Shushan Wushen

Chapter 925 Family Affection As Big As The Sky

Chapter 925 Family Affection As Big As The Sky


The holy Qingxuan dragon suddenly jumped into the air and shook!The tail of the dragon circles straight up to the blue clouds, and the head of the dragon hangs down.

On the ground, Ding Yin was half-bare and wrapped in a bandage, with Tang Liang, who was breathing like a silk...

The sacred Qingxuanlong took Tang Liang's body in one bite and threw it into his mouth.With a flick of the dragon's beard, Ding Yin flew far away...

Qin Qiong was still shouting for Han Xiangyi who had lost too much blood and died for a long time..., when he raised his head suddenly, his eyes were bleeding from the corners of his eyes! "Tang Liang! Your heart is too poisonous!!"

"Tang Liang! Tang Liang..." Shi Zhongyu desperately called out to the faraway sacred Qingxuanlong...

Tang Liang doesn't care...

On the ground, the Great Prophet of the Martial Emperor level set up the magic cannon and it was a blast!Following that, countless starships and mechas, emitting ear-piercing sonic booms, chased after them with a "rumbling"...

A large number of flying arrows with inscription patterns... Phew!call out!call out!Magic cannonball... It doesn't cost money!boom!boom!boom!
More little prophets, sit on the flying carpet and run "Shadow Fight"!A group of shadows chasing after the sacred Qingxuan dragon...

The sacred Qingxuan dragon hissed in pain, "Oh!~~~" With a wailing sound, Tang Liang tossed and turned and finally went straight to the sky... Unfortunately, the huge dragon body is still missing a lot...

call out!call out!call out!call out!
In a panic, he rushed out of the Yanhuang Star Field in one breath!Tang Liang blinked his eyes the size of a ferris wheel, shaking his head and tail to observe the surrounding environment.Feeling safe, he finally let out a long breath!

Unexpectedly, the dark and shining dragon's breath was so dazzling that it was discovered by a nearby starship!puff!puff!puff!The muzzle light flashed, and Tang Liang was locked on silently, chirp!Chirp!Chirp!Burst of light!
The horns of Tang Liang's sacred Qingxuan dragon shrank at a speed visible to the naked eye!

Burn the dragon yuan! ! !

Tang Liang gritted his teeth and even ran around the Yanhuang Starfield!Finally got rid of the nirvana magic cannon lock!However, that was not a cannonball!But a dozen rounds!Xing Chen, who was used as a cover by Tang Liang, saved Tang Liang's life!Completed the mission and turned into a star...

The Yanhuang Star Field, the worst mass destruction in history!

"It doesn't matter! As long as you wait for endless years, the Chaos God Crystal will be reborn in this star field!" The little prophet with a three-strand goatee was surrounded by a large number of disciples, preaching in a dignified manner...

"Hmph! A half-knowledge is misleading my son!" A taunt came from the air, and the old man in sackcloth fell down. "What are you looking at? It's just a mere martial artist! Can you understand the list of secrets? It's the end of the world! The age of the end of the Dharma!...The existence above the holy realm can be sensed...Let's go, let's go..."

The old man in sackcloth left a prophecy and drifted away...

"Ji Fa! King Wen of Zhou! He is King Wen of Zhou..."

The little prophet searched his brain and finally realized that he had missed the big opportunity, and exclaimed...

The calamity brought by Tang Liang pierced through the entire star!
The last star in the Yanhuang Star Field turned into fly ash!
Great destruction!
Tang Liang panicked and made no choice, relying on the supernatural powers of the Dragon Clan to perform escapism, phew!call out!call out!call out!

I don't know how many years I ran away!I don't know how far I ran out!Tang Liang finally came to his senses.Crying loudly: "It's all gone! My saint battle body is gone! The city is gone too! Woooooo..."

