Shushan Wushen

Chapter 922 I hereby swear the blood oath

Chapter 922 I hereby swear the blood oath


Tang Chen asked again, making the generals feel as if they were on drugs.Take advantage of the trend and continue to incite! "You have become the new masters of the star field, can you be loyal to the Tang family forever? Can you?"





"Speak up! Can you be loyal to the Tang family forever?!"





Tang Chen made a good Batian Palace, making it look like a pyramid scheme, selling insurance.

"Then show your sincerity! Pledge your allegiance to the Tang family with your cultivation and bloodline! Let your descendants also enjoy the great grace of the Tang family! Can it be done!"




A group of high-ranking star thieves who could dominate the stars were completely crippled by Tang Chen.

In the entire hall, except for Tang Chen and Hua Wulei, everyone seemed to be able to obtain the entire Milky Way galaxy as long as they kept shouting "Yes!!!!"!

Habit of heat tendency, gluttonous death is also light.Flies greedy for honey will drown in the honey syrup!

"Swear the blood oath with me! Can you inspire thunder!"





Tang Chen spoke quickly: "I, as King Ye Meng, the God of Hunting, made an oath for everyone present. The oath is as follows; I swear to be loyal to the Tang family forever, not to be enemies of the Tang family in any way, and never to hurt the Tang family. Anyone! If you break your oath, you will die, your soul will be scattered, your blood will be cut off! Take a blood oath! I hereby take a blood oath, and the heaven will supervise it!"

call out!call out!call out!call out!
At the same time, Tang Chen shot like lightning!One after another [Oath Stones] floated in front of the generals!

Tang Chen suddenly raised his voice: "I hereby sip blood, and I swear by the Dao of Heaven!" With a flick of his finger, a drop of blood fell on the oath stone!His eyes quickly swept over every face under the tan!
Xiao Ding, Yang Yousi caught his head, raised his eyes and met Tang Chen's gaze, which was encouraging and expectant..., with the earnest meaning of "I'm optimistic about you"!Xiao Dingyang's heart warmed, for the sake of future generations..., "Boom!" He solemnly forced out a drop of blood and dripped it on the oath stone.

Rumble!Nine thunders, the thunder of the oath!Sworn by blood and thunder!
However, it's not just Xiao Dingyang who swore a blood alliance!

There were hundreds of senior generals present!All of a sudden, thunder rolled from the sky, which was far better than the world-destroying thunder!

Rumble boom!

The oath of the blood alliance triggered thunderstorms!Invisibly, nearly a thousand thunder gangs are testing the endurance of the Batianxing plane!

Not long ago, the [Spiritual Hammer Plane] damage caused by the green ostrich guards has not yet recovered!The old disease has not healed and a new injury has been added!The damage is so deadly!
Exceeding the limit of the plane's bearing capacity, [Spirit Hammer Plane] lost its self-recovery ability!

Lei Gang tears the void but no longer heals!Instantly!Space cracks meander densely!Ferocious and terrifying! !

All of a sudden, Ba Tianxing suddenly became dark clouds, filled with chaotic energy, and a lot of spiritual energy dissipated!Primal Chaos Qi is a good thing, but its realm is not enough, and if it cannot be refined and absorbed, it is poison!Just like the boundless good fortune, if the snow mastiff Bai Yuncang dog eats too much, he will get food poisoning!Haven't woken up yet!
call out!call out!call out!
Sensing the external changes caused by the thunder of supervising oaths, Tang Chen flicked his sleeves and put away all the oath stones, whoosh!A ray of purple light leaped out of Batian Temple!With a twist of the foot, hey!Rush out of the Hunting God Imperial City!
late!How quickly the world is destroyed!Lightning Flint is out of control!Tang Chen shot frequently, bowing left and right, Shu Dao Zhang!Shu Dao Zhang!Or Shu Dao Zhang...

The Hunting God Palace is an artifact!The palace stands in the sky!Tang Chen was so exhausted that he almost lost his strength, but he could barely save billions of people!These star thieves are not high in cultivation!If you lose the protection of the plane, you will definitely die!
Batian stars were blasted into dust by thunder gangs. Fortunately, most star thieves have space travel tools, densely packed airships, flying shuttles, flying saucers, spaceships, flying boats, even flying carpets, magic brooms...

Tang Chen's complexion was ashen, behind him was the Hunting God Imperial City, and the Flowing Gold God City sacrificed by Hua Wulei, densely packed, shoulder to shoulder, with an endlessly desolate and lonely face!Once the world was destroyed by countless star thieves, his family and property went bankrupt, and he fell into ruin overnight!
Tang Chen's heart aches!

"The plane is falling, and the people are dying! This king deserves to die! Damn it!" Tang Chen roared, and waved his hand to hit his sky spirit cover!
"Your Highness stop!..."

"Your Highness, no!..."

"Your Highness!..."

call out!call out!call out!call out!Countless paths of spiritual power came from the air!Tang Chen's wrist was stressed, and the landing point was tilted, bang!
"Ah!..." Tang Chen sighed!Shaking his head weakly, his eyes showed despair. "God, are you going to play me to death? Swearing can lead to the destruction of the world... There is really no one!..."

No one noticed that Tang Chen slapped himself! ! !
That self-defeating palm went across the void and hit Yuyang star directly!Yuyang Xingchen was shocked suddenly!Yuyangxing [Drum Plane] was suddenly forced, and a huge void appeared!boom!boom!boom!
Unfortunately, sound cannot travel!Nobody can hear it!Everyone's eyes fell on Tang Chen, Tang Chen was still feeling sorry for himself, feeling extremely ashamed!Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh! The high-ranking generals of the Hunting God urged Tang Chen to surround him with their movements. Their eyes were vigilant, fearing that Tang Chen would be short-sighted again, they tried to persuade Tang Chen through voice transmission with their spiritual senses.

"King Ye Meng..."

"Your Highness..."

"His Royal Highness Ye Meng..."


"Alas!" Tang Chen's face turned ashen, and he instantly turned into a frustrated boy!I can't help shaking my head and blaming myself!
"[Spirit Hammer Plane] perishing is a natural disaster, and has nothing to do with Your Highness!...Why blame yourself? You actually killed yourself?! You are so confused! You boy, you have let my aunt down! Hmph!" The rebuke was extremely severe!
"Aunt Hua!...I..." Tang Chen was born with an extremely kind nature, and he could not see the suffering of the creatures under him!In fact, I couldn't think about it for a while, and felt that it was just embarrassing, so I went to the extreme!
"... tens of billions of living lives..." Tang Chen cast his painful eyes on Hua Wulei...

"Aunt? Do you still think I'm your aunt? You dare to commit suicide? Look! You're causing trouble again..." Hua Wulei's spiritual sense echoed.

Tang Chen followed Hua Wulei's eyes and looked down at Yuyang Xing!
At this moment, Yuyang star is shining brightly!Like a blooming firework!There was an explosion comparable to the superimposition of hundreds of suns!Tang Chen opened his mouth in astonishment: "Who? Who did it? Challenged my hunting god's dignity? Courted death?..."

Tang Chen's face suddenly changed, and he came back to his senses. His consciousness transmitted sound to Hua Wulei: "...Me? Could it be me? Aunt Hua...I, alas! I really didn't do it on purpose..."

Tang Chen felt as if he had been cursed, it was obvious that this was God's punishment!I can't help but feel a sense of powerlessness, and I can't help thinking about the god body avatar whose whereabouts are still unknown and lost...

"If Ziwei's battle body, Tang Chen, is here, with dragon blood in his body, his luck will increase! Will disasters be cured and disasters turned into good luck?..."

(End of this chapter)

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