Shushan Wushen

Chapter 919 The handsome flower has no tears

Chapter 919 The handsome flower has no tears


good!Hua Wulei is actually a former goddess!Self-destruction of appearance, only to pursue the highest state of freedom and freedom!They were rescued by Tang Batian endless years ago, and their ideals of pursuing the way of heaven are very compatible, and they have followed Tang Batian ever since!
Why did such a loyal team take out bloody gold and openly traded it illegally?If it was said that it was for the magic weapon of time, Tang Chen would never believe it!Tang Chen's Ye Meng's practice secret room is a gift from Hua Wulei for her [-]-day birthday!

It is precisely because of the help of the time of Huawulei that Tang Chen has a cheating tool in his cultivation, and his cultivation time is up to ten thousand times longer than that of a normal person!

With this, Tang Chen has the support and the relentless urging and oppression of Tang Batian!This is the alias Ye Meng, crushing all the way, creating an interstellar legend that absolutely crushes the arrogance of the same generation, has no opponent within a hundred years, and is invincible within a thousand years!
have gratitude!It can be said that Tang Chen dominated Nebula, dominated Faxing, and founded Ye Meng's family.Flowers without tears are indispensable!

Tang Chen and Meng Chengzhen had an in-depth conversation. Meng Chengzhen told Tang Chen a topic of scriptures, called, the smell of power!At that time, Tang Chen seemed to understand but didn't understand. Tang Chen just felt lively about the cases enumerated in the scriptures, and looked at the plot of the story.Now when I suddenly think of it, I suddenly feel very meaningful!

Power is like water, originally plain and ordinary, but once the original meaning of power is downplayed, and instead the sense of control attached to power itself is felt, power will exude flavor!No one can resist the smell of power!

Water is the true liquid without fragrance, originally a treasure of heaven and earth.An indispensable heaven and earth spirit for true warriors.Space memory is extremely limited!Very precious!Once you drink it, you can't quit it!Some mortals have even become addicted, and cannot leave Zhenye Wuxiang for even a moment!It must be taken more or less every day in various ways.It's so painful!
"Zhenye Wuxiang" and "Power" are so similar!

There is no ordinary fleeting time that can withstand the erosion of time.No fidelity can deny the taste of power!

"Help! Help!" Tang Zhiyun, as always, frantically begged for help!Xue Xiaolian, God Son Cuiyan, God Son Xiangshou, God Son Zhenhui, God Son Guan Yong, and God Son Shi Ren have become more and more familiar with their acting skills!

"Well, there's no need to shout!" Ye Mengrou inadvertently revealed the majesty of the queen.The tone is faint and coercive.There is no doubt that Ye Mengrou understands Hua Wulei's feelings.

Ye Mengrou's voice hadn't finished yet, but Tang Zhiyun and the others' voices for help were still echoing loudly... The masked man in gray clothes seemed to suddenly separate from the void, or suddenly solidify and crystallize, gradually becoming clearer and more solidified!
The head of the four guards without tears; Dark Moon Guard!

The technique that Dark Moon Guard cultivates is the most mysterious!Hua Wulei has no secrets, and even taught Tang Chen to save his life, but Tang Chen doesn't have that qualification!Can't learn it!Some martial arts and supernatural powers are not something you can learn if you want to.Effort is very important, qualification is more important!

"There is a fee for life-saving, are you willing to accept it?" Dark Moon Guard asked as usual.

"How to charge?" Tang Chen pretended not to understand, and asked.

"Clear the real price, and calculate it afterwards! Hand over the interspatial ring, and all magic treasures!"

Tang Chen raised his hand to take off the interspatial ring, and handed it to the Dark Moon Guard. These Dark Moon Guards obviously changed jobs, so they took out an exclusive Qiankun bag, bang!Click!Click!They went in one by one.


Pulling the rope, he tied the mouth of the bag tightly, took out a talisman, shook his hand, the talisman burned, turned into a ball of sticky wax, and wriggled into the end of the rope.

The Dark Moon Guard said in a business-like tone, without any emotion: "Which one of you will make a mark? It's best to drop some blood or something."

Shenzi Shi Ren was very curious, squeezed out a drop, followed the instructions of the dark guard, and dripped it on the wax paint, and the wax solidified, revealing a small pointed tail.

The Dark Moon Guard stretched out his hand, "Boom!" and handed it to God Son Shi Ren, "Remember that if you lose it, you won't make it up! You only recognize the key and don't recognize the person! Keep the key!" Just after the explanation here, another dark man next to him Yuewei suddenly shouted: "The contract is concluded! Start work!"

"So professional!" Tang Zhiyun's eyes were surprised, and her red lips showed a neat touch of white.Ye Mengrou nodded, and explained: "Master Hua's method has already been extended to the entire star field, but the most effective one is the Shuifu star!"

"Efficiency? Still talking about profit margin..." Tang Zhiyun couldn't believe it.Under the influence of the Yanhuang Star civilization, it is hard to imagine that it is possible to make profits in this way! "This is a blatant private use of public equipment! Could it be? Haven't you thought about the consequences?"

Ye Mengrou chuckled softly: "In the Yanhuang Star Field, these are called state machines, right! To uphold the so-called justice, laws, regulations and so on! Everything should be free, right!"

Tang Zhiyun didn't respond, her eyelashes fluttered, obviously thinking about it at a deeper level.Ye Mengrou continued: "But the Hunting God Starfield is very special! It needs stronger power!..."

"...Whether it's the reserves of heaven, material and earth treasures, or the combat power at all levels, our Hunting God Starfield is currently lacking! At least, in terms of quantity and quality, let alone compare with the sea of ​​stars in the middle of the galaxy, it is compared with the periphery of the galaxy. Comparing, that is incomparable!"

Tang Zhiyun said: "Don't belittle yourself, Godhunter Starfield is already very good..."

"My family, don't say such things..." Ye Mengrou interrupted Tang Zhiyun's words, "Although the gap is very large, our Hunting God Starfield is still developing and making progress!"

"Charges are charged everywhere, and even the state machine has become a profit-making tool. To be honest, I don't feel any progress..." Tang Zhiyun was just discussing the facts.Honestly express my opinion. "Everything is done through transactions. To be honest, I don't agree with it. I think that in this way, it will be difficult for Hunting God Starfield to have a sense of identity and cohesion."

Ye Mengrou explained: "Junyun, what you mean by cohesion! In fact, it's a matter of identity. What is cohesion? Only a group of people think that we will be more powerful than a single inscription. The future will produce cohesion! Let him have the idea of ​​forming a team, which is a sense of identity!"

"It should be a sense of belonging, more appropriately, naked, naked, naked, transactions, blatant private use of public equipment, how can there be a sense of belonging?" Tang Zhiyun shook her head.

Ye Mengrou glanced at Tang Chen, and Tang Chen gave him an encouraging look. The integration of the two civilizations allowed Ye Mengrou to see some things more clearly. After all, there was a comparison, and it was clear at a glance which one was better. .

Ye Mengrou said: "The Godhunting Starfield is different from the Yanhuang Starfield! Birds of a feather flock together and people are divided into groups. Who are the people in the Hunting God Starfield? They are all star pirates! Interstellar pirates! What do star pirates need? Survival? Development ? Realize ideal revenge and reach the pinnacle of life? It's different! You can't use Yanhuang star civilization to judge others by yourself..."

(End of this chapter)

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