Shushan Wushen

Chapter 865 Sacred Bright Butterfly

Chapter 865 Sacred Bright Butterfly



Mutations abound!A force suddenly erupted from the void!It caused the butterfly clothes and flying boat to deform!Immediately reduced the speed, falling below the speed of light!
Whoosh!Tang Baobao disappeared in place!When Tang Chen saw this, hey!Follow the track left by Baobao Tang, and appear on the wings of the sacred bright butterfly!Unexpectedly, he bumped Tang Baobao into a somersault. Tang Chen's eyes were quick, and he grabbed Tang Baobao's cloak, feeling something was wrong. His arms extended, and he hugged Tang Baobao who almost fell off his wings!
The Dieyi Flying Boat is the slough of the sacred Bright Butterfly!After a millennium, the innate formation on the butterfly clothes was preserved by the Tang Sect and sacrificed to become a magic weapon!In pursuit of extreme speed, the protection is actually very fragile!The butterfly clothes under Baby Tang Bao's feet were damaged immediately, and the speed of the butterfly clothes flying boat continued to drop!

Baby Tang Bao was about to retreat back to the center of the butterfly wings, when Tang Chen wrapped his arms around Xiao Man's waist, and the two moved towards each other, and they hugged each other very well!The fur of the cold-blooded mink is extremely cloudy and cold, and Tang Baobao's body shape is similar to Tang Zhiyun's!In an instant, the scenes of [Demon Killing Plane], like a movie film, the scene changes...

For several lifetimes, Tang Baobao, who was obsessed with cultivation, had never been in contact with a man in this way, and now he was hugged by Tang Chen's slender waist!in my arms.The heat from Tang Chen's mouth could not stop flowing into the neck behind his head, itching unbearably!The scene is extremely ambiguous!For a long time, Tang Baobao was a little embarrassed, afraid of breaking the butterfly wings, and gently struggled with his arms, "Have you hugged enough?...haven't...let go?...huh?..." The voice was not loud, but it was nasal issue!How tempting!Who can resist?
The faint breath from Tang Chen's mouth and nostrils came slowly: "No.... The high-cold beauty who was finally abducted... How can I hug enough?" After speaking, he felt something was wrong, realized that he had lost his composure, and hurriedly withdrew his arms!

Tang Baobao's body was shocked, and he fell into a strange state. Tang Chen's handsome appearance was outrageous, and his unrepeatable temperament made people incorrigibly obsessed!Tang Baobao has a good impression of Tang Chen in his heart!

Unexpectedly, Tang Chen retracted his arm after confessing his love!Baby Tang Bao regained clarity in an instant!Feeling being teased, I turned around and glared!Looking at Tang Chen angrily, her small chest heaved up and down in anger!He completely forgot the danger he was about to face... A hand with great spiritual power flew from behind Baobao Tang at super-light speed!
Tang Chen caught his head and hugged Tang Baobao head-on, turning around 360 degrees!Boom!Then I took that extremely fierce palm on my back!boom!Tang Chen pressed Baby Tang to lie on the butterfly wings, and due to inertia, his head bumped into Baby Tang's face. Even though Tang Chen reacted quickly, his lips touched. In an instant, the soft lips...slowly Slow deformation!Even each other felt extremely fresh and moist...

