Shushan Wushen

Chapter 883 Cleansing the Soul

Chapter 883 Cleansing the Soul


"Peng!" The battle body Tang Chen urged his wings, and the bone wings flapped his fans, and suddenly swept back!He actually faced Princess Tianqin!

Choo Choo Choo!Send out a piercing light burst!Tang Chen flies at the speed of light!Intricate web of threads, chirp chirp chirp!Pass by!Tang Chen vibrated his wings around Princess Tianqin, chirp chirp chirp!Fly up and down!Burst of light!

A series of afterimages!Dazzling!
"Ah! Ah! Ah! Ah!" Princess Tianqin was so frightened that her face turned pale!She didn't expect Tang Chen to be so powerful!In a panic, he flipped his wrist, took out a large handful of talismans, and threw them at Tang Chen!
"Does it work?" Tang Chen teased, his eyes full of sarcasm!With a wave of his hand, he unleashed a force of good fortune, rolled up the talisman into a ball, and threw it to Ziweixing's ordnance!There is a talisman master for the imperial use!Specialized in manufacturing recycling!
"Oh? Ahhh~~" Princess Tianqin gritted her teeth and took out a light slip!Hesitating and reluctant to crush it!This is what her parents left her to save her life!Crushing the Light Jane will create a space channel!The Tiandi couple will burn their cultivation base and return to Princess Tianqin in an instant!Tian Qin is well aware of the preciousness of this item, and also understands the harm to her father, queen, and queen...

Princess Tianqin comes from a superior background, she likes to pursue novelty and excitement, she is extravagant and willful!Weird temperament, doing things upside down!It is the so-called not playing cards according to the routine!

Tian Qin has a very awesome father!Heavenly Emperor Yu Haoran!Cultivate the supreme skill of the human race [Red Dust Myriad Tribulation Sutra]!Yu Haoran has gone through ten thousand calamities and can break the red dust and become the emperor!But Tian Qin made the Heavenly Emperor and his wife a laughingstock!Princess Tianqin can be called a lingering nightmare!Therefore, the Emperor of Heaven cannot even escape!

Gods have different ways!Heavenly Emperor Yu Haoran once made a plan to Tian Qin: "If it is true love! You can lead the Cowherd to step into the Dao of Zhenwu! After the Cowherd succeeds in building a foundation, cut off the hair and wash the marrow, and eliminate the five disadvantages and three deficiencies, you will become a Taoist couple with the Cowherd. Isn't it a beautiful thing? It is worthy of praise for future generations!"

However, Tianqin is addicted to desire and cannot extricate herself!I'm afraid that the cowherd will suffer from the real martial arts!It is even more subject to the routine of the bull god, and self-deprecating to the mortal world!He even gave birth to two children for the cowherd, breaking the foundation of the divine way and breaking the root of the gods!Where is true love?

Many idlers in the secular world are envious of the Cowherd's leap to the sky!All arouse the desire to get something for nothing, with ulterior motives!

Crazy praise to Princess Tianqin's spirit of pursuing true love!Even talking about it in the streets and alleys, writing a book and talking about it!Big compliments!Trying to encourage more goddesses to find a partner in the mortal world!Make some idle young people at the bottom of the rivers and lakes turn around with the help of their wives!

Sure enough, the deception of public opinion made Tiandi's younger sister, Tianqin's aunt, resolutely marry, and also married a common man named Dong Yong!

only the guy drinking water knows it's cold or hot!Although Tian Qin is headstrong, she is not stupid, but it is too late to react!The divine way collapsed, and the roots of the gods were cut off!If it weren't for the Emperor of Heaven willingly accepting the punishment of God in order to protect his beloved daughter's eternal life!The Emperor of Heaven has already transcended!
At this moment, in order to teach Tang Chen a lesson, Princess Tianqin's temper came up again!But after endless years of experience, he finally has a little understanding of the ways of the world!hesitate!Hesitation is a kind of progress!For Princess Tianqin, it is quite rare!
Tang Chen's spiritual consciousness is at the micro level of chaos!Glancing at the light slip, there was a hint of the blood of the original source, and he reminded: "If what the Holy Spirit predicts is correct, this light slip is the life of the Emperor of Heaven! I have no malicious intentions! From now on, you and I will not violate the river. ? Farewell!"

call out!
Tang Chen flapped his bone wings, turned into a streamer and flew to the south!
"Saint stay!...Otherwise...otherwise I will crush the light slip!" Princess Tianqin gritted her teeth and caught up with Tang Chen!

