Shushan Wushen

Chapter 907 The Power of Ye Meng

Chapter 907 The Power of Ye Meng


Obviously, the Hunting God World is an extremely civilized plane!Tang Chen had no concept of clothes, but Tang Zhiyun and Xue Xiaolian were different! "That robe is so pretty! Go ahead and buy hundreds of pieces for my husband!"

Marshal Xiao Dingyang's mouth twitched, and he kindly reminded: "Mrs. Lin, fashion is extremely expensive! What we consume is time-sensitive! Usually, we buy it and wear it out for a show once. After participating in a certain occasion, this fashion can't be bought. I want it again! No one is willing to wear it out for a second show, it's a joke!..."

"...Of course, this is just the unspoken fashion rule of the hunting god world. If you go to other star fields, I really don't know what to pay attention to! Don't blame me for talking too much! Hohoho!"

"Taught me! Thank you!..." Xue Xiaolian was born as a bounty hunter in the Starfield of the Hunting God, how could she not understand the unspoken rules of the nobility?With a flick of the palm, a piece of briquette suddenly appeared! "...But! This princess has too many chaos crystals! It's dirty! Aijia has a cleanliness!"

In an instant, Xue Xiaolian's white and soft catkin became the focus of the audience!Countless fiery gazes were cast on that pitch-black briquette!Envious!

Xiao Dingyang was at a loss for words: "Except for local tyrants! Exception for local tyrants!..."

The Hunting God Palace is the largest, most majestic, and most luxurious building in the Hunting God World!From a distance, you can see the green glazed tiles!

Tang Batian was born in the God of Hunting and made his fortune in Lin Xing. He robbed houses, robbed roads, swindled, kidnapped and extorted, and worked hard to open up the entire God of Hunting Star Territory!But he never forgot his roots, so the shape of the whole palace is like a big tree rising straight from the sky!The huge canopy, that is, the roof of the palace, stretches for hundreds of millions of miles!

Hunting God Palace, on both sides of the entrance of Jinshui Bridge, there are three steps for one post and five steps for one post.A group of people landed at the head of the Jinshui bridge in a mighty manner, and were immediately surrounded and interrogated!

"Stop coming! Please show the imperial edict!"

Ye Meng suddenly changed color!He raised his jaw, "Look for yourself!"

Following Ye Meng's chin, the portrait of King Ye gone!Ye Meng looked at the empty space on the city wall at the other end of Jinshui Bridge, and was dumbfounded!
"Where's my portrait? Where's my portrait of King Ye Meng? Who removed it?"

The Dragon King has long been unwilling to be in power, and his only hope is to send Ye Meng to the horse and help him along the way!So for endless years, the entire Hunting God Starfield has known that King Ye Meng is the future Hunting God Great Emperor!Therefore, Ye Meng's portraits and photos are all over the entire star field!It was even hung on the lintel of the Hunting God Palace!
"Prince Ye Meng, you can ask Queen Qingostiao! Now in the entire star field, who doesn't know that Queen Zhao Qingostiao is covering the sky with one hand! Don't believe me," a guard of the Imperial Forest Army reminded cautiously. "Ask Marshal Xiao, Marshal Hua... ummmmm—"

"Dare to speak ill of the green ostrich queen, die!"

The Imperial Forest Army that Ye Meng kindly reminded, stared at incredible big eyes, tightly clutched his throat, and fell down softly...

"In front of Chu Jun Ye Mengwang, you still dare to commit murder? How courageous!" Yang Shuping yelled angrily, Phew!He caught the assailant soldier like lightning, sealed his cultivation, and threw it at Ye Meng's feet!
"I am the green ostrich guard! I am in charge of inspectors! What is my duty, my lord, Marshal Yang..."

