Shushan Wushen

Chapter 949 Even if there is no next life

Chapter 949 Even if there is no next life


However, my younger brother is more suitable for the inheritance of the Nine-Clawed Sacred Azure Profound Dragon!It helps me, and it will definitely help Tang Liang even more!Brothers!That's all! "

"Master, no!" Pu Lao stopped him.However, Tang Chen waved his hand and said unquestionably, "Stop talking about Pu Lao! I've made up my mind!"

"The development of a family should be [linear development], absolutely not [circular development]. Let the thirsty people drink water and let the hungry people eat, that is the obligation that every family member must fulfill! Nine claws are sacred Qingxuanlong and Tang Liang are originally in the same line! Tang Liang is more suitable than me. If I refine the sword of the God Emperor of Zhenshi, I will snatch water and food! It's really hard to feel at ease!"

Family affection - trying my best to influence...

Even if there is no next life!
Only for the next life, to meet again - no regrets!No guilt!no regrets—

"Ridiculous! What nonsense! My master! Forget it! I'll go with you! I want to be with you!" Pu Lao scolded Tang Chen and quickly made a request.Tang Chen agreed to Pu Lao's request without hesitation!
However, just as Tang Chen was about to get up and leave Sword Mountain, there was the sound of void shattering in his ears! "Boom!" Tang Liang stepped out of the void!With fiery eyes, staring at Tang Chen...

Tang Chen was taken aback immediately: "Why so fast?...Why are you here?"

"Hahaha——" Tang Liang looked up to the sky and laughed loudly: "Of course! I must be quick! The sacred Qingxuan dragon with nine claws is the ancestor of our lineage!"

Tang Chen suddenly realized, "That's right! I understand! The innate skills cultivated by your sacred Qingxuanlong focus on cause and effect! Sure enough, there is God's will in the dark! You must have felt the call of the blood! Go to refine it!"

"Huh?" Tang Liang was taken aback, completely ignoring the true meaning of Tang Chen's words.On the contrary, he hesitated and looked deeply at Tang Chen for several times!

Tang Chen was angry and funny, and urged him, "Go! I've cleaned up the first five levels. Otherwise, you won't be able to come in. Even if you enter, you will be kicked out! The sixth level is not dangerous, only God The vast ocean of spiritual energy in the Sea of ​​Consciousness, and the remnant soul of a nine-clawed dragon! After refining the dragon soul, this [Sword of the World-Suppressing God Emperor] is yours! Hurry up!"

"No danger?" Tang Liang couldn't believe it.Asked: "Is there really no danger?"

With a smile on the corner of Tang Chen's mouth, he nodded heavily: "Go! There should be no danger!"

Tang Liang took a step back, Catcher's eyes widened: "You won't lie to me, will you?!"

"Huh?" Tang Chen's expression suddenly changed, and his expression became cold.My heart is cut like a knife!It hurt like a knife!Tang Liang not only cut himself off from family affection, but also began to question Tang Chen's family affection.Tang Chen found it hard to accept!His complexion is much uglier!
Tang Chen stretched out three fingers weakly, "Within three breaths, if you don't go in, give me back the chance!" One breath is the normal frequency of a person, the time for one inhalation and one exhalation.Three breaths means three inhalations and three exhalations.For a real warrior, it has been enough to think about it for a long time!
"Master! Are you sick! You idiot!" Pu Lao couldn't bear it anymore, and yelled at Tang Chen angrily.

Tang Liang was startled, he didn't expect that there was a third person here, and when he heard the sound, he saw that it was Pu Lao, and he was overjoyed. "Brother, it turns out that the Fourth Patriarch is in your hands! Let me devour him! Strengthen the bloodline!" Before Tang Chen could answer, he reached out to catch Pu Lao!

what! ! ! !

Pu Lao made the sound of beeping and shouted loudly, Tang Liang lost his mind immediately!Stretching out the dragon claws will ravage Tang Liang.Tang Chen shook his head, showing a wry smile.Grabbing Pu Lao's horns, he twisted his feet and flew up.

