Shushan Wushen

Chapter 976 Under the Water Maple Tree

Chapter 976 Under the Water Maple Tree


But Tang Chen was afraid that he would hurt the girl if he moved too much.You have to struggle within a certain range of strength!But this makes the nature completely changed...

three days later.Tang Chen woke up leisurely.Turn over...

"Squeak! Yah!" Under the water maple tree, the large water maple sacred bed collapsed!

"Clack! Cluck! Big brother, you're awake!" Shui Chan'er's voice came before anyone arrived.

The lotus steps, the soft waist swings like a snake!The water cicada is very graceful.She's in perfect shape!The legs are slender and straight, swaying from the water maple forest like this, the curves are undulating, graceful and moving!
Tang Chen couldn't help but looked a little crazy, and murmured: "Fairy!"

"Hehehe! How did my little sister become a fairy? You stole my first kiss first! You naughty big brother!" Shui Chan'er stretched out her hand and tapped her forehead.

Tang Chen let out a long sigh.Helplessly shook his head.She put her arms around Shui Chan'er: "Little sister! Brother is not good! Brother treats you like a little girl! Take me to see Princess Shui Chan'er! I will do whatever it takes to get you by my side!"

"Eh? Princess..." Shui Chan'er blinked her big watery eyes, and pursed her mouth pretending to be innocent.A joking heart arose.

"The princess has ordered! Said you are not authentic! You are a big villain! She doesn't want to see you anymore! If you want to see her, you have to go through three times!" Shui Chan'er fooled Tang Chen seriously.

When Tang Chen heard it, he immediately lost his temper, "Oh! That's it! Forget it! Now that you know the ridiculous things between the two of you, then you can leave with me!"

"Hehehe, do you want to abduct little sister? Big brother is a big villain! Big villain!" Shui Chan'er waved her small fists in demonstration, and turned her head to pretend to be angry.

Tang Chen shook his head helplessly.I think this little sister is a little ignorant.But after all, what's the matter, so I asked: "What do you mean? Go to Princess Shui Chan'er, and then seriously hire and propose marriage?"

"Oh~~" Shui Chan'er widened her big Shui Lingling eyes, her full lips protruded into an "O" shape, her mind was tumbling rapidly, and at the last moment when Tang Chen was almost losing patience, she finally nodded.

"Of course! Otherwise, what's the matter!" Shui Chan'er bent down and picked up the flyer woven from water maple leaves, and put it away carefully and carefully in front of Tang Chen.

At this time, the scarlet is so dazzling!Tang Chen sighed and nodded. "Okay! Then let's look at the three views! Which three views? It can't be the outlook on life, values, and world outlook, right?"

Shui Chaner glared at Tang Chen complacently, and coquettishly: "I know that big brother will not betray his heart! What is the Three Views, you will know when you enter the Shuifeng Forest! Here! This is the God of the Three Views Beloved!"

Tang Chen took over the god's pet, recognized the owner with a drop of blood and activated the god's pet's code.The divine pet is a light parrot.After recognizing the master, "咻" flew onto Tang Chen's shoulder, uttering words.

"Trialist! My mission is to supervise your three-view trial! You accept my order immediately! Are you sure to start the three-view trial now?"

"Start!" Shui Chan'er shouted loudly, and after shouting, she looked at Tang Chen with a smile and winked.

"Instructions issued by non-trial practitioners are invalid!" After the light parrot finished speaking, he pecked at a protruding feather.A sanctimonious, serious look.

Tang Chen was posed by Shui Chaner, and now he is flirting again, which immediately aroused Tang Chen's desire.

"Ouch! Hee hee hee!"


Another three days!Tang Chen was in high spirits and looked refreshed, pulling out the dying Shui Chan'er!Jump up!Fastened his belt, and gave instructions to the light parrot: "The trial of the three views begins!" Tang Chen kicked his toes on the ground, "Whew!" and got into the water maple forest.

The light parrot quickly responded: "In the water maple forest ahead, we found purple mushrooms! Precautions for the trial! Do not use warriors! Do not use talismans! Do not use..."

Tang Chen interrupted the light parrot's series of stylized terms: "Get to the point! Just let me use brute force, right?"

"What a smart trainee! Now your divine power and sense are about to be sealed, and the trainee doesn't have to resist!" The light parrot also simply put forward the conditions that Tang Chen thought were unbelievable!

"What? How is it possible? Doesn't that mean, let me..." Tang Chen froze, planning to retreat.However, the water maple forest was so close at hand, Tang Chen Da Luo Jinshen's cultivation speed was terrifying.late!
Dazed for a moment, the god-favored light parrot spat out a forbidden god code, Phew!God code exploded!A ray of divine light penetrated into Tang Chen's body.Tang Chen "Plop!" and fell to the ground!

Without his aura, Tang Chen's supernatural powers, supernatural powers, and secret techniques are all useless!It's just mortals with better physical strength!

Tang Chen turned his head and ran out towards the water maple forest!

"Trialist! You are going in the wrong direction! Turn to the right and you will see the outside of the Water Maple Forest!" The light parrot reminded in time.

"No! I won't participate in this trial!" Tang Chen raised his fist and blasted the calabash python that was attacking head-on!He kicked the nine-eyed toad into the air with a kick!The sole of the foot ran over an unknown plant monster...

"Then you don't want to see the water cicada anymore?" The light parrot's voice suddenly rose!As if afraid that Tang Chen wouldn't hear clearly.

Tang Chen grabbed Halo Ling Teng, whoosh!It's round, and it explodes a divine light tiger!While avoiding the attack of the cuttlefish snake, he responded to the light parrot, "It's gone! I can't see it! I won't see Shui Chan'er alive! Shui Chan'er wants to see me, so I have to collect the corpse!"

hiss!Tang Chen's leg was bitten by the divine inscription spirit arc attack, Tang Chen fiercely raised his leg and kicked back!It was colliding with the tin-skinned green-haired lion that was chasing after it!boom!The flesh and blood turned into rain of blood!
The light parrot's voice trembled!It is estimated that the favorite is also afraid, almost hysterical: "Then you don't want your little sister anymore? Are you going to abandon her?"

Tang Chen saw the colorful zebra raised its hooves, and its toes "boom!" It crushed a piece of sacred soil under its feet, dodged the raised hooves of the colorful zebra, and punched into a palm, puff!

It runs through the neck in the shape of colorful zebra stripes!With a wave of his arm, the besieged beautiful light snakes and the white jade spirit mouse that jumped in mid-air happened to meet them! !
Tang Chen was covered in blood, full of murderous aura!She replied loudly: "How is it possible? She is so beautiful! So pure! Either go together! Or kidnap! Or simply carry away! At worst, she will die! Let Shui Chaner chase me down!"

Maybe Tang Chen's loud words!Maybe Tang Chen's vicious aura!In short, the light parrot closed its mouth!Tang Chen's battle is in full swing, so he has no time to pay attention!
A pair of iron fists, open and close!The foundation of the dragon's blood quenching body and the muscles and bones rammed by Shenguang completely exploded with unimaginable strength!Even more spirit beasts than spirit beasts!Whether it is plant life or flesh and blood life!It is the special life bred by Shenguang, within three moves, it will definitely explode!
(End of this chapter)

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