Shushan Wushen

Chapter 916 National Brother-in-Law

Chapter 916 National Brother-in-Law


"Liuguang Castle, I am bound to win it!"

Yang Kangri's voice was hoarse and obscure, making it uncomfortable for the eardrums.Even so, many star thieves looked at Yang Kangri with red eyes, so beautiful!

Yang Kangri looked at the star thieves with some disdain, and a strange smile appeared on the corner of his mouth...
The eyes of the old man at Xiaoxiao Auction House lit up, and he hurriedly said, "Is there no one else? Okay, three-two—" raised the gavel...

"A Sword Mountain Token!"

The old man's voice choked.Sword Mountain Order is almost priceless.When competing with others, once you are defeated, within the Hunting God Starfield, you only need to crush the Sword Mountain Order, and Sword Mountain will call!The holder of the order was immediately taken into Jianshan to participate in the trial!

And that Sword Mountain, it is said that it was originally the place where the dragon perishes, the prehistoric dragon tomb!Incomparably dangerous and full of unpredictability!However, in the endless years, the Sword Mountain Token has long been exhausted, and few survive!It can be said to be extremely rare.

The star thieves sat down silently, they couldn't compete with this kind of auction.

"Three two one, good, this is a deal." The old man dropped the hammer and glanced at Yang Kangri.Yang Kangri was thoughtful.

The words fell, whoosh!The next person rushed down from the box on the second floor, and handed over the sword mountain order to the old man in the air, took a handful and snatched the castle of time on the table.

"What a handsome figure! This man, this friend of the thief, is... this is... ah!" A star thief in the crowd shouted.

"Who??" The star thieves asked hastily.

"Xiao Dingyang!" The star thief choked out four words, and sneaked a glance at the upstairs box with lingering fear.




"Xiao Dingyang, Commander of Batian Army Sansu!!!" Tang Chen grinned.

The corner of Tang Chen's mouth revealed a hint of playfulness.Ye Mengrou and Tang Zhiyun showed a trace of anxiety from time to time.

Not only the two of them are worried, but all Mrs. Lin are also worried.

They crave power!Incomparable thirst for power!Xue Xiaolian said last night, "Even if I can't stand side by side with you in this life, I wish to be behind you! But no matter what, I don't want to be left too far behind by you! Looking at your unreachable back, I will cry! "

This sentence is sincere and heartfelt, and at the same time speaks the voice of all women!

Although the lifespan of a real warrior is almost unlimited!But after all, he has never escaped, and will still perish with this universe!Although Tang Chen's fighting power has long been surpassed!Like other Martial Emperors in the Chaotic Realm, the realm is flawed!The realm is not enough!

So far, I have never seen a trace of the secret!If you don't grasp the secrets of the heavens, and you haven't comprehended the profound meaning of the rules contained in the penetrating universe, you still can't escape the shackles of the heavens!

Tang Chen is a dragon knight, and his partner Guigu is Guiguzi, the pride of the dragon clan!The Ao clan, the Yong clan, and even the Zu clan all once had the Nine-Clawed Dragon God!The younger generation is cute, born to be detached!As long as Ghost Valley recovers its dragon body, Tang Chen will definitely be rewarded!Out of control of the universe.

At that time, when you look back and comprehend the profound meaning of the rules, it is like taking an exam with the answers. How can there be people who fail?

King Ye Meng needs the magic weapon of time!King Ye Meng needs a lot of dragon blood!In the past few days, the reward has already been issued to the entire Godhunting star field, and even spread to several large star fields on the edge of the Milky Way!

The leaders of the star bandits in the Tiantu Starfield, the Gemini Starfield, and the Bojiang Starfield gave the Emperor the Hunting God a lot of face. Various channels helped to issue reward orders, and even the Taoist leader of the Taurus Starfield gave away a drop of the dragon that he had treasured for many years. Blood!

Although that drop of blood, the essence is lost and the world is broken, it is a favor after all!
An Shoudao, Hua Wulei blatantly took out the Blood Evil Gold!Yang Kangri, as the son of Yang Shuping, actually hid the dragon yuan privately, and refused to turn it in to help the royal family!Even Xiao Dingyang... Jianshan Order!

