Shushan Wushen

Chapter 875 The Coquettish Little Fan

Chapter 875 The Coquettish Little Fan


"...Tomorrow, Sister She and my other four disciples will go to Wenhua Star as visiting students! One is that I want to merge with the original Chengfu, and the other is that the Mengmen summoned the Yanmen in the name of Wuzhuang. Those family friends in the family will help out, I will not wait for Tang Chen when I wait for brothers and sisters! Come visit Mr. Tang Ying some other day!"

After all, Tang Chen is going to take over as the head of the Wenqu Tang Sect. The Wenqu Tang Sect is the chief rudder of the Big Dipper Starfield, with an absolute position and authority!It's really not appropriate to let Tang Chen take risks and practice!Meng Chengzhen and Meng Chengzhi were reluctant to leave, Meng Wuzhuang, who was eager to see through, bid farewell to Tang Ying and Tang Baobao, and left on the colorful auspicious clouds!

When Tang Chen came out of Ziyun Small World, Meng Wuzhuang had left for a long time!Tang Baobao dragged Tang Chen, who was unhappy and worried, to his utmost relief.Tang Ying nodded secretly, quite agreeable!

"Maintenance is a good thing! Don't give up eating because of choking! But you must learn the Mengmen's art of observing people as soon as possible! It's a good thing for subordinates to fall apart! Subordinates who change their positions based on the situation and interests will never have true loyalty. It’s a backlash! It’s just ordinary! Eternal stop! Don’t be sad! Don’t bother to be sad! Looking at the universe, how vast and vast, there may not be fewer loyal people!”

This is Huang Zhong Dalu, enlightened!Although Tang Chen vaguely felt the essence, he was hesitant.Tang Ying's advice was very timely and necessary, Tang Chen suddenly realized! "Justice (beauty) slaughters more dogs! Ruthlessness is the best way to win people! Sucking the mother's milk and saying that the mother is weak, ruining the family's wealth and complaining about the family's poverty! A pheasant becomes a handsome bird from a phoenix. How dare you laugh that a phoenix is ​​not as good as a chicken!"

"Goodness! Great kindness!" Tang Ying's eyes suddenly lit up, and she unabashedly praised Tang Chen's understanding!Tang Chen not only realized the true meaning, but also pushed the true meaning to it!
In view of Tang Chen completing the purpose of this trip, he has to return to Yanhuang Star to maintain the stability of the situation!In an urgent matter, Tang Ying used Tangmen's unique channel to send an order to all senior officials of Tianshu Tangmen, Tianxuan Tangmen, Tianji Tangmen, Yuheng Tangmen, Yaoguang Tangmen and Kaiyang Tangmen!Tang Chen took over the head of the Tang Sect in the Big Dipper Starfield!Acting as the Patriarch of the Tang Family, Tang Baobao is the director of the Tang Sect, acting as the head of the Tang Sect's collateral children, as well as the Tang Sect's Xiao Panshi and the Tang Sect's background, obeying Tang Chen's command.

Once this order comes out, it means that the power of the Tang Sect belongs to Tang Chen from now on!The reason why Tang Chen is acting as the Patriarch of the Tang Sect is because the Patriarch of the Tang Sect in the Big Dipper Star Region in the future must be the son of Tang Chen and Tang Baobao!Tang Chen is acting on behalf of his son.

All the masters at the helm of the six major divisions have their primordial bodies left in the Ziyun Small World of the Tang Sect.Tang Chen met them one by one, only Yuanshen, the leader of the Kaiyang Tang Sect, was in an important stage of promotion, and Tang Chen didn't see it.However, Tang Wuliang, the Patriarch of Kaiyang Branch of Tang Sect, sent a warm congratulatory letter from Wuqu Continent!And asked the mercenaries to escort over a batch of heavy gifts!
Tang Ying draws up a list, listing all the famous Confucian scholars in the entire Big Dipper Starfield!Send high-level officials from the Tang Sect to negotiate with heavy gifts!As for the aristocratic level of the aristocratic family, Mengmen collected a list and instructed Tang Chen to pay a visit.These are enlightened sages with real talents, even great sages!It is indispensable for Tang Chen to promote universal education!
When Tang Chen left Tang Sect, he first visited Meng Chengru, the Patriarch of Meng Sect.Meng Chengru was extremely close to Tang Chen, of course!There is more or less in it, Tang Chen has become the factor of Tang Sect Patriarch!Meng Chengru even personally led Tang Chen into the treasure house of Mengmen, and gave Tang Chen many precious cultural treasures!Tang Chen was not willing to accept it, but he refused, and just took a few symbolically...

