Shushan Wushen

Chapter 955 The Harvesters Arrive

Chapter 955 The Harvesters Arrive


Tang Liang also noticed it!
People can't help but pay attention there!The four pyramids, together with the real body of Xiaoxiao Auction House building, actually constituted a grand array to frighten the sun!Already communicated with the sun star!The majestic and dazzling golden Nisei splashes like a waterfall!
The portal is open!The quantum transmission mode of the sun's light path!Countless people are dressed in golden robes, and flames rise from the robes!The Golden Crow Academy Law Enforcement Team has come!

"Let's put aside the fight between the two of you for now! Save the people of the Star Region..."

The corners of Tang Batian's mouth trembled, and he made a suggestion submissively.In just a few breaths, the world was turned upside down, and the achievements of endless years of struggle were wiped out by Tang Liang's sword!At this moment, Tang Batian is like an old man in his dying years, crumbling!
What a deep affection he has for the Hunting God Starfield he created with his own hands!

Tang Chen looked at Tang Liang.Tang Liang frowned, "I still have something to do, so I won't add trouble! Let's take a step first!" Leaving a word, Shuttle Void left!
"It's fine for this beast to leave! Tang Chen, it's up to you!" Tang Batian grasped Tang Chen's cloak as if to save his life, and held Tang Chen's third-rank Ziwei King's back protection flag with his other hand. Refuse to let go.

Tang Chen obtained a complete memory, and he has deep feelings for the Hunting God Starfield, including the Hunting God Nebula!At this time, Tanshou took out the [Memory Stone] left by Ye Meng himself back then, and quickly refined it. In contrast, it melted into the heart with a touch of tenderness!
"Ah! What a crime!" Tang Chen took three steps to get rid of his battle robe, armor, boots, helmet, back protection flag, cloak...Tang Batian was armed with all his brains.Finally, Tanshou put on the Ziwei King mask for Tang Batian!
Tang Batian accepted his son's gift indifferently, and had no intention of refusing it!

Tang Chen comforted: "Father! With you here, the star field will regain its glory sooner or later! I also have the motivation to fight! Let your son create a legend!"

"Well! I witness..." Tang Batian seemed to be in a daze, and he responded in a stupid and mechanical way. He didn't even hear Chen Ye's visit to Shiyan.Tang Chen winked at Shi Yan Chen Ye, and Shi Yan Chen Ye gave a no-nonsense response.

A wind beast, the Void Kui Wendie, spread out from under Tang Chen's feet!
Tang Chen, Tang Batian, Shi Yan Chen Ye, stepping on the void Kui Wendie!Across the void to the space above the void that originally belonged to the Purple Pleiades!Look cold!

The Tianjiao of the Golden Crow Academy under their feet quickly spread out their formation and reorganized the system step by step!
Obviously, Golden Crow Academy has fully infiltrated the Hunting God Starfield!One by one [Summoning Talismans] were sacrificed, and a large number of lurkers took off their Star Thief costumes and put on golden robes!They are all the talents of the Golden Crow Academy who came out to practice! !

Luo Yao cordially met with the old man in the auction house, and gave her best encouragement: "This time the suppression of bandits was successful! Mr. Kua can finally return to Golden Crow Academy! Luo Mou is here to congratulate first!"

The old man at Xiaoxiao Auction is none other than Kuafu!The Tianjiao who was dispatched by the Golden Crow Academy for endless years!If it weren't for such a great contribution, even if the universe collapsed, Kuafu would have no chance of returning to the world of Heizi!

"Thank you, Inspector Luo, for your praise! Kuafu thanked you for this! People always have something to pursue! It is not terrible to fail, but the terrible thing is not to get up again! Today is finally complete! Hahaha! God will not fail me! !"

Kuafu was high-spirited and laughed wildly.Luo Yao frowned slightly. "The elders of the Heizi Empire will definitely be greatly rewarded! Kua Lao has made such great achievements, I am really happy and congratulated!"

Kuafu twirled his beard with his hands, and nodded slightly: "It's a foreign object, and my Kuafu never saw it. Honor is the most important thing!"

"Kua Lao deserves to be the proud of heaven, with the sound of jade, the sound of words, and the words of gold and jade! Luo has been taught!" Seeing that the words were not speculative, Luo Yao used the excuse of assigning tasks to distance himself from Kuafu.

There was a hint of cunning in the corners of Kuafu's eyes.Quietly back a few steps, gradually drifting away from Luo Yao.They belong to two factions, and behind them are different elders on the platform.What's worse is that the Zhurizhuzhu behind Kuafu and the real Suanqiang behind Luoyao are fighting for power and profit, and against the political enemies of endless years!
Tang Chen scanned the conversation between Kuafu and Luo Yao with his consciousness, and smiled mockingly.Where there are people, there are rivers and lakes.The struggle is inevitable!But Tang Chen let go of his consciousness, covering the other world from Sunspot, and the Tianjiao of Golden Crow Academy was stunned in an instant!
I saw the golden robe fierce, and the flames rising!At the moment when hundreds of millions of stars in the Hunting God Starfield stole the souls of the dead, and were about to collapse, their dull expression suddenly changed as if they were born with wisdom!The empty eyes actually found the flames on the golden robe!

Like a moth to a flame, jump into the flames!Huo Miao doesn't know what the strange fire between heaven and earth is. After being burned by the flame, all the souls of the dead are reborn, and their bodies are full of radiance!If it wasn't for Tang Chen's strong spiritual sense, he would hardly be able to feel it!These dead souls turned out to be "men of light"!
"Light people" are most likely not allowed in this world.It quickly became a line, and quickly got into the golden robe of the Tianjiao of the Golden Crow Academy!Tang Chen locked on a dozen "light people" with his spiritual consciousness, and was horrified to find that the "light lines" formed by these "light people" were attached to the longitude and latitude lines of the golden robes, and it was extremely easy to "integrate into the "Go in!

Or, it didn't "integrate" into it, but the golden robe itself is a stream of light!

Tang Chen didn't stop, and continued to follow the "lines of light" transformed by these "light men".Sure enough, another major discovery was made! "Light people" are dead souls after all, they have thinking memory!
And every warp or weft is originally born with wisdom!The linear "light people" repel each other and devour each other!In the fierce confrontation, the flames filled the air!Reflected on the surface of the golden robe, there are clusters of dancing flames!
"It turned out to be like this!" Tang Chen murmured to himself, and quickly shared this important secret with Tang Batian and Shiyan Chen Ye through voice transmission with his spiritual consciousness!

Tang Batian's mind was in turmoil, and Tang Chen told him that he had never known it before!At this moment, she gathered her consciousness, and with Tang Chen's help, she also witnessed all this, and she was ecstatic immediately!All the haze in my heart was annihilated in an instant!
The lifespan of a true warrior is almost infinite, especially Tang Batian, who has been an emperor for many years, and has long been used to many things since the endless years!Tired of watching!

Tang Chen opened a window for him, and his dusty state of mind seemed to be reborn!
According to Tang Chen's reading of Luo Yao and Kuafu's thoughts and memories.Tang Batian, Shi Yan Chen Ye and Tang Chen quickly exchanged views with each other and unified their opinions.

Tang Chen urged the wind beast under his feet, chirp!The three of them stepped on the Kui Wendie in the void and suddenly appeared!
"Tang Chen!" Luo Yao was shocked!
"Emperor Dragon King!" Kuafu took a step forward with surprise in his eyes, and greeted him cordially, "King Ye Meng!" As for the time delay, Chen Ye was directly ignored by Luo Yao and Kuafu.

(End of this chapter)

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