Shushan Wushen

Chapter 953: The Doppelganger Returns! ! 【Shushan Martial God·Zijin Xingchen Works】

Chapter 953: The Doppelganger Returns! ! 【Shushan Martial God·Zijin Xingchen Works】


Ye Mengrou's cold and pretty face swept across Tang Liang who was in the world, and while Tang Zhiyun and Yang Kangri were fighting, they communicated with the Dragon Slaying Seal.


"Obey!" Tu Longyin made a decisive decision and called back.

"Whoosh!" The continuous and majestic mountain-like hand of creation smashed through the world with a bang.

A big hole was knocked out of the void of the world by the hand of creation!

The hand of creation, as well as Ye Mengrou, Tang Zhiyun, Yang Kangri, and Xue Xiaolian on the fingers, all came out of the sword!The hand of creation did not adapt to the size according to the rules of the world cave, but it was completely "expanded"!

Of course, this was also due to the explosion of the last Phoenix Stone, which once again broke the rules of the small world of the world.

In an instant, the entire hand of creation, the giant hand was full of air, emitting a dazzling light that did not belong to this world, oppressing chaos!The entire universe seems to have given birth to a powerful force of repulsion!The hand of creation seems to be overwhelmed by the chaotic universe at this level!

The colorful aurora is extremely gorgeous!Suddenly wrapped around the hand of creation!Wrapped all over, as if worried about leaking out!Immediately, this huge sphere, like a huge aurora night pearl, left a cylindrical aurora channel like a crush!

The invisible aurora channel is colorful and endlessly gorgeous!It can be vaguely seen that the sky is high and the earth is wide, and it is full of brilliance!Unknown light beasts are jubilantly jumping not far away, and unusually exquisite plants are blooming and withering in a variety of colors...

Extra-dimensional space!
The extra-dimensional space comes quickly and closes faster!A flash in the pan, a sudden bloom!Withered suddenly!In just an instant, including Ye Mengrou and the others, these Tang Chen women all disappeared!It seems that this chaotic universe has never appeared before...

Tang Liang felt the opening of a different dimension!
Raise your fist, boom!A punch to the hand of creation!
Of course the hand of creation is fine, but Ye Mengrou, Tang Zhiyun, Yang Kangri, Xue Xiaolian, how can they bear it?
"Decree! Hurry up!"

Ye Mengrou also fought hard, shaking her hands to sacrifice the talisman in her palm.


This is the divine weapon talisman!

call out--


Countless stunning and poignant sword lights appeared out of thin air, and turned into a sky in the blink of an eye, suppressing them.

At this time, Tang Liang's fist, Gang Qi came out through his body, and the fist was connected with a section of Zhen Qi in the shape of an arm, which was very huge and frightening.

Boom, boom...!
The moment the sword light and the fist clashed, a huge mushroom cloud was born at the explosion point, and the sky and the earth turned pale, as bright and gorgeous as a shattered sun!

Do not!Comparable to ten suns that shattered at the same time!
The dazzling light made Tang Liang fly upside down with a cry of "ah", coughing up blood.

Ye Mengrou's face turned pale immediately, and she was also affected by the blast!
"So ruthless!" Tang Liang's body rustled, his carbonized skin rustled down, and he cursed fiercely.In the field of vision, the space of another dimension is about to close.

He, Tang Liang, was very unwilling, and took out a small millstone from his bosom, whoosh!Tossed into the hand of creation....


The moment the space of another dimension is closed!Ye Mengrou sacrificed another talisman with a wave of her hands!

The thick nine-color mysterious light tribulation thunder suddenly condensed in the void where Ye Mengrou and the others left, and rumbled towards Tang Liang~~, smashing down! ! !
Ye Mengrou also hated Tang Liang to death.Really angry!He did not hesitate to use Liu Jinduo's precious gifts!
The small millstone exploded on the spot, turning into two big green mountains.However, at this time, it was completely broken.The meandering rift is as ferocious as a snake...

The talisman that Ye Mengrou sacrificed was really too precious.Not belonging to this world, but a magic weapon of a higher level real martial arts world.

Fortunately, Ye Mengrou sacrificed this talisman, otherwise Tang Liang's Qingshan Mopan would definitely suppress Ye Mengrou, Tang Zhiyun, Yang Kangri, Xue Xiaolian, and them!

Even the Dragon Slaying Seal was not spared!It will fall!

However, this anger not only saved Ye Mengrou, Tang Zhiyun, Yang Kangri, Xue Xiaolian herself, but also caught Tang Liang off guard.


Tang Liang flew upside down. Tang Liang, who had just escaped from the carbonized skin, looked like a cannonball breaking through the sound barrier, boom boom boom!There was a sonic boom all the way, he vomited blood all the way, and flew out backwards.

He, Tang Liang, suffered an indescribable horror backlash!
Ow! ~~~

Tang Liang couldn't even maintain a human-shaped body. The dragon scales of his real body burst, his horns bled, his body was distorted in pain, and the power of witchcraft tortured him wantonly!The Nine-Clawed Demon Dragon rolled inadvertently in the void, oh!Ow!Ow!There were bursts of wailing that could not be resisted by will.