Tang Chen hugged Tang Baobao, and the dragon rolled and jumped up gracefully!Gaze at a colorful auspicious cloud nearby!
"Old man Kong Xi's signature in the execution room of the Confucian Mansion, ordered to arrest Tang Chen, the villain who killed his master! Please cooperate!" Kong Xi's signature is a great sage, and entering and leaving is like stepping on auspicious clouds and hanging on the rainbow!The divine sounds of heaven and earth are lingering!There are two wings, one big and one small, on the back!Exudes a soft and pure holy light!
Of course Tang Chen would not have the urge to pay homage!But Tang Baobao's cultivation base is not as good, and he has the urge to crawl on the ground!Tang Chen exerted a slight force on his arm, and hugged Tang Baobao even tighter!Press and hold Tang Baobao's lower abdomen with the palm of your hand, and a ray of spiritual energy will pass through!Baby Tang Bao wakes up like a dream!Restore Qingming!He simply leaned on Tang Chen's shoulder, exhaled and adjusted his breath to recover the loss of his soul!Tang Baobao's spiritual power just now turned into the power of faith inadvertently!Most of it was swallowed up by Kong Xi's stick!
"The Great Sage personally went out to arrest Tang Chen! He destroyed the treasure of the Tang Sect, so he should give an explanation!" Tang Chen knew that Baobao Tang was injured, so he couldn't speak anymore, so he had to pick up the burden of the Tang Sect and negotiate with Kong Xi to sign it!
Kong Xi signed the letter neither sad nor happy, his lips moved, and his voice was ethereal, "Tang Chen ruined my Kong family Tianjiao elite battle body! He even swept away the city! Kong Xianmeng is the supervisor of Qiongming College, and Tang Chen is a student, which is no different from a master-disciple Kill teachers and destroy Taoism! The Wenqu Continent cannot be allowed to be arrogant! The Tang Sect cannot be deceived by Tang Chen and help the evildoers!"

Every sentence Kong Xi signed is the mantra of the great sage, and every word is like a flying flower carved from beautiful jade!Following the tone of Kong Xi's signature, endless divine sounds, ups and downs, Gongshangjiao Zhengyu, five-tone music!

"Huh~~~" Tang Chen let out a clear whistle, dispelling the attack of the holy power, ignoring Kong Xi's surprise, and asked sharply: "Business is business! If you destroy my Tang Sect's treasure, you will be compensated! Hurry up and give me an explanation!"

Tang Chen disrupted the rhythm of Kong Xi's lingering divine voice, and suddenly the song was out of tune, like noise!The aura of Kong Xi's signature suddenly weakened, and the rainbow attracted by Kagura quickly collapsed!Only the auspicious clouds under your feet have never disappeared! ...Of course, this is a thousand-meter void, and the sage would fall to his death without Xiangyun!
"Follow the matter urgently! My sage sees your blindness, who are you?"

Tang Chen snorted coldly, and continued to grab the point: "Can a sage change the subject? Talking less is useless! Damaged things need to be compensated! Hurry up! After we hand over to Mengmen and get paid, you can do whatever you want! It has nothing to do with my Tang Sect! Now it's compensation!"

"Compensation? This sage is a great sage! Tang Ying, the Patriarch of the Tang Sect, will bow down when she sees this old man. What are you!" The clay bodhisattva still has a three-point fiery nature, let alone a great sage with a prominent position!Kong Xi's demeanor was in chaos!
"That has to be compensated! It's human nature to respect the old and love the young! Uncle Tang Ying respects etiquette the most! Come up with a compensation plan! Such disputes are not the way to solve the problem!" Tang Chen urged repeatedly, without mercy.He even lowered his head and caressed the few damages that Tang Baobao stepped on, with flesh pain appearing on his face!
Kong Xi rolled his eyes as he signed and signed, and urged angrily: "I don't have time to talk to you, I want to negotiate with the Confucian Mansion for compensation. I am on business this time only to arrest Tang Chen! Hand over Tang Chen quickly! Otherwise, even You punish the crime together!"

Tang Chen narrowed his eyes suddenly, opened them carelessly, and a ray of light suddenly burst out! "I've seen shameless people before, but I've never seen such a fool like you! What does the concubine of the Meng family have to do with the butterfly-clothed flying boat of the Tang family? Do you want to renege on your debt? Tell me, how do you pay? Hand over your treasures and we'll settle the matter." Settle the bill! See if you have enough..."

"Who are you scolding? Crazy! The old man is angry!" Kong Xizhi had never been insulted like this before, and stretched out a big hand as a hood!Tang Chen had been prepared for a long time, hey!Incorporate Dieyi Flying Boat into Ziwei Starfield, an uninhabited planet!Hugging Tang Baobao, chirping!Dodged Kong Xizhu's blow at twice the speed of light, and floated above Kong Xizhu's back.

(End of this chapter)

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