"That's all! My first wife, brother IX. I'll give you one last chance to correct your mistakes!" Tang Chen flicked his sleeves, whoosh!Tang Liang was thrown into the Jiandun world!
Tang Chen holds the Sword Mountain Token in his hand, with a force of his own to break through the void barrier and bring Tang Chen to the top of the Sword Mountain!
Tang Chen got a great opportunity and handed over to Tang Liang, but Tang Liang didn't appreciate it, which made Tang Chen a little listless and less interested.Appeared in the air, habitually released his consciousness, and positioned himself in space.


The pitch-black void that was originally empty was overcrowded. Not only that, a large number of Ziwei Guards seemed to be facing an enemy, and the Batian Guards surrounded them in a spherical shape.A large number of alchemists and alchemists shuttled back and forth...

Something big seems to be happening!

Chirp!Chirp!Chirp!Tang Chen sent out a burst of light, and rushed into Ba Tianwei's human ball at the limit speed of heaven!Take a closer look, the consciousness flashed by, and I was shocked!
Tang Ba's weather is like a gossamer, dying.His dantian was abolished!Sneak attack, definitely a sneak attack!Tang Batian's Great Emperor Dragon Robe is the highest-level magic weapon in the universe for the emperor-level Wudi talent!God-level treasure!
Tang Chen was about to burst into tears: "Father! Who did it?"

"Tang Liang! It was Tang Liang who attacked the Hunting God!" Seeing that it was Tang Chen, Liu Weiguo hurriedly approached to report.

"Tang Liang——" Tang Chen gritted his teeth, turned his head suddenly, and fixed his eyes on the foot of Jianshan Mountain, scaring Yuyangxing!That's where Jiandun is!Tang Liang should have started refining by now!

Suddenly, the voice of Tang Batian's spiritual consciousness resounded in Tang Chen's divine soul, "Tang Liang's cultivation of karma is quite good, he felt the call of the sacred Qingxuan dragon in Jianshan! Beg me, I didn't agree, He actually made a sneak attack and destroyed my dantian! I'm afraid you have been tricked by him right now!"


Tang Chen didn't know how to answer Tang Batian, his face was ashen, showing determination, his brows were furrowed, whoosh!Chirp!Chirp!Chirp!Break through the void, and run to Sword Mountain again!
Tang Chen held the Ming Dynasties Dragon Spear in his hand, Chirp!Break through the void and step into the sword mountain cave!Without slowing down, go straight to the sixth level, Jiandun World! "Master! You are such a fool! Tang Liang obviously broke in! The person who came here is not kind..."

"Shut up!" Tang Chen's mind went blank at this moment, and his mind was clear!Tang Liang's actions made Tang Chen heartbroken!Keep on stepping, whoosh!Drilled into the world of Jiandun!

Tang Liang had already woken up at this time and turned into the main body, the five-clawed sacred Qingxuanlong!I saw a phantom of a nine-clawed sacred Qingxuan dragon, entrenched on Tang Liang's body, helping Tang Liang absorb the huge and rich aura in the sea of ​​​​spiritual consciousness!

Tang Liang's divine body swells..., shrinks..., swells..., shrinks..., this is trying to devour endless spiritual energy, violently expanding the sea of ​​​​spiritual consciousness!
After all, there is a huge gap between the five-clawed sacred Qingxuan dragon and the nine-clawed sacred Qingxuan dragon, but first Tang Liang's sea of ​​consciousness must be large enough to accommodate the remnant soul of the nine-clawed sacred Qingxuan dragon!

If it can't be accommodated, how about refining it!
Obviously this is a long process!It takes a long time!

"Tang Liang, are you still a human? How could you take action against our father! You still have such a vicious hand! A beast! A beast!" Tang Chen broke into the sixth level and cursed loudly!
Although Tang Liang was in pain at the moment, he was still awake!Seeing Tang Chen go and come back, he obviously knew about the murder of his father.A trace of undisguised guilt was inadvertently revealed in the huge dragon eyes!

(End of this chapter)

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