"I am the blessed great dragon clan! The free dragon soul of Qingxuan lineage, please open the void of shackles for me!"

Tang Liang had no choice but to sing loudly, summoned his [Dragon Hidden Space], took out the treasures of heaven and earth, and quickly regained a trace of life.

Moreover, with Tang Liang's character of vengeance, he is about to use the dragon's innate supernatural power... [Shuttle through the void]!
"Has he caught up?" Tang Zhiyun was terrified.

"I shouldn't be able to catch up!" Yang Kangri comforted.

The two of them pretended to quarrel, but in fact they were covering Ye Mengrou's command to break through.

At this moment, of course, there is no grudge.

Unexpectedly, Xue Xiaolian slapped her thigh and her eyes lit up: "It's broken! He Tang Liang is from the Dragon Clan!"

"He should have been seriously injured, or died!" Ye Mengrou said calmly.

In fact, Ye Mengrou was also extremely anxious.However, here she is the leader, so she must not be fake.So as not to mess up.

Yang Kangri kindly reminded: "Sister Rou, the dragon soul is immortal! Dragon blood is immortal!"

"I know!" Ye Mengrou responded quickly, and gave Yang Kangri a 'warning' look.

Yang Kangri giggled, his handsome face turned pink, and he teased: "We ladies, there is no need to stabilize the morale of the army. They are all my sisters!"

"Oh!" Ye Mengrou's eyes lit up, she raised her hand and patted her forehead.Sneered: "It's the anti-Japanese master who knows this well! I'm confused!"

"Sister Ye Meng, you are in a hurry! Hehehe." Tang Zhiyun said to ease the atmosphere.


Xue Xiaolian took out a stone slip and crushed it painfully.

"Fortunately, I have the treasure I left behind when I was a bounty hunter!"

In an instant, nine-colored clouds rise from the space channel here, grotesque and eccentric, the clouds are steaming and rosy, and the aurora in large strands, with gorgeous colors, swells, dazzling...!
"This is the 【Time-Space Interference Dalu】!"

Ye Mengrou, Tang Zhiyun, and Yang Kangri all exclaimed in unison.Xue Xiaolian smiled sweetly.

Shaking his head bitterly: "Sister Ye Meng, I bought this with your deposit. I didn't expect to use it here. Look, do you want to give me some compensation?"


Ye Mengrou muttered in surprise, and then said solemnly.

"Compensation must be given! Just say what you want! Anything is fine! Sister Xue Xiaolian, my sister Lian! You have made a great contribution this time!"

"I'm just joking!" Xue Xiaolian was rather embarrassed, with a shy and tender face!

Tang Chen's women all come from extraordinary backgrounds.Only Xue Xiaolian came from a humble background with a very thin background.If it wasn't for Tang Chen sometimes giving her a magic weapon.She is basically a bottom-of-the-box treasure with nothing to offer.

Needless to say, Ye Mengrou.Tang Chen's property in the Hunting God Starfield is all in the hands of Ye Mengrou.

Tang Zhiyun was carrying the endless treasures of the Tang Sect.What's more, she herself controls a Danfang and Qifang with an astonishing scale.

Not to mention Yang Kangri, he has more than one armory in his hands.There are also a large number of raw materials and craftsmen!
Therefore, there is no shortage of heavenly and earthly treasures, amazing magic weapons.

However, the ruler is short and the inch is long.At the critical moment, Xue Xiaolian, who was born as a bounty hunter, finally took out something that was beneficial to her, which was undoubtedly decisive.

Whether the magic weapon is precious or not can only be measured when it is used.

It is the kingly way to play it properly and play its due role.

Obviously, only Xue Xiaolian, who was born as a bounty hunter, has an unforgettable sense of crisis.The magic weapon he took out is the most correct.

After all, Ye Mengrou, Tang Zhiyun, and Yang Kangri are all good at corps combat.Pay attention to scale.Xue Xiaolian is still a lone ranger.

Therefore, Xue Xiaolian has a talent that is difficult for others to deal with and respond to crises.

A child without an umbrella can only run as hard as he can!

"See where you can escape to?" Tang Liang shouted hysterically.


The incomparably huge dragon body, relying on its innate supernatural powers, followed the extremely weak fluctuations in space, and a divine sense caught up to Ye Mengrou, Tang Zhiyun, Yang Kangri, Xue Xiaolian——

"Why is the space messed up here?"

Tang Liang's dragon head was deformed, and his body was twisted strangely.

Right at this moment-

Two figures broke through the densely packed portals with inscription patterns, and appeared in the original position of Ba Tianxing in the Hunting God Starfield!It was Tang Chen and Shi Yan Chen Ye!
Tang Chen's spiritual consciousness quickly enveloped Ye Mengxing in the Hunting God Starfield, Liujin Shencheng is still there, Ghost Valley is still in retreat, Tang Chen is determined! "What? Rou'er, Yunyun and the others aren't here?"