Tang Chen didn't know whether to laugh or cry, "Your Highness, please go back! The end of the Dharma Era is approaching, and you have cut off your divine roots. Keep your spiritual wisdom and wait for the will of the universe to forgive you!"

Princess Tianqin was taken aback: "What? Why do you say exactly what my father said?"

Looking at Princess Tianqin's astonished eyes, Tang Chen couldn't help trembling in his heart, how does this look like a mother of two children?She is clearly a little girl who knows nothing about the world!Cowherds are not evil!
"Gods are different! Gods are different! You have shamed Emperor Yu! You have become the laughing stock of the Zhenwu world! Wake up! Don't deceive yourself and others!" Tang Chen respected the emperor of heaven, unleashed the supreme coercion of the dragon clan, and was enlightened !Cleanse Princess Tianqin's sanity.

Princess Tianqin's slender peach blossom eyes gradually subsided, revealing elegant double eyelids, curled lazy eyelashes like blooming willow branches, gradually standing upright... "嚄!" It's like a rooster crowing loudly!

Its daybreak!Princess Tianqin's heart is peaceful and clear!Waking up like a dream!Every pore of the body reveals endless comfort!There is no trace of spring in the eyes, but bright and stunning!If the teeth are as bright as the moon!

"Know etiquette! Know benevolence and righteousness! Know shame! Know how to advance and retreat! If you hear the truth in the morning, you will die in the evening! Does Your Royal Highness know?" Tang Chen's spiritual sense was a little tired!The daughter of the Emperor of Heaven, how can it be so easy to wake up?It is necessary to [wash the soul and cleanse the soul]!Tang Chen even expended... the power of spirit!

Princess Tianqin, suddenly felt dizzy!It turned out to be involuntarily spinning in the void!Countless absurd and unbearable pictures, whoosh!Flashed in an instant!Princess Tianqin's face was as green as a devil for a while!All of a sudden pink as spring!It was pale for a while, and red as blood for a while!

Self-examination to enlightenment!Under Tang Chen's guidance, Tian Qin [cleaned the soul] repeatedly observed herself!As an outsider, re-examine your former self!It was very clear at the beginning, gradually became a little chaotic, and it became more and more chaotic!It's getting more and more ridiculous!It's getting worse and worse...!Tian Qin wanted to escape countless times!She didn't want to see her original self again!

But Tang Chen's soul power firmly imprisoned her consciousness!Control her thinking consciousness!must see!Must think!Must face the past!Must face the absurd!must……!After a long time, the nightmare-like past is finally finished!

Look again!

After reading it, watch it again!
After three times, Tian Qin's eyes were full of tears, her expression was bleak, and she knelt down in the air! "Master, please accept the worship of the unbearable disciple Tian Qin [Dispelling Puzzles]!"

Tang Chen didn't go to help Tian Qin, and let Tian Qin worship three times and knock nine times!That's it for my father!What's more, the disciple who insisted on coming up!With the face of the Emperor of Heaven, it's good to have a good relationship!
There are three kinds of masters, [teacher of preaching], [teacher of karma], [teacher of dispelling doubts]!Preaching, teaching, that is what the master must do!As for [Dispelling Puzzles], an ordinary master is out of the question!It's not because I don't want to solve the confusion, but because I don't have the ability!So you can be called a mentor if you solve puzzles!

The master leads the door, and the practice is in the individual!Personal effort is subjective initiative, but objective factors are crucial!There are correct insights on issues that involve individuals looking at them from various angles!Without a good teacher who solves doubts, no matter how hard one tries, it will be a blur!

(End of this chapter)

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