Meng Chengru said angrily: "Brother-in-law! You really make me very angry! I took you into the secret place of treasures, on the one hand, to treat him with courtesy, and more importantly, to Wu Zhuang! Although Wu Zhuang is a direct descendant, there are many people from the Meng family It is a treasure, but it is impossible to accompany it as a dowry! Elder Mengmen’s test, not only the dance makeup is difficult to pass, but even my uncle and I are helpless! You have to understand me! Just choose what you want! Take it back and give it to me. Dance makeup, strong face!"

After speaking, he stuffed another sackcloth to Tang Chen. Tang Chen was shocked, "Is this Mencius's attire?" Meng Chengru smiled, "It's the sackcloth that the ancestor wore when he was promoted to the sub-sage! Meng Mansion Treasure! If you change it into a swaddling baby, my nephew will surely stay away from three disasters and five disasters in the future, and will not be affected by five evils and three shortcomings! He will become a saint soon!"

Tang Chen clicked his tongue repeatedly: "It's too precious! Why don't you keep it for yourself!"

"Let's go!" Meng Chengru stared at Tang Chen with disdain, and teased, "Take out your courage and lend it to me? I don't even dare to lend it to me! The ancestor will come back one day, and he will not kill me if he sees me defiled. I can't! I don't even dare to think about it!" The infinite regret is beyond words!
Tang Chen nodded, "That's right! Brother-in-law's position is here, it really can't be the case! That brother-in-law will be embarrassed! Hehehe!" Tang Chen put the [Yasheng Maiyi] into Ziwei Xingchen's body, and carefully locked it into the leaves. Cute study room.

Meng Chengru took it all together, and brought over a bunch of cultural treasures and Taoist treasures!It is undeniable that the background of Mencius is indeed huge and complicated!Refined magic weapons and body treasures are piled up like a mountain!Tang Chen's eyes were sharp, and he saw a Tianbao!Tianbao is the generation of heaven and earth, and the birth of the universe!Ye Meng's black stick is a heavenly treasure!For Tianbao, Ye Meng specially refined another treasure to cover Tianbao's aura!Tianbao is an artifact!As soon as the artifact came out, the sky and the earth changed color, triggering a vision!Too attention-grabbing!It is inevitable that Xiaoxiao will covet it!
call out!Tang Chen released a burst of spiritual power, grabbed Tianbao in his hand, and gently opened the long and narrow box, "Boom!" Tang Chen suddenly closed his eyes!Why is Tang Chenxiu so powerful?The artifact is really extraordinary!Exude endless divine light!Brilliant and bright as the sun!The coercion is pervasive!In a trance, Tang Chen was able to see clearly the universe structure of countless magic weapons nearby... The circuit diagram of spiritual power operation!

Looking back suddenly, Tang Chen stared at Meng Chengru. Meng Chengru's whole body was covered with white light, and behind him was a big white sun, releasing endless shining holy light!The light has hundreds of feet, soft and extremely gorgeous!There is a sun wheel on the big day, and the soul power is surging!Tang Chen slowly closed his eyes, swish!Opening it again, Meng Chengru's eyes returned to normal!Tang Chen let out a long breath!

"What baby? It's so amazing? Why do I feel that I have mastered another supernatural power?" Tang Chen sighed.Ask knowingly.

Meng Chengru couldn't help feeling amused, and said tauntingly, "Darling brother-in-law! You picked the Mengmen pearl, and touched the most important treasure of the Mengmen town gate. You really have it!"

Tang Chen sneered: "Brother, you're joking! It just so happens that my heart has moved, and I seem to have a feeling somewhere, ha ha!"

"Hey~~" Meng Chengru couldn't help grinning, shook his head and said, "This is the most precious treasure of the Mengmen clan! Do you know the art of knowing people from our Mengmen lineage? Hehe! It all depends on this [Holy Blood Jade Soul Fan]! "

(End of this chapter)

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