Yuyangxing was completely banned a few days ago!Xiao Dingyang, who is a vassal minister, is very clear about the purpose of the ban and what it is for!dissatisfied?provocative?Or, is it a stumbling block at a critical moment?
hiss! ... Could it be? ..., cut off my chance, ruin my way forward?Is it seizing the way again! ?Xiao Dingyang! ! !

Tang Chen was furious, and wanted to kill him!
An Shoudao personally ordered the boxes in the auction house!Tang Chen didn't believe that Xiao Dingyang didn't know that he was here!Knowing that you are there, how can you sing?
According to King Ye Meng's original temper, summoning Ye Meng's personal soldiers, taking down Xiao Dingyang on the spot, and beating him to death with one stick, is the kingly way!

After merging the avatar of the city mansion into Tang Chen, the extensive and profound civilization of the Yanhuang Star Region in his mind was instantly bright!Tang Chen's heart was complicated and chaotic, but his complexion did not change, neither sullen nor angry, he touched Tang Zhiyun's catkin with one hand, and gently pinched Ye Mengrou's jade leg with the other: "Wait and see!"

Tang Zhiyun, princess of the Tang Sect, quasi-head of the family, leader of the Tang Sect Xiao Panshi, vice chairman of the Tang Sect Group, executive director, is extremely good at mastering the civilization of the Yanhuang Star, and is extremely good at the art of imperial servants, even better than Tang Chen. It was Tang Chen's intention.

"Yes! Make up your mind before moving."

Tang Chen seemed to be absent-minded, leaning on the soft bed...

In reality, she was concentrating on sorting things out one by one, weighing..., making choices..., strategizing in her heart, making a lot of wise plans, and occasionally her spiritual sense transmitted voices to Tang Zhiyun and Ye Mengrou, breaking the situation..., setting up...,...

"One pointed dragon yuan!" Yang Kangri saw that the Miss Etiquette brought out another tray.Without waiting for the old man to announce, he spoke directly.

"Wait!" The old man in the auction house stopped him.

"Oh?" Yang Kangri raised his brows, quite dissatisfied!It seems to have an outbreak.

Standing on stage for so long already made Yang Kangri feel very annoyed!Xiao Dingyang can't be offended!A small auctioneer in the Xiaoxiao auction house, dare to stroke the tiger's beard?

"This old man is very ignorant, the anti-Japanese son is famous for his 'good' temper!" The old man's words stirred up thousands of waves, and the stars and thieves talked a lot.

"Friends of Thieves, the next thing we are going to auction is Liujinshencheng!" The old man perfectly explained the reason, seemed to be quite satisfied with this explanation, and nodded slightly at Yang Kangri, "Presumably all of you thieves know the meaning of Liujinshencheng. Defensive attribute, the old man will emphasize again, Liujin Shencheng is not a magic weapon of time."

"Yijian Longyuan!" Yang Kangri's hoarse and obscure voice once again tormented the eardrums of the stars.The frosty eyes swept across the star robbers in the audience, and finally landed on the old man's face!The old man trembled, and grabbed the gavel with trembling fingers, "Boom!"

"!" The old man turned his head and gave the auctioneer in the corner a hard look, bad idea!Obviously offended the anti-Japanese son. "Anti...Anti-Japanese son, I'm sorry! Hug..."

Yang Kangri, without raising his eyebrows, grabbed Liujin Shencheng, whoosh!As light as a frightened bird, as graceful as a swimming dragon, he actually flew over the heads of the pirates, floated out of the auction house and walked away...

humiliation!Red, the humiliation of fruit, fruit, ~!
Be like someone else!Public wrath is inevitable!The son of the Anti-Japanese War..., the stars were smiling and silent, and no one was dissatisfied.Good looking, no matter where you go, you will lose your temper!Although Yang Kangri is a man!But that is the national brother-in-law!National husband!

(End of this chapter)

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