Shushan Wushen

Chapter 857 The Tyrant Has Spring

Chapter 857 The Tyrant Has Spring


Meng Cheng was silent for a long time, looked at Tang Chen firmly, and said frankly: "My disciple is also the guardian and defender of my holy way! I will teach you the holy way, so naturally you will not harm me! You and I There is no question of betting or not! If you harm me in the future, it will be doomed, but I believe you will not!"

Tang Chen observed that Meng Chengzhen's expression did not seem to be a false temptation, and he did not give a swearing explanation. Instead, he said: "I only want enlightenment! I hope that the teacher will remember Tang Chen's help today, and help Tang Chen spread Confucianism and enlightenment in the future! The world will return to its heart, and benevolence and righteousness will rule the world!"

"Oh? You have such great ambitions! Great kindness! Great kindness!" Meng Cheng really didn't want Tang Chen to have a heart for the common people in the world, thinking carefully about Tang Chen's every frown and smile, every move he made was graceful, generous, and he acted with respect for others, being aboveboard!If the picture is here, then it makes sense!Observation of words and demeanor is also the category of [Debate Soul and Know People] skill and secret art of knowing people!Meng Chengzhen was once a sage, or a great sage!How deep is the realm of cultivation!After figuring out the reason, my heart suddenly became brighter!Looking up to the sky and laughing loudly: "So that's how it is! Meng has dedicated his life to enlightenment! It is his duty to export enlightenment! He must do his part! It is his duty!"

"Master Meng, please remember today's words! Don't misinterpret the holy words in the future! What Tang Chen needs is universal enlightenment!" Tang Chen put away the star field in his palm, bowed respectfully, but looked up at Meng Chengzhen's eyes.How important is education!Generations are involved!Countless families!If there is a slight mistake, the consequences will be disastrous!It will even influence the direction of history!I was taken advantage of by a bastard with ulterior motives!Steal the temple!
Meng Chengzhen saw that Tang Chen's tone was unusually dignified, and immediately said seriously: "This old man was conferred a saint in the past! I dare not slack off! The way of enlightenment is related to the fate of the family and the country! Personal chance! Even the rise and fall of the plane! This is a big deal. How dare you underestimate it!"

"Okay! When will you start practicing, but please tell me at any time, Teacher!" Tang Chen straightened his clothes and respectfully bowed to Meng Chengzhen!Then stretched out his left hand, Meng Chengzhen raised his left palm up, snap!High fives!
"Wait for me!" Meng Chengzhen turned around and ran into the main room, whoosh!After a while, he ran out, carrying that big water bottle!He smiled and said, "Tang Chen, if it's convenient, let's start now!"

Tang Chen was astonished!This old man is so impatient!Never thought about it! "No problem! Don't resist!" Tang Chen snorted, "Take it!"

call out!
Meng Chengzhen disappeared out of thin air!In the blink of an eye, the stars appeared in Dantian!Meng Chengzhen raised his eyes and saw the mountains and rivers, spiritual flowers and plants, rare birds and animals in front of him!The tall spiritual trees are lush and lush!The shadows of the dense canopy, and even the crystal nuclei left by the wreckage of monsters...! "It's too extravagant!" Meng Chengzhen trembled with excitement!Reaching out to scoop up a handful of brook water, the eyeballs are as big as small steamed buns!
"The legend turned out to be true! Rivers, lakes, and seas [True Liquid Without Fragrance] flowed all night long! Oh? How can I feel unbelievable! Hiss..." Meng Chengzhen reached out and pinched his thigh, almost crying from the pain!Putting your hands in front of your eyes, you suddenly wake up!The aura of heaven and earth here is so strong that it is outrageous!The power of heaven and earth mobilized surpasses the usual number of times!
"The time here is tens of thousands of years! Teacher can cultivate with peace of mind! Disciple resign!" Tang Chen did not show up, and the mighty voice resounded throughout the universe!Kongtong Yin "Shua!" appeared in front of Meng Chengzhen, with an arrogant expression, and told Meng Chengzhen: "Please inform me about the relevant training items! I will arrange for you to reincarnate! Do you understand? Besides, you are not allowed to walk around at will! Spiritual flowers and herbs, Treasures of heaven and earth..."

"Hoo!" A big hand appeared out of nowhere, "Bang!" Kongtong Yin was hit somersault, grinning in pain.look up to the sky. "Master Meng is my teacher! You have to be respectful and considerate! Don't be arrogant! Otherwise, you will know what will happen!" Tang Chen's voice implied anger, and Kongtong Yin trembled in fright!Meng Chengzhen smiled at the corners of his eyes, knowing that this was a beating deliberately arranged by Tang Chen!
The stars in the dantian in Tang Chen's palm were magnified, Meng Wuzhuang also watched with gusto, Lan Xinhui was so cool and smart, how could she not see the deliberation in this scene!He gave Tang Chen an angry look.

In a trance, Tang Chen couldn't help but become obsessed with watching it!He asked casually, "Are you interested in taking a trip?" Meng Wuzhuang widened her eyes in surprise, and spit out her pink tongue, "I can do it too? Will it cost a lot of Lingyu?"

"It doesn't matter? As long as the monitor likes it!" Tang Chen waved his very rich hand, grabbed Meng Wuzhuang's wrist, whoosh!The universe entered Tang Chen's body, and landed on the dantian stars!

"Wow!" Meng Wuzhuang flushed with excitement.Staring wide-eyed, looking around, even squatting down to caress a grass on the side of the road!In Tang Chen's dantian and stars, how can there be ordinary products?Wonderful works of heaven and earth, everywhere!

Tang Chen condensed his body with the power of the world, pulled Meng Wuzhuang, and played around!Meng Wuzhuang was curious about everything, like an ignorant girl, asking questions.

"Tang Chen, what's your star's name?"

Tang Chen rolled his eyes, looked at the distant sky, the faint purple shimmer rendered by the three primary colors of light, and said casually: "Ziweixing!"

"It's a nice name! I heard that Ziweixing appeared frequently in ancient times, and then disappeared. It turned out that it came from you!"

Tang Chen bit the bullet and nodded, "Not bad!"

"Then I will be the heroine of Ziwei Star from now on!" Meng Wuzhuang stared at Tang Chen boldly!Don't flinch!
"Huh?" Tang Chen was overwhelmed by these words.Overwhelmed!The same sentence, when a boy says it, the girl must go berserk!But it's very different for a girl to tell a boy!Men chase women across the mountain, women chase men's shirts!
"Hehehe... What's the matter? Happiness always comes so unexpectedly! Men and women can't get close. You grabbed the hand of our school girl and tarnished my innocence! I'm the princess of Mengmen! I'm pure and pure!" Meng Wu The flower branches of Zhuangxiao trembled wildly, but the loneliness in the depths of his eyes undoubtedly revealed the anxiety in his heart.

Tang Chen is not someone who messes with women, but it doesn't mean that Tang Chen can hurt a girl who admires him at will!Although this is just an ambiguity between words.Tang Chen giggled, "To be favored by the school belle, I'm so happy that I want to whistle!"

"Hahaha! Why are you so bad!" Meng Wuzhuang waved her small fist and beat Tang Chen's shoulder desperately, "You are the little cock! You are the rabbit!..." Very powerful, but the punch was extremely light!Obvious flirting.

"Squad leader, please spare me! I didn't mean that..." Tang Chen pretended to dodge, but he couldn't dodge, allowing Meng Wuzhuang to "ravage".

(End of this chapter)

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