Shushan Wushen

Chapter 914 Kicking an idiot in the alley

Chapter 914 Kicking an idiot in the alley


Tang Zhiyun and the others repeatedly inquired about [source]'s inscription carving methods, and the factory took the trouble to answer Tang Zhiyun's questions in detail without reservation.

It was a coal gangue the size of a fingernail!It is densely packed and covered with inscription patterns!Don't underestimate the energy of this coal gangue!Inscribed with the upper guide energy inscription, that is enough for a single-person space shuttle to travel a hundred light-years!

One hundred light years later, the energy of the coal gangue has weakened, and then a drop of [Chaos Spiritual Liquid] will be added, which is the oil on Yanhuang Planet!Lasting a thousand light years!
"We Yanhuang Star people are so prodigal! They are still destroying a lot of Chaos spar and Chaos liquid!" Cuiyan Shenzi Aiwu and Wu Nuqibuqi, with regret on their faces!At that time, the five sons of their gods were refined by Tang Chen into the [Hand of Creation]. Without themselves, they could not refine the [Chaos Crystal] and [Chaos Spiritual Liquid]!
Now Tang Chen returned the divine body to them, but unfortunately, the five of them have already left the Yanhuang Starfield!Missing the opportunity, he couldn't help feeling sad, and looked at Tang Chen angrily.

Tang Chen shook his head and smiled, hugged them one by one, and comforted him: "Don't do this! We will go back again! Don't worry!"

"Then remember, you will bring us back to the Yanhuang Starfield!" Tang Chen made a promise, and God Zi Cuiyan asked for a confession, and then everyone broke into laughter.

Tang Chen glanced at Ye Mengrou, who was smiling like a flower, Ye Mengrou giggled, and went to accompany Tang Zhiyun.How could she not understand Tang Chen's reproach!After all, the coolest five goddesses were forced by her, Ye Mengrou, to Tang Chen!
The biggest hobby of women is shopping!
Everywhere he went, after visiting the army, factories, and private schools, Tang Chen's eight wives would go shopping!Anyone who enters Fayan will buy them all!

Ye Meng Wang Tangchen felt that this was not good, otherwise it would cause inflation!Second, the impact is not good!
Works together!Every move of the royal family and the royal family will undoubtedly cause the aristocracy to follow suit and form a fashion!Once the royal family's scale is not well grasped, the nobles will desperately exploit the common people in the fief!Shameless and absurdly set up a name to increase all kinds of taxes!Extravagance.

The so-called desire is hard to fill!The aristocrats are too greedy for pleasure, even do not hesitate to plunder, and compete with the people for profit by any means, then they are not far from extinction!

Therefore, every time Tang Chen travels with beauty, he will change his appearance and make up, browse first, look at the products, write down the name of the store, and then make a unified purchase, and leave immediately after buying!Leave no clues!
However, the auction may be able to use this routine!

Purple Pleiades, Xiaoxiao Auction House.

"Dear thieves! I believe everyone knows that the Emperor Star of our Hunting God Starfield is Batian Star. Not long ago, there was an extremely tragic big explosion! Many buildings collapsed because of it! That big explosion caused countless casualties !"

The interstellar pirates under the auction stage immediately whispered to each other, and the star pirates began to discuss, who doesn't have three relatives and six friends?Everyone sighs...

The host of the auction house on the stage looked around the star thieves calmly, feeling that the atmosphere was getting up, and continued to talk warmly: "Later, according to reliable sources, we learned that the center of the big explosion was the The void located outside the Hunting God Palace!"

"...Dear thieves, have you ever thought about it! Why are so many buildings collapsed, but the Hunting God Palace is safe and sound? Why? Good! Let me tell you thieves the answer!..."

"...God City! Emperor-level God City! Hunting God Palace! That is the Emperor-level God City in the Chaos Realm..."

In the box upstairs, Tang Chen felt that the host was a bit long-winded, and every time he created the atmosphere to whet his appetite, it was a waste of time!Quite impatient!
"Yunyun, what do you think they are going to auction?"

Tang Zhiyun grabbed the auction album and handed it to Tang Chen. "Looking at the picture album is useless, just take a picture if you like it! We are not short of Chaos spar!"

"Okay! The rich princess! Do whatever you want..." Tang Chen shrugged helplessly and took the album.

Xiaoxiao Auction House is very careful in its work. The paper used in the album is not ordinary, and the illustrations are exquisite, comparable to the real thing!The following text introduces the city of God in great detail!

"Heavenly Emperor-level innate talent magic weapon! Time Castle, how to use it, aura input! Embed the crystal core of a monster! And use the source of the inscription pattern." The source of the inscription pattern is the chaotic spar engraved with the inscription pattern of the formation! ...

"...The Time Castle can support a thousand times the speed of time at most, a thousand years in an instant? Hiss..." Tang Chen's gaze suddenly changed when he touched this text!Take a breath!
For at least 5000 years, there has been no magic weapon of time appearing in the auction market in the Starfield of the Hunting God!Tang Chen and Ye Meng's avatar had waited thousands of years for this!The magic weapon of time is really too precious!I dare not show my head easily!
The magic weapon of time can appear in the auction this time!Ye Mengwang Tang Chen's achievements are extremely great!

"The green ostrich queen monopolizes power, and Tang Chen's return to the palace is blocked! Long Yan wiped out the green ostrich guards in a fit of rage, without stopping for half a step, killing emperor-level masters with every move, as easily as killing chickens and sheep!"

Once spread, the star thieves immediately regained their sense of security in the Hunting God Starfield!
Tang Chen's heart was shocked, and he glanced at Ye Mengrou. Sure enough, Ye Mengrou frowned, her beautiful eyes were blank, and she seemed to be worried!A playful smile appeared from the corner of Tang Chen's mouth.Shaking his head, he then flipped through the album...

"In the city of God, there are nine time castles, which can be disassembled and sold!

If you want the whole city of God, you need to divide it into ten times and take pictures one by one!No matter what happens, the Xiaoxiao Auction House is not responsible for guaranteeing the possibility of a complete transaction in Shencheng as a whole!

The overall dispersion of Shencheng has nothing to do with the Xiaoxiao Auction House, and the Xiaoxiao Auction House is not responsible for it! ..."

Tang Chen looked at a lot of disclaimers on the album!He stretched out his hand to call Ye Mengrou, patted his thigh to let Ye Mengrou sit in his arms, and whispered.

"The magic weapon of speeding up time is so hard to find! It has never appeared in the past few thousand years! The overall auction is bound to be a little manpower-sufficient! Selling it separately, it will definitely be hard to beat! This Xiaoxiao Auction is really good Calculation, good trick!"

Ye Mengrou pursed her lips and smiled, and leaned into Tang Chen's ear: "I don't care about anything else! In the worst case, I'll see who takes the picture, find someone to follow! Get rid of it! Grab it!"

"No! This is our territory after all, it's not easy for him to do it on An Shoudao!" Tang Chen stopped Ye Mengrou with his words.

Ye Mengrou is extremely good at shooting black bricks!My favorite thing to do is play sap!
Yanhuang Xingyu Ye Mengrou's screen name is "Beat a Fool in the Alley"!All my life, I love to play black hands and make dark tricks!

The reason why Tang Chen deliberately called Ye Mengrou and let Ye Mengrou sit on his lap was because he noticed Ye Mengrou's carelessness.

"Okay! If I knew you were blocking me, I would have sat far away from you! Hmph!"

(End of this chapter)

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