Shushan Wushen

Chapter 978 Ancient Ballad of Picking Mushrooms

Chapter 978 Ancient Ballad of Picking Mushrooms


Deafening, continuous explosions sounded in Tang Chen's ears!This voice is no stranger to Tang Chen now!It was the God-killing Arrow fired by the God-killing Crossbow, and the magic explosion released by the magic array!

"It's broken!" Tang Chen was shocked immediately.Those god-killing arrows shot and killed the spores born of the Purple Mushroom King!Spores have strong vitality!Also the seeds of purple mushrooms!If you fall into the divine soil, you can reproduce endlessly!

really!Those spores fell into the divine soil and disappeared!With only a period of gestation, there must be mountains and plains!The purple mushroom is the elixir of the gods!It is extremely beneficial to the gods!But release good fortune!The most indispensable thing now is good luck!

"Huh? Whoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo!" suddenly a dwarf warrior with light horns found Tang Chen!Sound the magic horn!

Just as Tang Chen got up from the ground in disgrace, he was located by countless god-killing crossbows!I had to obediently catch him with nothing.Being driven by the dwarves on a ladder, tied to a magic cross, with arms stretched out, and a magic copper nail nailed to one leg...

"I'm sure! This is the legendary Purple Mushroom King elf! It belongs to high-level plant life! It has the same wisdom as humans..." A dwarf with a white beard stroked his beard that was dragging to the ground, and looked at Tang Chen for a long time. Come to a conclusion.

"The Great Elder is the wise man of our dwarf tribe! We believe in the Great Elder!"

"We also believe in the Great Elder!"

The chiefs of the eight dwarf tribes gave their support one after another and agreed with the conclusion of the great elder.

"Burn him!"

"Yes! Burn him!"

The Great Elder twirled his snow-white beard and narrowed his eyes: "The purple mushroom king elf in front of us is still in its infancy! I haven't had time to practice and advance! It may be feasible to burn him to death!"

"Yes! Then burn him to death!"

"The Great Elder has spoken! Burn him to death!"

The Guangjiao warriors raised their weapons and shouted in unison: "Burn the purple mushroom king spirit! Burn the purple mushroom king spirit!! Burn the purple mushroom king spirit!!!"

Under the cross, a few dwarves in magician robes took out magic potions and muttered words, some of them wrote fire magic circles!Some are writing magic scrolls!Another one actually cast a wind dragon instantly!Obviously this is an auxiliary wind attribute magician.

Ordinary flames would not be able to harm Tang Chen's divine body, which was comparable to a treasure of the divine way!But the magic flame is different!Although Tang Chen had nothing to do for a while, he didn't say a word, but his eyes were terrified!
torture!Challenge your heart to endure the ultimate torture!Nothing makes your scalp tingle more than sharpening a knife in front of you!Watching the magician make full preparations!The most painful thing in the world is this!
Seeing the magician mockingly, he glanced at Tang Chen on the cross!As if deliberately showing off, he chanted a magic spell!Summon a rain dragon with water magic!

The horns of the head are towering, and the wet volley is hovering!Immediately, it attracted cruel cheers from the light-horned fighters!
"Long live the great magician!"

"Long live the great magician! Long live the magician!"

"Magician! Long live!"

"Magician! Magician! Magician! Long live!"

The great elder looked at the celebration scene in front of him with satisfaction, smiled and stroked his beard and nodded frequently.The water droplets on the Yulong's body were shining brightly in the Light Realm, reflecting colorful rays of light!The ground of the sacred land is thus wet!

Suddenly!What did the Great Elder realize!With a shake of his hand, he tore off a large lock of beard!Regardless of the pain, he didn't even have time to lower his head to pick up the fake beard covered with glue, and screamed in horror!

"Take the magic! Hurry up! Take the magic! Hurry up and take the magic! Catastrophe is imminent!"

Amidst the cheers of the light-horned fighters, the magician was complacently intoxicated!The Great Elder's reminder was drowned out by the voices of the Horned Warriors!Tang Chen narrowed his eyes suddenly!My heart tightened!
"The opportunity has come! The time to witness Tang Chen's reversal has come!"

In the fresh and moist water maple forest, the spores of countless purple mushrooms have awakened at a jaw-dropping speed!Boo boo!Boo boo!Probe out of the ground!

Mutations abound!Suddenly caught off guard!The Guangjiao soldiers set up the God-killing Crossbow, but they looked at each other in blank dismay!The scale is too big!Can't do it!Besides, these are purple mushroom larvae, and the target is too small!A light-horned warrior bent down to pick a purple mushroom, rubbed his hands together and killed a purple mushroom!

"Hurry up and pick mushrooms!" The Great Elder took out a magic megaphone and ordered loudly! "Magicians! Let go of your arrogance and dignity! Picking too! Kekeke! Hurry up!"

The Great Elder spoke in a hurry, his beard was caught in his mouth, and he tore off another large strand in a panic!Seeing that the catastrophe was approaching, the dwarves bowed their heads and pouted their little buttocks all over the mountains and plains!

"The Great Elder is not good! There are more and more purple mushrooms! I can't pick them all!"

"Yes, Great Elder! You are a wise man from the eight tribes of dwarves, think of a way!"

"Yes, Great Elder! Think of a way!"

The magician and the light-horned fighters, each with backaches and backaches, kept complaining!The Great Elder stomped his feet anxiously!Constantly walking up and down!That's all!What can he do?His face was flushed, and pulling off his beard was his only subconscious action so far!

"Let go of me! Let me down! I have a solution!" Tang Chen finally waited for this long-awaited moment!
"Mushroom Essence must have a solution!" The Great Elder rushed to the doctor in a sudden illness, and when he heard Tang Chen's shout, he immediately grabbed the straw for life-saving!Transferred the current embarrassment embarrassment!

The chiefs of the eight dwarf tribes looked at each other with some hesitation.

"I won't let the tiger go back to the mountain!"

"Listen to the Great Elder! After all, he is a wise man from the Eight Parts!"

"Okay! Put the mushroom essence down!" a chief ordered.A large number of light-horned fighters set up the ladder, picked up the pliers, and pulled out the magic copper nail.Untied the magic seal that tied the rope.

Tang Chen jumped off the cross, kicked his legs and stretched his feet, loosened his muscles and bones, and shook his wrists. He had already planned in his mind, but he was not sure!But think about it, it is still necessary!

"Mushroom essence! I expect you to pay for your merits!" The Great Elder climbed up the ladder, raised his head and communicated with Tang Chen.

"This god is not a mushroom spirit!" Tang Chen responded calmly, bending down and breaking off a water maple branch.After thinking about it, I put the branch in my mouth and licked it, and a bitter fragrance melted on my tongue!

Tang Chen wrote in the air!Sing as you write:
"The little girl picking mushrooms is straddling a small flower basket!

Bare and playful little feet, walk into the Mushroom Hill in the Water Maple Forest!
She picks the most mushrooms!Instantly filled with small flower baskets!
She picks the most mushrooms!Too much ground and no mushrooms!
Thia Luo Luo Li Thia Luo Luo Li Thi!
Thie Luo Luo Li Thi Luo Luo Li Thi...!
(End of this chapter)

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