I don't know how long I cried, but Tang Liang's eyes lit up. In the dark void, an extremely dazzling light came from a very far away!It's as if hundreds of suns are burning with a multiplicative effect!
"Is it the destruction of the world again? Is it the great destruction again?" Tang Liang was numb from seeing this situation!The nine planets in the Yanhuang Star Field and the little Taiyin... the last splendor!

Tang Liang was a little lost...he had nowhere to go!Tang Liang's realm is enough to transcend!It's a pity that the sacred Qingxuanlong was stolen by the mantle civilization with the [Shadow Jue] Great opportunity and great luck...

"Huh?" Tang Liang narrowed his eyes suddenly, looking very far away in astonishment.The star of great destruction actually restrained the power of the star and returned to its original state!

After the destruction light burst disappeared, the star field there turned out to be an incomparably huge starry sky banner!Battle flag!It's the banner of the battle flag! ! !

Big battle flag, four corners and four stars town!There are three big bright stars in the middle, and under the bright stars are three smaller dark stars!Monarchs!Father and son!Master and servant!

Tang Liang quickly made a judgment!It should be the most notorious den of thieves, the sanctuary of interstellar space pirates!The kingly paradise of the stars in the universe!Hunting God Starfield! ! !
Inside the Shuyue Pagoda.

"What?" Battle body Tang Chen put his arms around the baby Tang Bao who came over to serve the bed, and turned pale with shock when he heard this!Instant cold hands and feet.

"The small pagoda of the Tang Sect, the hundreds of soul slips, all turned into powder! The whole army was wiped out! The pagoda of the Tang Sect and the background of the Tang Sect, and..."

Tang Chen's face sank like water, he stretched his hand into his bosom, and took out a soul orb. The soul orb was obscure and dull. Looking carefully, there was a dying sacred Qingxuan dragon inside!It was Tang Liang's Soul Orb! !

"My son-in-law!!!" Tang Baobao showed displeasure.It seems to have the meaning of scolding. "Why do you still keep that bastard's soul orb!?"

" my younger brother after all!!!" Tang Chen didn't raise his eyebrows, he was decisive!

Hunting God Starfield, Tang Chen turned back and put away Ye Meng's Black City, Hunting God Imperial City, with Hua Wulei behind him, Yang Shuping, An Shoudao, Liu Weiguo, Yang Zhenting, Tang Xiaoshao and other senior generals descended on Ye Mengxing!

Find out the dragon veins and feng shui, release the hunting god imperial city, Ye Meng's black city, release more than one billion star thieves in the city, and instruct Ye Mengjun to give appropriate policies and arrange them properly.

Tang Chen handled the government affairs quickly and decisively. Tang Chen just came up with a framework and pointed out a few points for attention. He didn't deliberately go for a show of sensationalism. The specific matters were all handled by the Secretary.

Gain political capital!Tang Chen disdained those little tricks to win people's hearts.

In the face of hungry people, words that warm the heart are not as convincing as a bowl of hot soup!Sweet words can fool you for a while, but they can't deceive you forever! !

There is not much time, and the government affairs will be dealt with.Tang Chen continued to convene military affairs conferences, implement details of the military reorganization in detail, and release documents!Draft the imperial edict.

With the restraint of the Bloody Thunder Oath, the senior generals behaved a lot.Occasionally looking at Tang Chen's eyes is also different!

If it was said that they were more afraid than reverent towards King Ye Meng.Today's King Ye Meng made them awe and a little scared.

For endless years, no one thought that there would be a leader of a faction who would restrict, test, and demand the absolute loyalty of his subordinates by means of a blood oath!Ye Mengwang Tang Chen is worthy of hunting the crown prince, and his mind is so meticulous!Inadvertently, it created a precedent for the art of imperial servants on the periphery of the galaxy! !

talent!Absolute talent! !
With such a crown prince, why would the Hunting God Empire worry about its future? !

However, Xiao Dingyang felt calculated!Still quite uncomfortable.A complex of being fooled and abused in the palm of your hand is still as uncomfortable as a fishbone embedded in the esophagus!

(End of this chapter)

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