures.”

After Tang Chen tasted it, what Tang Liang said was indeed reasonable.Now the whole bottle of drugs is not as effective as the original one.So pay attention to the content of Tang Liang's next words, Tang Liang is not simply sharing the secrets of cultivation!It is actually preaching!The untold secret of the Dragon Clan! "The body is a universe composed of countless stars and particles, forming the universe! Countless universes are composed of organs... and practicing [Reincarnation Test], brother, you will find that the soul is also composed of universes! It's just that the most basic particles are not stars! They are intangible and qualityless factors, these factors include, thinking trajectory, past experiences, emotions, emotional likes and dislikes, etc.!"

Tang Liang continued: "Why do real warriors like to hunt for treasures? On the one hand, magic treasures are life-saving fetishes, and on the other hand, most real warriors don't know why! All high-level magic weapons give birth to the spirit of magic weapons! The spirit of magic weapons and The masters are connected with one another, and communicate entirely by soul power, so that there is a support relationship of mutual dependence and mutual nourishment! Practicing [Reincarnation Test] can strip the spirit of the magic weapon from the magic weapon without taking away the soul body, and the remaining soul body is the best Pure, it is the best to replenish the soul!"

Tang Chen said to Tang Liang: "So, brother, I understand? It is said that the dragon clan is greedy for money, but who knows, what the dragon clan covets is the most pure soul body! It's just a pity that the spirit of the magic weapon is wiped out of mind! "

Tang Liang waved his hand, "This is a good thing for the magic weapon spirit! The stripped magic weapon spirit is indeed annihilated for ordinary true warriors! And the Dragon Clan [Reincarnation Test] can send the magic weapon spirit into the stars for reincarnation! Reincarnated into a living being! What a great opportunity!"

"It's so good! After all, there is an emotional component, and it's really unbearable to be annihilated!"

Hearing what Tang Chen said, Tang Liang couldn't help laughing, "Brother, your heart is so soft towards your own people!" After saying that, whoosh!just ran away.Tang Chen smiled and shook his head.Just about to sit down cross-legged and refine Yemeng Wangjia, whoosh!Tang Liang is back!Opened his arms, gave Tang Chen a big hug, and whispered: "Brother! Be careful! The Wenqu Continent is very deep. After practicing [Reincarnation Test], take action! Take care!"

Before Tang Chen could reply, whoosh!Gone again!Tang Chen stared at the space ripples left by Tang Liang, raised his hand and waved it, catching a drop of brackish water! ...Tang Liang's tears!
"This brat! It makes me feel so sad!" Tang Chen took out a small jade bottle and stored the tears.Calmly and calmly forced out a drop of original blood, and formally refined Ye Mengwangjia!
Wang Jia Ye Meng obviously recognized Tang Chen!Just like Ye Meng's black stick and Ye Meng's Wang Mian, they easily recognized the master!Only then did Tang Chen activate Wang Jia, and Ye Meng Wang Mian flew out of his body on his own initiative, forming a tree stump on the battle helmet, a few branches hanging down, and the position was mysterious and rhythmic, forming a protection for Tang Chen's head!Ye Meng's black stick turned into a big black sun, strictly guarding Tang Chen's rear!The big day cracked red veins, full of evil spirits, and powerful!
"This is armed to the teeth!" Tang Chen sneered, obviously very satisfied with this set of Ye Meng King Armor!The 13 Yemeng pro-army of Wangmian Universe put on new helmets, new armor and new weapons, and unfurled the banner, full of fighting spirit!Go to King Ye Meng's Jiadongtian!Wang Mian Universe and Ye Meng Wang Jia have the same number of copies, and Wang Mian Universe is stationed and trained!And Ye Meng Wangjia sent troops!
Tang Chen felt it for a while, and it happened to be the positions of the first seven, three upper, lower two, and thirteen big acupoints, each with 13 troops on standby!Even if these [-] relatives died in battle, Tang Chen could revive them instantly!Can't help but decide!What a strong support this is!

Tang Chen raised his foot and stepped on his combat boots, stepping into the space wormhole in one step!Instantly!The wind is raging!The beautiful three-color aurora immediately bared its fangs!Like a sharp blade, it scratched Ye Mengwangjia, making a sound like toothache.The accessories are "squeaking"!Tang Chen took a few glances at the colorful lines formed by the intertwined aurora, adapted to the wormhole passage, and transformed Ye Meng Wangjia into the appearance of a dolphin in space, whose speed surpassed the speed of light in one click!
Chirp chirp chirp chirp!Liujiu represents six times the speed of light!In this way, the time of one light year is shortened to two months!Tang Chen began to practice [Reincarnation Test].

[Reincarnation Examination] and [Qiankun Jue] are sister chapters, with the practice foundation of [Qiankun Jue], you can get twice the result with half the effort!The power of the soul descended into the universe and the stars in the body instantly!Tang Chen used his magical powers again, and the power of the soul on the stars returned to his brain in an instant!In this way, signs of life gradually appeared on the stars!Tang Chen took a closer look, and the creatures that were born were very familiar!

There was a neighbor’s dog when I was young, a classmate’s bird, and my big tabby cat!Even the people who were born were all familiar faces with similar personalities...

Tang Chen was a little taken aback, and couldn't help but have doubts!Human beings are the projection of the will of the stars across the [dimension], so where does the consciousness of the creatures on the stars in the universe come from?Tang Chen stared at a female creature who looked exactly like Ye Mengrou, and then at a male creature who looked a lot like Ma Jieao.Puzzled!
(End of this chapter)

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