Shushan Wushen

Chapter 957 Make friends with Kuafu

Chapter 957 Make friends with Kuafu


"Change into another set if you like it! Anyway, there are so many! We don't need so many!" Tang Chen was generous, with an indifferent and generous look.

"Okay, okay! I don't see you, brother, so I'm disrespectful!" Kuafu also needed a decent one, so he picked out one and refined it.

"Where did such a high-end light armor come from?"

Tang Chen picked out the best set, handed it to Tang Batian, and responded to Kuafu: "Uh, these are all picked up from Luo Yao and his few disciples of Jinwu Academy..."

"Oh!!!!" Kuafu suddenly realized, and laughed loudly: "That's right! There is such a thing, he couldn't go back that time, and I made it up! Hahaha! Speaking of which, Luo Yao still owes the old man What about the light armor! No wonder this guy runs so fast! I dare to be afraid that I will be in debt!"

Sun Star, looking from a distance, it is an endless flame filling the entire pupil!And this is just the outer formation of the sun and stars!Tang Chen felt the power of the light armor!If it weren't for the protection of this light armor, even King Ziwei's battle robe and armor would not be able to resist it for a moment!

After all, Tang Chen is a body of flesh and blood, he can only feel the stars trembling in his body, and the heat wave is rolling!Turning around to look at Tang Batian and Shiyan Chen Ye, Shiyan Chen Ye is still good, even though he is protected by light armor, he still needs to sacrifice the water screen to protect himself!However, Tang Batian was a little dehydrated, the surface of the divine body had already used supernatural powers and martial arts, and it turned into rock!

Tang Chen couldn't lose Tang Batian's face in front of everyone, so he reached out and took out a pot of snow tea, and handed it to Tang Batian.Tang Batian took it and directly mouth-to-mouth, "Gudu" and "Gudu" just poured it hard!At the end, pour some on the top of the head to cool down.Seeing Kuafu and the golden robes around him were all blushing!

"Too extravagant!"

You know, [Zhenye Wuxiang] is the best way to make tea!And [True Liquid No Fragrance] is the number one natural treasure in the universe!On Sunstar City, the huge sunspot world probably doesn't even have the reserves for this teapot!
Prodigal! ! !

Tang Batian had this pot of tea at the bottom, and suddenly turned around!Tang Chen took the teapot calmly, quietly replaced it with a new pot of tea, and handed it to Tang Batian again!

Tang Batian has more confidence!In fact, with light armor on, your life will be safe!Means such as cooling with water are probably more psychologically effective.It's just that in this way, it won't be too embarrassing and more elegant.

After all, the Dragon King who was once famous in the outer reaches of the Milky Way needs to be respectable.

After passing through the defensive formation of the real fire of the sun stretching for millions of light years, you entered the sun light realm!
The light world is still hot, Tang Batian threw a black stone, and it softened in the blink of an eye!You must know that Molin Stone is a high-grade material for making alchemy furnaces, a rare treasure with a very high melting point!

On the outskirts of the Light Realm, there are hundreds of millions of light-years away from the sunspot world on the surface of the sun and stars!This is an extremely long distance!But traveling in the light world, stepping on the streamer, superimposing his own body speed, the speed of travel is still very fast!

Finally, a group of people descended on Heizi Continent!Look up the sunspot world, full of bright eyes!
boom! ! !
In an instant, an extremely majestic, ubiquitous tearing force came crushing with an extremely domineering attitude!Tang Chen felt the formation on the golden robe activated!But even so, there are still wisps of tearing force violently invading the divine body!Forcibly deprived!
It's hard for Tang Chen to imagine what kind of attack he would suffer without the golden robe!Can't help stroking the golden robe and amazed.In this universe, I am just a tiny bug!There are too many things I don't know!
Those flesh and blood life adventurers, if they stray into the light realm.No matter how advanced the cultivation base is, without the protection of the golden robe, I am afraid that there is only one way to be annihilated!Only by truly revering life can we walk on thin ice and live for a long time!
He raised his eyes to the sunspot world.

This is different from any place in the cognition. The tall and majestic buildings of Liuguang are like the most precious gemstones on both sides of the road. There are many plants that have never been seen or imagined!Indescribably wonderful!
Taking a deep breath of the fragrance of the flowers, Tang Chen suddenly felt his body beeping and crackling!The stars in the body are calling hungrily!need!need!need!
It's just weeds planted by the side of the road!To be able to provoke the instinctive coveting of Xingchen's will, Tang Chen felt that he had come to the right place!Looking back at Shiyan Chen Ye!Tang Chen couldn't help laughing dumbfounded.

This guy actually picked up a lot of weeds and stuffed them into his mouth, stuffing his mouth full.The dissipated light of spiritual energy, visible to the naked eye, burst out of the nostrils, ear holes...

On both sides of the main road, as well as the Guangmin who passed by from time to time in the air, they all stopped and hovered, commenting on Shi Yan Chen Ye, and covering their mouths with smiles...

Shi Yan Chen Ye was extremely embarrassed, and when he saw Tang Chen looking over again, he felt a little embarrassed immediately!His face flushed, and he quickly took it out of his mouth.

"Bah! Bah! Bah!"

Tang Chen shook his head with a smile, and comforted him: "Brother Shi Yan doesn't have to be like this. It's okay! It's okay! These exotic flowers and herbs don't exist in our world! They can also be regarded as exotic flowers and herbs for alchemy, which should be of great benefit! "

While talking, Tang Chen pinched a gilt silver horn flower beside him, took a deep breath, threw it into his mouth and chewed it lightly.

"That's right! That's right! It didn't even happen in the legend!" Shi Yan Chen Ye stepped down from the donkey to resolve the embarrassment.

Seeing Tang Chen acting like this, Kuafu couldn't help but his eyes brightened, and he looked up to Tang Chen again.He raised his hand to grab a stream of light, and stopped in his tracks.

"Okay! The Golden Crow Academy is ahead! The continent on the left leads to the Space Bureau, and the Black Emperor Shrine is on the right! Let's discuss it!"

Tang Batian was wearing the Ziwei King's armored battle robe, covered with a golden robe, and he was unharmed. At this moment, he responded: "Kuafu, please introduce the Heidi Shrine first. We still know about the Golden Crow Academy and the Space Bureau. Some."

Kuafu said: "Okay! Dragon King, you have four major nobles under the hunting god star field! There are also Yunhui nobles and glory nobles..."

Tang Batian nodded, and asked: "Could it be that the Black Emperor Shrine is a powerful existence like a nobleman?"

Kuafu shook his head, "No! Within the Light Realm, the Equator, Orange Dao, Ecliptic Dao, Green Dao, Blue Dao, Blue Dao, and Purple Dao, the status of these seven gods is equivalent to that of nobles, and the Black Emperor Shrine is the God of Hunting. The existence of the royal Tang clan!"


Tang Chen, Tang Batian, and Shi Yan Chen Ye were stunned.Unexpectedly, the power behind Kuafu is so powerful.Tang Chen asked: "Which faction does Luo Yao belong to? Isn't he from the Space Bureau?"

Kuafu shook his head, "The Space Bureau is directly under the Black Emperor Shrine. Master Luo Yao Suan Qiang is the chief elder of the Black Emperor Shrine and the eldest disciple of the Empress Xihe! He is responsible for controlling the Space Bureau. So strictly In other words, Luo Yao should be a member of our Golden Crow Academy!"

(End of this chapter)

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