Shushan Wushen

Chapter 905: Restart the universe for her

Chapter 905: Restart the universe for her


Yan Shisan took it as his duty to harass Ye Mengrou all his life and fight Ye Meng to a duel!Perseverance, loyalty!

Fortunately, Ye Meng and his wife are very human, and thinking of Yan Shisan as an old friend, they have no choice but to feel Yan Shisan's haunting spirit, so as not to hurt their old friendship!
Not only that, but Yan Shisan's cultivation base is low due to the complicated situation of star-hunting.I'm afraid that Yan Shisan will be accidentally killed.Ye Meng and Ye Meng collected a large number of high-level talismans in private!Give this product from time to time, life-saving!attack!escaped!To deal with all kinds of realms..., there is everything!

well!Who would have thought that Yan Shisan... was so confused, this time he played too much!

"Take it!" Ye Meng shouted in a low voice.

Ye Meng's black city shrank rapidly, and flew to Ye Meng's palm!It turned out to be a magic weapon!Ye Meng caressed the cracks on Ye Meng's black city distressedly, "The aura of destroying the world is too powerful!" Tang Chen sighed.The divine sense swept into Ye Meng's black city, and it went unimpeded all the way!No hang ups!

Raised his eyes and scanned the surroundings, the air was filled with death!Obviously [Xinmao Plane] has fallen!However, Yan Shisan's body was densely covered with spiritual masks, layer after layer!All right!Tang Chen was taken aback, "Damn! Yan Shisan is still alive!"

Ye Meng smiled wryly: "Protective talismans! High-level ones! Yan Shisan has a lot of them! I specially asked the emperor-level talisman master to get them for him!"

Tang Chen instantly petrified!Muttering: "The truth is actually like this!"

Ye Meng twisted her neck as if laughing at herself: "Let's go! Go home first! If you don't go to the old one, you won't come to the new one! I've been thinking about it for a long time, and I want to grab a bright star! This time it's all right! Make room for it. Already!"

Ye Mengrou stared at Ye Meng gratefully, and couldn't bear it: "But, but my lord, [Xinmao Plane] your birthplace!"

"Don't think so much! It's good that people are fine! It's better than anything else!" Ye Meng looked at Ye Mengrou dotingly, "Your blue-faced confidant, it's lucky that you're fine!" She put her arms in her arms, as if There is infinite sadness: "The lifespan of a real warrior is almost infinite! How many old people have left us one by one! They have left, and they will never come back!"

"That's right! They're gone, and they won't come back! ... The old friend will only want less and less!"

Shuyue Pagoda.

space inside the tower.

Ling Xiao Memorial Hall.

At this moment, in the study room, among a pile of messy books!
Tang Chen was concentrating on it, he was hungry and thirsty!Tang Chen is a person who loves reading. At this moment, he really has the meaning of a tiger going deep into the mountains and a fish returning to the sea.

Working tirelessly, forgetting to eat and sleep, reading is in the dark!Tang Chen even believed that Ling Xiao himself had never read so many books!Because some books have no trace of flipping at all!Many people bought books and sent them to the study room just to collect them and make them look good, which Tang Chen would not be ashamed of!
Most of the books Tang Chen has read have been turned to pieces!The pagoda god Xiaosan grinned when she saw it!I really feel bad!Tang Chen didn't take it seriously, books are for reading!Reading, after reading, keeping it in your heart is the kingly way!There is no point in expecting to read on later!The book is considered a waste of time!What a waste of time!
"Master, read this book! You can't read it badly! Do you understand me? Master?..." Pagoda God Xiaosan handed the scroll of the divine book to Tang Chen.

Tang Chen just closed a book in his hand, and took it over, wow!It turned over two pages in a row!

Of the two majestic divine scriptures, one collapsed from the top!One bumped into Tang Chen from behind!Tang Chen was caught off guard, startled, shook his hand, and turned another page, boom!In the distance, a sacred book Lingbi arrived accidentally!Only now did Tang Chen come back to his senses!
Rubbing the jade tablet in his hand, comparing it with the treasure scroll of the divine book, it is a prophecy and an ode with illustrations!
The illustration shows a low city tower, with two people in front holding sticks, and two people behind pushing a cart with a canopy on it, and one person sitting upright.Straight figure.

