Shushan Wushen

Chapter 987 He is Tang Liang

Chapter 987 He is Tang Liang


"Hey!" Tang Chen's heart trembled suddenly!The heart-piercing pain quickly hit my heart.I couldn't help but lose my composure. After calming down for a long time, I inadvertently saw Zhang Pusen's desperate eyes, and quickly said: "Yes! Yes! My brother needs maintenance! He needs maintenance!"

After finishing speaking, Tang Chen took out the [Purple Taoist Seal], "Just send a [Guangxin] to the Royal Golden Crow Academy and report your brother's name, and that's it! You can report anytime!"

"You nobles are really superior!" Zhang Pusen licked his lips enviously, Tang Chen helped him a lot!His face was beaming with excitement!Looks like he's out of control.

Suddenly!Tang Chen's expression changed drastically!These are a [Light Message] that I don’t know when it was sent. It was sent by the Black Emperor Shrine: "The Black Emperor Shrine has recently captured a nine-clawed dragon from the lower realm! If there are Shinto nobles who need to ride, please contact Royal Auction House, starting price..."

This is an ad!Also a notice!With a dragon as a mount, looking at the world of light, the imperial family Emperor Jun, Xihe and the ten princes are qualified, and the other is the seven masters of the Dao of Light and God's Domain!
"Trap! It's obviously a trap!" Tang Chen thought subconsciously.

Tang Chen took out the Landao God's Domain [Palm God's Seal], and saw that there was also this [Light News].

Then, under Zhang Pusen's astonished eyes that were almost crazy, Tang Chen flipped out the Zodiac [Handed God's Seal] and the Equator [Handed God's Seal].Sure enough, they all received the same [Light Message].

Tang Chen overturned his original suspicion, and heaved a sigh of relief: "This is money-making! The war is tight, and the royal family is not willing to use it!" However, more worries came to the brows...

"Master Ye Meng! What is your identity? Losing the [Taoist Seal] is a serious crime! You are not afraid of those Taoist masters... Are you jumping over the wall in a hurry, and the fish is dead?" Zhang Pusen reminded Tang Chen nervously.

"The big crime of cutting the prince? Oh? Haha! Haha! Hahaha! Thank you!" Tang Chen suddenly saw the sun, and he was very cheerful!He patted Zhang Pusen on the shoulder hard!

"Thank you! Huh? By the way, what's our brother's name? I'll send [Guangxun]! As for my own family affairs, I have to hurry up..." Tang Chen said with air...

"No, no, no! No! No! Lord Ye Meng, don't worry! Don't worry!" Zhang Pusen waved his hands again and again, rejecting Tang Chen's kindness.Tang Chen's eyes rolled and he immediately understood the mystery.

Tang Chen chuckled, and lowered his voice mysteriously: "These nobles, they are afraid of losing their titles..."

"Hey!" Zhang Pusen reacted immediately after a while.His eyes sparkled again, and he nodded again and again: "Okay! Good! Good! There is Lord Lao Yemeng! There is Lord Lao Yemeng!"

After Tang Chen dealt with Zhang Pusen's entrustment here, Zhang Pusen left with gratitude.Tang Chen hurried back to Ziwei Xingchen.

The Nine-Clawed Demon Dragon is undoubtedly Tang Liang!Tang Liang killed his father!Brother Tu!So far, the whereabouts of Ye Mengrou, Tang Zhiyun, Yang Kangri, Xue Xiaolian and their nine wives are still unknown!Life and death are uncertain!This brother is a bastard, a scourge!

Tang Chen lingered for a long time outside the secret room of Tang Batian's retreat!I have been thinking about it for a long time! !
well!But he is my brother! ! !
Tang Chen decided to give Tang Liang another chance to correct his mistakes!It's better not to tell Tang Batian about this for the time being!The old man is also very difficult to choose!No matter how animal is, he is also his own son!You let Tang Batian, how to choose?

Tang Chen turned around and was about to leave, suddenly!Blindfolded! "Guess who I am? You are not allowed to release your divine thoughts!" Tang Chen's heart trembled, as if the softest part of his heart had been gently brushed by a feather...

Who else?Little loli water cicada!Tang Chen stopped guessing, twisted his toes, turned around and picked up Shui Chaner, whoosh!It flew into the mid-air cloud!Waving a wind beast, the two of them rode on it, whispering in low voices, talking about love...

"Big brother, just now you were in the old man's secret room with a sad face, did you encounter any trouble?" Finally Shui Chan'er brought the topic to reality.

Tang Chen didn't hide anything, he simply told Shui Chan'er in detail, exactly what happened!Shui Chan'er was silent after hearing this, and Tang Chen didn't bother, he gently hugged little Lolita, waiting for Shui Chan'er's thoughts!

"Big brother, let's give Tang Liang another chance to correct mistakes! Big brother, what do you think?" Shui Chan'er stared at her big Shui Lingling eyes, and refused to blink, for fear of missing any subtle changes in Tang Chen's expression .

"You are such a kind little sister! I like you so much!" Tang Chen was so touched at this moment!Eleven wives, all dignified and decent, full of wit and tricks!But only this little loli Shui Chan'er really moved Tang Chen!
The sea is so vast and boundless, endless as far as the eye can see!All rivers are inclusive!A shipwrecked sailor who was dying of thirst!
Although the stream meanders and flows, it is not enough to carry a boat, but it can cook porridge!The little loli is beautiful!The heart is even more beautiful!The kindness of the water cicada is like a trickling brook, moistening things silently!But it is more real than the sea!
At this moment, Tang Chen put Shui Chan'er in his arms, but he also put it in his heart!After all, Shui Chan'er was born in the royal family, yet she values ​​family affection so much, which is rare!It's not that Tang Chen's other wives are bad!It's just that Tang Chen thinks that Shui Chan'er's three views are highly consistent with his own three views!

"Then you have to go back as soon as possible to participate in the auction!" Little Lolita reminded Tang Chen in a low voice.

"Well! It's a pity that I didn't have any military achievements this time! I can only slip away quietly!" Tang Chen was infinitely melancholy, and said quietly: "Not only that, but also abducted [-] million troops!"

"Eh? That's a reinforcement camp! Big brother, can you support that many people? It will cost a lot!" Little Lolita reminded Tang Chen in time.

Tang Chen smiled: "I can't help it! The marshals on the front line were offended by the big brother and suffered..."

After Tang Chen finished talking, the little Lolita smiled, showing her neat and beautiful teeth: "Big brother, you are so kind to your family and comrades in arms. You are so kind!"

"Of course! Big brother is fine!" Tang Chen agreed without hesitation.But I saw that little loli had touched it somewhere on her body, it was a jade pendant!Pass it to Tang Chen.

Tang Chen took it and stroked it lightly: "Little sister, is this a token of love you reissued to your big brother?"

"Big brother, take a look at the Lord!" Little Lolita reminded Tang Chen, Tang Chen recognized the Lord, opened the jade pendant and was pleasantly surprised! "Beheading the battleship?"

"Huh! Big brother knows how to fight. This is the dragon head Shenshuo! It is much more valuable than a beheaded battleship! Its speed is hundreds of millions of times faster than a beheaded battleship!" Shui Chan'er pouted her pretty lips, looking like a big brother I don't know the goods, and the little sister looks very angry.

(End of this chapter)

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