Shushan Wushen

Chapter 965 Shi Zhongyu Sells Blankets

Chapter 965 Shi Zhongyu Sells Blankets


Tang Chen also likes this familiar taste of the market, wandering around the market, auction houses, restaurants and teahouses.

A large amount of black coins was spent.Bought many magic weapons, exercises and a large number of herbs and rare metals!
Out of Mianchi City,
Tang Chen saw a row of medicinal pills and exercises between the inner city and the outer city.

In front of a Zhanbingtang, there is a row of stalls!
Tang Chen glanced over inadvertently... "Huh?"

Tang Chen suddenly saw a Shinto carpet of light!
The body of the light carpet is the size of a palm, with light threads all over the body, and the air is restrained!
Of course, when using it, the size can be changed arbitrarily as you like!Seeing that this light carpet was woven by some kind of secret method, it turned out to be like a hole of light!
Divine light gushes out all the time!
It is truly festive and peaceful!

Tang Chen liked it quite a lot, and in addition, he really didn't have any means of transportation, flying close to his wings was quite exhausting.

Tang Chen asked for a price. "Friend of God, how much is this blanket worth?"

"Ha ha."

The Xuanshen who sold the blanket had a smile on his face before he could speak, "500 million black coins! No bargaining."

"500 million black coins? It's expensive! I don't have that much money! It's a pity!"

Tang Chen really only had less than [-] black coins left on him.

Except for the more than 100 million black coins left to him by Kuafu and his party, the rest of the more than 3000 million black coins were all seized.

But Tang Chen has a well-organized army under his command, Ziweiwei!
There are also huge teams at all levels, so the resources purchased by tens of millions of black coins are really a drop in the bucket!
With a few thousand black coins in hand, if you want to buy Shensuo, light carpets and the like, then it belongs to consumption luxury goods!
There is no such budget!
Can't squeeze it out!
"Oh, that's how it is! But I weaved a Shinto light carpet, which took a lot of effort and wasted a lot of air! It's really a fair price!"

That Xuanshen frowned slightly, seeing that Tang Chen did not seem to be lying.The exit explained: "It seems that the god friend and my light carpet are destined to have nothing to do with each other!"

Tang Chen nodded, and rubbed the light carpet very reluctantly, feeling a bit of sadness in his heart. Tang Chen hadn't felt this kind of wishful feeling for a long time!Scratching the heart and scratching the liver seems to be uncomfortable.

I can't help but sigh, the embarrassment of working independently to make money and support the army!

The Xuanshen saw Tang Chen's expression in his eyes, and couldn't help but sighed with a soft heart: "God friend! I am a fifth-grade warp and weft master, and I can weave one piece. Looking at the world of sunspots, there are very few existences! Today's livelihood is forced. It’s only when you sell your work. Being old also has its difficulties..."

"Yo! Mr. Shi Zhongyu!! The brothers have found you! You can make it easy for the brothers to find!"

Just as Tang Chen was communicating with the weaver Shi Zhongyu, a group of Guangmin, dressed in very good orange robes, surrounded them in a grand manner.

From Tang Chen's point of view, the clothes and robes of this group of people did not belong to the Zodiac Light Domain. It was obvious that the people who came were servants of a wealthy family in the Orange Dao Light Domain!
Looking at Shi Zhongyu's extremely ugly face, Tang Chen concluded that this group of people must have come from across the domain, only for Shi Zhongyu!

Sure enough, Shi Zhongyu put away the Shinto light blanket with lightning speed and stuffed it into his arms.

Unexpectedly, the leader grabbed a corner of the light blanket.

"Farewell! Patriarch likes the treasure you wove so much, why don't you dedicate it to Patriarch? Let Thunder Sect help you raise your wives and children for your god friend Shi Zhongyu. How are you? You didn't even know what to say, but you ran to the boundary of Xuanyuan Mansion! I really don't know what to say about you..."

Another orange-robed servant chimed in: "Has Patriarch Lei Ting ever treated you badly? Made you hungry? Made you have no resources for cultivation? Why is our Thunder Sect sorry for you? You are ungrateful! Thanks to me for calling you Shi Zhongyu gentlemen!"

Shi Zhongyu tugged on the light carpet a few times, but the orange-robed servant in the lead refused to let go,

Shi Zhongyu was helpless, and the corners of his eyes were filled with soreness: "Brothers! Please let Shi Zhongyu go! The kindness and virtue will never be forgotten!"

Tang Chen suddenly understood.These people who dare to love are not slaves, but disciples of a sect of the Orange Dao Light Domain in the Heizi World.They came here specially to arrest Shi Zhongyu across domains.

Tang Chen didn't want to get involved in the internal struggles of other sects,
After all, there is no friendship with Shi Zhongyu, not even a relationship.So he took a step back and watched quietly.

Just to watch a show.

"What are you talking about? The Thunder Sect appreciates you so much! You betrayed the Thunder Sect, left the sect privately, abandoned your wife and children, but the Thunder Patriarch still protects you and tells our brothers not to hurt you. You! You are a wolf!"

Another orange robe disciple emerged from the crowd.After taking Shi Zhongyu's words, he accused him unceremoniously.

There were also other disciples who rushed to help...

"Yes! With your character, I really don't know how to touch the divine way in the lower world and be able to ascend! You can't be an imposter!"

This statement came out.

A ray of light suddenly appeared in the sky above the sunspot world!
Chop on the head of this orange robe disciple.

The entire divine body immediately turned into a stream of light, dissipating in the dazzling sky!

When the gods were astonished, the sky condensed a piece of prophecy with light: Questioning the selection of Ascension, the crime should be punished!

There are ten divine characters in red, bright red and coquettish, like cinnabar!

Can't help but make people's hearts tremble!
This is divine power!
The ubiquitous and omnipotent inspector of Heizi's world, sees every detail!

Whenever there is a wrong word, wrong thing, or violation of the oath, there is only one end, that is to annihilate the soul, and turn it into a stream of light to completely annihilate!

Kamui is ruthless!Don't give anyone any chance to correct mistakes!
"Ah! Junior Brother Lugu!"

All the disciples of the Thunder Sect were in a mess.Cry to the ground!
Another orange-robed Thunder Sect disciple, who seemed to have a close relationship with Lugu, grabbed Shi Zhongyu's chest like crazy, his eyes were red, and he cursed: "It's all you! Damn it! Patriarch Thunder just slept with you Woman, are you forced to weave all day long? What’s wrong with you? This is the unspoken rule of this sect, so why escape? You! You, you, you! You return my brother Lugu!”


Tang Chen, who was outside the circle, immediately rolled his eyes when he heard the words, it seems that there is room for maneuver!

As soon as my mind moved, I began to pay attention to the continued development of the situation.

Shi Zhongyu was robbed by that disciple, and seeing Lugu died because of him, he couldn't help being in chaos!

The divine light on his body was scattered, and the air of divine demeanor and eloquence when talking with Tang Chen was gone now!
Shi Zhongyu was tongue-tied: "Brothers! I, Shi Zhongyu, prayed for God with all my heart, only to live forever! My wife, I have never had sex with each other, how can I have children? Besides, since I ascended to this place, I was selected by the Thunder Sect to enter the sect. I have avoided the pain of mining! Zongmen's favor to me is nothing more than that!"

That Thunder Sect disciple was still relentless, raised his hand and slapped Shi Zhongyu across the face,

(End of this chapter)

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