Shushan Wushen

Chapter 886 Seeing the Dragon in the Field

Chapter 886 Seeing the Dragon in the Field


Tang Chen's reputation has completely rotted!The media said with certainty that Tang Chen was infected with the most terrifying virus!Everyone knows that the media is slandering Tang Chen!But who dares to clarify?

Ye Kang even wrote a book "Tang Chen's Unbearable", accompanied by many unpublished photos of Tang Chen!The writers of the former Chenmeng were recruited to promote soft articles, and through the channel relationship of the former Chenmeng, they were published vigorously!

The book "Tang Chen's Unbearable" has become the best-seller list for several consecutive years!Overnight, a large number of small printing workshops rose up, and countless people made them, or they got rich by selling pirated copies!financial freedom!Reach the pinnacle of life!
The impoverished Ye Kang, with nothing to lose, petitioned everywhere all day long, calling for the protection of intellectual property rights...

In the entertainment program, Tang Chen was blatantly described as a crook!Invisibly, Mu Yanling became a deceptive decoration!However, Mu Yanling never complained!
On the wedding night in the bridal chamber, Tang Chen put a ring on Mu Yanling's ring finger!

Tang Chen didn't tell her that this was the Ye Meng Muyan Lingjia specially refined for her by Ziweixing Ordnance Department!He didn't even tell her that there are ten thousand elites of Ye Meng's army hidden in Ye Meng's Muyan Ling armor, who will personally protect her life!Take turns instilling the aura of heaven and earth into her!Make her live forever!Let her soul live forever!

One month after the wedding, Muyan Ling woke up very early that day!

Tang Chen narrowed his eyes suddenly, and then he was relieved again!
At noon, a group of real estate brokers came in from the manor!Bring in a few sightseeing buses!There was a fight!In the end, eight masters with bruised noses and swollen faces signed contracts and swiped cards on the spot, and bought eight villas!

In the evening, until a year later, Mu Yanling did not come back!

Three years later, a house owner apologized and drove Tang Chen out of the ninth villa by showing the real estate certificate!
Tang Chen sat in the pavilion by the manor's swimming pool for a whole month!

The owner of a ninth villa says the swimming pool drowned his family's pet turtle!

Almost at the same time, Qin Qiong and Shi Zhongyu appeared again!The swimming pool is also filled!Logically, the poolside pavilion was pulled out!

The gardener of the estate would say, "an unsightly sight"...

"Five years!" Tang Chen reached out and took a swirling snow maple leaf, and shook his hair!With spiritual power, the dust on his body was shaken away!Twist the ground!

all of a sudden...

"Tang Chen!" A large nanny car opened the door!

Li Yiqi shook his bloated figure, and suddenly appeared in front of Tang Chen!Tang Chen saw two mixed-race babies sitting in Li Yiqi's car!Li Yiqi left behind a wad of money and a set of clothes, covered his mouth and cried, and got into the magic car!

"Boom!" The 12-cylinder gasoline engine roared harshly!Leave slowly!
The Tang Sect went bankrupt! 【Source】The magic car has become the best in the world!
Oil prices soared!A large amount of precious [Chaos Spiritual Liquid], the most primitive and destructive type of humble burning!
Tang Chen pinched a letter left by Li Yiqi, didn't open it, it turned into flames!There is a section in the letter explaining for Mu Yanling, Mu Yanling was on a certain flight... and felt ashamed of Tang Chen!Feeling unworthy to grow old with Tang Chen!so...

There is no need..., the years have been given bit by bit, and the years will be taken away bit by bit!Fate is like quicksand in an hourglass, it will eventually be lost by the years!

Wen Ruyu finally bravely appeared from behind the snow maple tree!Carrying an insulated lunch box in my hand...

Tang Chen smiled calmly, showing his neat teeth: "You're finally willing to show your face! I'm leaving! I'm afraid I won't be able to stay with you for another month!"

Guigu glanced at Yuanshen Tang Chen, and warned: "After I go, you must hide yourself! 'Zu A Fang' is overcast!" Then he shook the huge dragon body and turned a circle in the air, "Boom!" Throw down a magic weapon! "Let's use it for you! I can't use your soldiers!"

With a smile on his lips, Yuanshen Tang Chen picked up the big hand of the magic weapon, "It doesn't matter whether the hands fit together or not! The important thing is the divine body! Those belong to my five wives!"

"Ho ho ho, I have to give it to you sooner or later! If I do this, don't I look like a dragon? Let's go! Slay the dragon and drink blood! Hehehe..."

Guigu shook his head and tail, triumphantly!Whoosh!just disappeared!

"Did I miss it again?" Wen Ruyu was no longer in her prime!Crow's feet were faintly exposed at the corners of his eyes, he hesitated to hug Tang Chen, and considered whether it was appropriate!

Tang Chen said with a smile: "I'm hungry! I want to finish this meal before leaving! Is that okay?"


Wen Ruyu was startled, and suddenly revealed surprise, but she couldn't find a suitable dining place after looking around.

She was shy and shy like a girl, wiggling her limbs while holding the thermos.

According to Tang Chen's personality in the past, Tang Chen would say, let this group member or this general test your cooking skills or something.But Tang Chen's inquiring tone made Wen Ruyu realize that something... was not quite right——

"Just here! It's okay!"

Tang Chen sat down cross-legged generously.

Wen Ruyu stopped being hypocritical, and resolutely sat side by side next to Tang Chen.

Grinning and looking at Tang Chen, he lowered his head to open the insulated lunch box.

Tang Chen looked at Wen Ruyu's trembling hands due to excitement, and sighed softly.

Wen Ruyu asked in a voice thinner than a mosquito: "I'm about to leave, why are you sighing? Are you reluctant?" As soon as the words came out, I regretted it!Shaking his neck in shame!

"The neck smells so good! It's bright red!" Tang Chen teased deliberately to ease his dullness.

Wen Ruyu stared at Tang Chen angrily, "I said I made it for you with my own hands, do you believe it?" After speaking, he took a piece of roast goose neck and put it in Tang Chen's bowl.

Seeing that Tang Chen didn't intend to move his chopsticks, Wen Ruyu couldn't help being a little disappointed.

Bold enough to look at Tang Chen's eyes, suddenly realized!

Immediately, his face was glowing with clouds!
The bitter autumn wind, cool business attire...

Tang Chen agreed!Wen Ruyu put it on specially for Tang Chen.

"Lugou must be on fire!" Tang Chen commented solemnly.

"As long as you like..." Wen Ruyu bowed her head like a giraffe, she couldn't help being ashamed!

Time is a road that cannot be turned back.

Wen Ruyu hugged her knees, and leaned slightly on Tang Chen's shoulder with her body tilted. Neither of them spoke, the gentleness spread like mist on the top of a mountain!The lights of thousands of families down the mountain are reflected in the eyes...

five years!Tang Chen's heart felt warm for the first time!
"I already have a tenth wife, do you mind?" Tang Chen unconsciously moved his mind, and softly tested.

"Of course I mind!"

The corners of Wen Ruyu's mouth were slightly grinned, her big beautiful eyes were a little steamy, she forced a smile, and pretended to speak casually.

At this moment, her heart was aching, it was a blunt and sharp rusty knife slowly cutting!
Life is a meeting and a forgetting, and it will eventually become the scenery of the years.There is no season that can withstand the bland fleeting years!
A smile appeared on the corner of Tang Chen's mouth, "I let you down very much!"

(End of this chapter)

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