The prophecy said: Not all are capitals, not the emperor is the emperor.The haze is gone, and the sun and the moon are shining again.The song said: The two capitals are towering with big flags, and the chariot is going east again today.The universe recreates the happiness of the people, and peace will be seen in one or two years.

Tang Chen pondered the prophecies and odes, and the words seemed to have the meaning of recovery, disaster elimination, and rebuilding ZTE!Suddenly, with a flash of inspiration, the figure of the person in the car, Tang Xiong?That temperament is exactly the same as that of Tang Yingxiong today!
Shu is not the imperial capital, but it is occupied by the Tang Sect.Tang Xiong, as the former leader of the star field, even though he does not have the name of an emperor, he has the reality of an emperor!

hiss!Looking at the two people who are in charge of the support, the more they look, the more familiar they are!His eyes flickered, it turned out that it was him and Ye Mengrou!Aren't the two people behind absentmindedly pushed away by Tang Liang and Tian Dao Luo Tian!

Tang Chen and Tang Zhiyun hold sticks with open fire and rebuild the Tang Sect!Although Tang Liang and Tiandao Luotian set up many obstacles, they unexpectedly added fuel to the flames!Let the action of killing demons float on the surface of the water and make it public!

Scenes passed by, and the divine book Lingbi was like a video VCR, quickly playing frame by frame!Until Tang Chen punched [Overbearing] to destroy the interstellar warships of the extraterrestrial demons!Stop abruptly!

Afterwards, the picture was blurred, and two characters [Jisi] appeared on the jade bib of the divine book!
The illustrations in the divine book returned to their original state and became plain again!

The original illustrations are so amazing!Tang Chen was quite emotional in his heart!The reason why I was able to open this page of the divine book this time should have something to do with my own fate!
Dragon blood is immortal, and dragon soul is immortal!
Tang Chen [Jisi Plane] awakened Tang Zhiyun, and with the huge influence of the Chen League and the almost astronomical worldly wealth in his hands, helped the Tang Sect rise again!It is in response to the recovery, the elimination of disasters, and the meaning of rebuilding ZTE!
As for ['Overbearing' Demon Extermination].

Tang Chen thinks; precisely because of his awakening, the Tang Chen in [Jisi Plane] actually no longer exists!

"Huh?" Tang Chen thought about it for a second, so wouldn't the [Ultimate Plane] be...

Sure enough, there was a picture of [Gengwu Plane] in the divine book Yubi in his hand, and the VCR playing frame by frame was the scene of [Ultimate Plane] Tang Chen slaying the dragon to save the world, and Xue Mastiff to destroy the world!
On the screen, Tang Chen was dressed in the uniform of the special forces of the Space Bureau, his blond hair was stained with blood, and his might was on display!Reminiscent of God of War!Slay the dragon and drink blood!Leveling up... Forming a team... Pulling up mountains... The Snow Mastiff swallowed stars one after another, gave birth to white wings, greedily ate the boundless fat, fell into a slumber after being poisoned by nature, and stopped abruptly!

Tang Chen compares the treasure scroll of the divine book, staring at the illustrations; dressed in a warrior short jacket, holding a struggling little dragon in his mouth, isn't it the [Ultimate Plane] Tang Chen!

Gengwu Lingbi, the prophecy said: "Jing festivals are full of my eyes, and mountains and rivers are full of my feet."The arrival of the breaker suddenly made the Central Plains cry.The song said: Ants have never broken the embankment, and the six palaces are locked in a dream.The golden drum of the heavy gate contains the spirit of soldiers, and the grass breeds and crows.


Tang Chen was filled with emotions!

Time delay Chen Ye judged based on some information he had, that the [Ultimate Plane], that is, the [Gengwu Plane], the huge number of monsters are the animal pets of the big figures in the [Demon Killing Plane]!Those pets were bewitched by the Mantle Prophet, and they used [Shadow Art] to steal the owner's great luck, great luck!The demon-slaying plane fell, and the beasts and pets also flooded into the [Ultimate Plane] The evil spirit is soaring, doing evil things!

'Jing Festival is full of my eyes, and mountains and rivers are full of my feet. ' It's about [Demon Killing Plane] Prepare your troops and prepare for battle!

"The arrival of the breaker suddenly made the Central Plains cry. 'It's about; [Demon Killing Plane] The destruction of the world is too sudden, and the monsters exploded in a hurry!Backlash against the master, poisoning the living beings!

(End of this chapter)

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