Shushan Wushen

Chapter 847 Distortion of the holy words

Chapter 847 Distortion of the holy words


"Let the master tell you, Tang Chen will do everything he can!" Tang Chen was neither humble nor overbearing, with an attitude of being content with the situation.I thought to myself, Lao Tzu is a sea of ​​books and a sea of ​​questions, and passed the exam all the way!Junior high school entrance examination, high school entrance examination, weekly examination, monthly examination, quarterly examination, midterm examination, final examination, school year examination...If it weren't for some leaders of the Education Bureau colluding with the cram school near the school, it would be a good way to make money!Evening self-study in private schools is prohibited.Then, if there is enough time, before various exams, there will be a wave of mock exams!
Meng Chengzhen was full of admiration, the more he looked at Tang Chen, the more he liked it!The face is like a rhododendron in full bloom, filled with a warm breath!He led Tang Chen into the classroom with black tiles and red walls.Tang Chen saw a one-foot-long plaque at the door of the classroom, with silver hooks painted on it, and two large characters; Tianjia!

Seeing where Tang Chen's eyes fell, Meng Chengzhen said, "Qiong Ming College is divided into four school districts, Tiandi Xuanhuang, which correspond to Juren, Xiucai, Tongsheng and Mengxue respectively. Juren's Tianzi school district has ten classes, and Tianjia class is the best. Yes! Qiong Ming's geniuses are all in this class! You have to work hard! Don't embarrass your teacher!"

Tang Chen didn't make a sound, just nodded slightly.Tang Chen already knew that the way of learning in Wenqu Continent is similar to but also different from that of ancient China.As for the Continent of Wenqu such as the eight-legged essay after the Ming Dynasty, there is no such thing.Wenqu Dalu attaches great importance to enlightenment, not education!The difference of one word is the difference of heaven and earth, "transformation" means absorbing, digesting, and turning it into one's own use!But 'Yu' is much lower-end, just follow the steps, it's a bit like stuffing ducks, you just stuff the corresponding spices in whatever flavor you need, the utilitarian eating looks too ugly!
From the perspective of conception, Yanhuangxing is indeed inferior!Wenqu Dalu is more inclusive and broader!Graduating from these colleges and stepping into the world of mortals is enough to seamlessly connect with the rivers and lakes!After all, etiquette, virtue, and knowledge reserve all regulate thoughts, words and deeds all the time.In a sense, graduating from the college is not the end, but more like the beginning of applying what you have learned!
Meng Chengzhen walked up to the podium, and Tang Chen stood at the door. The class was very spacious, but there were not many students inside, only 27 people, each of them sat upright, without squinting, as if glancing at Tang Chen from the corner of their eyes was considered a violation of etiquette!However, according to the etiquette laws of the Wenqu Continent, slipping away during class is indeed a breach of etiquette!And it is impolite to sit and look at new classmates.

Meng Chengzhen's words like a spring breeze filled the entire classroom, "Today I have a new classmate who is trying to become the No. 20 eight students in Tianjia class! You can plan a ten-question exam!... Although Tang Chen is my new recruit, Meng Chengzhen My personal disciple, but you don’t have to think about it! True gold is not afraid of fire! Even if I am expelled by you this time, I will not lose face! Because I believe that my disciple will definitely come back!"

"Personal disciples? Old Master Meng doesn't accept disciples so easily..."

"Did I hear you right! It turned out to be a direct disciple of Old Master Meng! Kong Xianmeng's junior?"


"Then Tang Chen is considered a disciple of Meng Sect! How can we do it!"

The candidates in the seats couldn't hold back one by one, becoming Meng Chengzhen's disciple, even if it was just a registered disciple, was an absolute qualification in Wenqu Continent, and being a soldier or an official was highly valued!The way of Confucius and Mencius, the defender of the holy way!Who dares not to give the Meng family face?No matter which college the Meng family tries to enter to promote enlightenment, it is the supreme glory of that college!

Meng Chengzhen smiled and watched the whispers of the students below, but turned a deaf ear to the whispers!
A tall and handsome Meng Wuzhuang in the back row stood up slowly. Tang Chen was taken aback. Aversion to cold!Unexpectedly, none of the geniuses under the seat are human beings, and the ability to observe words and expressions is so precise!They laughed heartily.

Tang Chen didn't know, but he felt something strange. He scanned Meng Wuzhuang with his spiritual sense, and found that there was no Adam's apple, his chest was high, protruding forward and backward, he was relieved, and couldn't help but raise his head and look at Meng Wuzhuang carefully.Seeing several changes in Tang Chen's expression, Meng Wuzhuang actually took a bold look at it at this moment, her heart trembled for no reason, and her face blushed with embarrassment.

Meng Wu's big eyes with bright and watery make-up rolled her eyes, and she stabilized her emotions. Her voice was like a crisp yellow warbler, which was really clear: "Meng Wu's makeup is the monitor of Class Tianjia. I will ask the first question first!" Chen, listen up!"

Tang Chen nodded, didn't bend down, just waved his hands in front of his chest, making a bow.

Meng Wu brushed her makeup on the paper, wrote a series of words, stood it on her chest, and wrote on the paper: "Zi said: Only women and villains are difficult to raise!"

"Please enlighten me!"

Tang Chen looked at it intently, and burst out laughing, this question just happened to pass the senior high school entrance examination!In Wenqu Continent, etiquette and morality are followed, men are superior to women!Girls study a subset of classics and history, and the poetry and songs are really wonderful!As a girl, Meng Wuzhuang's thinking for this question is self-evident!By analogy, Tang Chen suddenly had some guesses in his mind, and couldn't help but glance at Meng Chengzhen.

Meng Chengzhen and Tang Chen's eyes met, showing a wry smile, and nodded, "Wu Zhuang is my sister!" Tang Chen opened his eyes wide and nodded slowly, as expected!

However, if an old man in his 60s can have a younger sister who is 100 or [-] years old, he can only have a valve family!For example, Tang Xiong had more than [-] sons in [Demon Killing Plane] at that time, but they were all concubines, so they were not welcome!It's not as noble as Tang Zhiyun's direct lineage!And Meng Wuzhuang is probably also a direct descendant, otherwise it would be impossible to be so ostentatious!The other small sects have come up with such a strange thing, it will be the laughingstock of the world!Only the direct descendants of the Meng family can be confident and act recklessly!

Tang Chen saw Meng Wuzhuang frowned, and his lips parted, as if to urge him, he said loudly: "Here, the word 'female' is the same as 'ru'! Sun, if you are far away, you will complain. It can be explained in this way; Confucius said, yes! Your sons and daughters follow the villain to learn and raise, and disaster will happen. If you get close to the villain, you will lose your children; stay away from the villain, and you will make the villain Create resentment. I don't know if I explain it right?"

Meng Wuzhuang rolled her eyes, "Seventy percent! Ten percent is enough, you get seventy percent! Not quite perfect!"

Tang Chen was taken aback, and thought, isn't this making things difficult?Why is the other [-]% deducted?Suddenly came to his senses, smiled, and talked eloquently: "Of course, there is another explanation. There are no fake words here; Confucius said that only women and villains are difficult to get along with. If you are close, you will be disliked, and if you are far away, you will be difficult." blame you."

"Oh?" Meng Chengzhen couldn't help being startled, misinterpreting Confucius' words, that's a serious crime!Big disrespect!
(End of this chapter)

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