Tang Chen couldn't help feeling a little worried!Suddenly discovered the huge chaotic vortex in the void above Ye Mengxing!Quickly gather the consciousness again, concentrate and infiltrate it! "Tang Liang?!" Tang Chen found Tang Liang's figure, and quickly used his posture to get close to Ye Mengxing.

Tang Liang suffered unbearable pain from being tortured by the witchcraft, and lost his precise control over his divine body, but his thinking and consciousness remained clear. Tang Chen's figure suddenly appeared on the pupils of the longan, which was the size of a basketball. Long Yu lost his voice: "You, you, you, you-you didn't die?"

Tang Chen was about to burst into tears, forced his composure and squeezed out a wry smile.

"Tang Liang! You are fine! You are really fine! You are not small! Sneak attack on the father! Killed your brother with your own hands! Do you know what you are doing? You are ruining your family!"

"Huh? King-level Martial Emperor?" Tang Chen suddenly appeared after being resurrected from the dead. Tang Liang was stimulated to burst out his life potential, temporarily suppressing part of the power of witchcraft, and his mind became clearer.Found clues!This Tang Chen in front of him has a different breath from the two Tang Chens he killed!
"So Tang Chen is still alive! He actually has three clones!" Tang Liang kept thinking. "I killed his two clones, and he was promoted to the king! My brother is really against the sky..."

Tang Chen saw that Tang Liang was thoughtful and did not respond for a long time, so he naturally knew what he was planning!Tang Liang's eyelids were weak, and he was clearly positioning the relationship between them.Shaking his head helplessly.

"Tang Liang! The Yanhuang Star Territory was annihilated, and in such a catastrophe, you can save your life and retire safely. Haven't you realized it? All the prosperity in the world is due to the word 'love'! I am your brother, and I will give it to you." Not only do you not cherish the opportunity to correct mistakes, but you kill your father! Brother Tu..."

"Stop! Stop!" Tang Liang controlled the dragon-shaped body and transformed into Tang Liang with horns on his head!Long Yuan cannot be changed!

"Don't tell me those great principles, I hate your preaching the most! You Tang Chen is just a small star thief, you have only lived for a long time, I am the pride of the Zulong clan, I will be your younger brother, don't you think Are you shameless?"

Tang Liang, who had obtained the cultivation base of the Nine-Clawed Sacred Azure Profound Dragon, really wouldn't take Tang Chen seriously right now!What about a king-level Martial Emperor?Besides, the clone of Chengfu, Ye Meng, has been killed!cut!Grass!remove!root!

patricide!Brother Tu!Play wife!Tang Liang was insane, there was nothing he couldn't do!The identified path must go forward without hesitation!
call out!
Tang Liang swung the sword of the Emperor of the World, and stabbed at Tang Chen brazenly!
Tang Chen was prepared!The toes drew a mysterious trajectory in the void, and a sacred purple gold dragon with a shakuhachi length was suddenly born!It is Youlong Good Fortune Fist!
The sacred purple gold dragon shook its head and tail just right, arched its body, whoosh!Tang Chen is like an arrow flying from the string, flying into the distance between lightning and flint!
With enough distance, wings appeared on Tang Chen's back instantly, fluttering!flap!The huge wings of several thousand meters allowed Tang Chen to take the initiative on the field in an instant!

Tang Chen fought back and pulled Shi Yan Chen Ye to his side.Shi Yan Chen Ye is the current patriarch of the Water Shark Soul Eater God of War, so it's not good to have stars in his body!Simply let him watch the battle!
Tang Liang turned sideways, raised his left leg, bang!It's just a kick!
Supernatural powers!Talented supernatural powers!This is not a simple side kick, but a lore that contains the tail of a dragon! ! !For the dragon clan, there are three great attacks, one is "claws", the second is "horns", and the third is "dragon tail"!
Although Tang Liang lifted his leg and kicked it, the spiritual power in the leg wind suddenly revealed a huge dragon's tail!hideous!The void trembled, and the cracks in space continued!
Tang Chen saw that Tang Liang was holding him up without revealing the dragon's body, so he put one hand behind his back, put the other hand on his chest and raised his little finger, "Peng!" The wings of his hand suddenly opened, swinging Tang Liang's left leg!With a slight shock, an arc slid out of the track!
boom!The wing of the hand slashed at Tang Liang's right leg!
"Crack!" Tang Liang's right leg was broken!The broken leg is thrown into the distance!Tang Liang was in pain, but he held back his words!
Tang Chen waved the wings of his hand, snap!Snapped!Two big slaps on Tang Liang's face!He cursed endlessly with regret: "Beast! Kill father and brother! Trample family ties!!!"

Tang Liang remained silent.Quietly pointed the wound on the broken leg at Tang Chen, poof!puff!puff!Force out the witchcraft toxin in [Yang Hualuo], and brazenly sprinkle it on Tang Chen!

(End of this chapter)

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