"Indiscriminate killing of fellow robes! Die!" Ye Meng shook her head, and kicked the imperial forest soldier into a blood mist with a light kick!Hua Wulei hurriedly sliced ​​through the void, dispelling the blood mist!That Imperial Forest Army seemed to have never survived!
"There's a lot of mystery in this matter! It's better to be careful! It's better to go to Ye Mengxing first, find out the situation, and then make a decision! Don't be in a hurry!" Tang Chen quickly sent a voice transmission to Ye Meng.

Ye Meng didn't reply, but shook her head as if inadvertently, which meant that Ye Meng didn't take the so-called Queen Zhao Qingxuan seriously at all!
"Where did a green ostrich queen appear?" Ye Meng murmured to herself, stepping up to the Golden Water Bridge!
"Zhao Qingxuan, canonized five years ago, the Dragon King is extremely favored!" An Shoudao, Hua Wulei, Yang Shuping, Xiao Dingyang almost simultaneously transmitted voices to Ye Meng.Ye Meng's ancient well is silent, and no one can see his thoughts.

"His Majesty King Ye Meng stays..."

"His Majesty Ye Meng please stay..."

The sound of mountains and tsunami spread instantly, Ye Meng paused, and couldn't help squinting her eyes, "My son of the Tang family!... Forget it! You... all cut yourself off!" The voice was not loud, but it was enough to make people kneel down A large group of Imperial Forest Army could hear clearly.

"Thank you His Majesty King Yemeng for bestowing death!"

"Thank you His Majesty King Yemeng for bestowing death!"

"Thank you His Majesty King Yemeng for bestowing death!"

call out!call out!call out!
Sure enough, he is a good hunter!Good son of the Tang family!One after another, the guards of the imperial forest army swung their waist knives and slashed their necks to death!

At the moment before death, instead of showing no fear on his face, there was a look of relief on the contrary!

This is their glory!The soldiers of the Tang family, whether they are the Batian army or the Ye Meng army, their dignity is above everything else!How precious is life in front of dignity!No profanity!
Although they were not to blame, after all they obeyed the orders of the leader of the Imperial Forest Army, but they could not escape the crime of being a tiger's minion and helping the evildoers!

What Ye Meng left for them is an extremely precious decency!This is the most deeply maintained!The so-called loving soldiers like sons is probably true!

Ye Meng waved her hand, and the city in her palm landed on Batian Square opposite!Impressively, it was Ye Meng's black city!Ye Meng's black city was running automatically, gradually towering, like a revived beast with its ferocious mouth open.

Tang Chen looked at Ye Meng's Black City, which had shrunk countless times, and suddenly narrowed his eyes... That familiar feeling came to mind again...

The soul of the imperial forest army who killed himself, whoosh!Whoosh!Whoosh!Floating into Ye Meng's black city!
The wandering souls outside the city will enter the city to die!The "ghosts" in the city are about to come out!
Yan Shisan, with his chest in his arms and his back pulled out, his waist straight, his hands clenched into fists, one punch at his waist, one punch soaring to the sky!With a stomp of his feet, he flew out of Ye Meng's black city in the posture of a superman!The moment Ye Meng's black city forbidden air formation was touched!Yan Shisan had a section of black bark around his waist, with a flash of black light, unimpeded!
privilege!An exclusive privilege belonging to Yan Shisan of "Longering Souls"!
"Bound Yan Shisan with the sword, hanging the order of Shushan Mountain at the waist!" This is the exclusive standard configuration of Yan Shisan, the most powerful character in Ye Meng's Black City!Star Pirates know it!If you see it from a distance, you will avoid it. It's not that you can't beat it, but you can't provoke it!
Ye Meng ignored Yan Shisan and strode across the Jinshui Bridge!The guards of the Batian Gate have already retreated, guarding the Meridian Gate!

"Brother Shisan, are you okay! Here, your sword!" Seeing Yan Shisan approaching, Ye Mengrou handed over a space ring.Yan Shisan took it in a big way, recognized the master with a drop of blood, took out the big golden sword, and shook his hand——

(End of this chapter)

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