Shushan Wushen

Chapter 989 He will finally be glorious

Chapter 989 He will finally be glorious


Shui Chan'er threw away the Mingdi Dragon Spear, and plunged into Tang Chen's arms!Tang Chen is helpless!Holding the little loli with one hand, waving a three-section stick in his hand!
Immediately, it was another blockbuster!

However, the situation is not so optimistic at this time!The battle situation in the three thousand six hundred and twenty four light years of the Jiemen War has already attracted the attention of the high-level soldiers of the God Realm!
Three thousand, 620 and four light years, a total of more than a hundred large-scale battlefields to work together!The rest of the parties have broken through the Light Realm Defenders to work together, only these 620 four light-year nameless colleagues, the nameless colleagues stationed by the [-]nd Corps of the Light Realm!There is tenacious resistance! !
And here is where the weakest colleagues are!For the construction of the new garrison camp this time, all materials will be transported from here to the front!The nameless colleagues stationed in the [-]nd Corps of the Light Realm are a major transportation channel!
Without a large number of cultivation resources such as pills, talismans, armor, soldiers, etc., the army of the gods would be a lonely army!If the Light Realm reacts and counterattacks in time, not only will the original results of the battle be lost, but it will even endanger all the resident God Realm four thousand light years ago!
A large number of high-end fighters from the Light Realm quickly approached Tang Chen!And Yu Wuhen, the supreme commander in the God Realm's military world, beheaded more than ten generals in a row in a fit of rage!Order to use the God-killing Crossbow!
Due to the inconvenient transportation, most of the god-killing crossbows are deployed in the permanent pass of [-] light-years. At this moment, the high-secret battleships of the royal family are deployed at an almost unimaginable speed!Go straight to Tang Chen...

Tang Chen placed Ye Mengwei's secret agent in the God Realm, and quickly passed the information through the channel, across endless [dimensions] to Ziwei Xingchen!Tang Chen immediately obtained this precious information! !

"Water Cicada! We can't keep here! The God Realm is going to make a big move! How do you use your [Dragon Head God Shuttle]?"

Shui Chan'er heard the words and recovered her emotions: "Don't worry! Big brother, I have everything! I will control it!"

"Okay!" Tang Chen took out a mountain of talismans from his arms!Impressive!Tens of thousands of layers of protective barriers were quickly formed!Just at the moment when the barrier was formed!Tang Chen waved his hand!Those more than 1 million sharp-knife battalion magic soldiers!All were moved by Tang Chen to an uninhabited star in Ziwei Starfield!

Turning around again, he will hide behind the Sharp Knife Battalion, and the remaining 4000 million "cannon fodder" of the Shenji Battalion will also be collected into the Ziwei Star Field!Only this time, another unmanned star was replaced!
The water cicada is already ready!Immediately sacrifice the Shinto Hengbao [Dragon Head Shenshuo], whoosh!Holding Tang Chen's arm, he got into the [Dragon Head God Shuttle]!
[Dragon Head Shensuo] released an indescribable wave!Shensuo, a soldier from the God Realm, felt his eyes go dizzy!There is an extremely vast open space in front of you!There is nothing left in this open space!
The soldiers from the God Realm looked at each other in astonishment!Suddenly!
Another indescribable fluctuation came!The high-secret battleship of the royal family of the gods has sent [God-killing Crossbow]!
[Dragon Head God Shuttle] Flying to [-] light-years in the blink of an eye!

"Stop! Stop! Stop! Go back, little sister! We'll be doomed if we leave like this!" Tang Chen suddenly realized an extremely serious consequence!

"Where are you going?" Shui Chan'er blushed and stammered!Tang Chen felt that there was something wrong with Shui Chan'er.Suddenly narrowed his eyes!Ask in a very gentle voice.

"Little sister, did you say something? Tell big brother!"

really!Shui Chan'er burst into tears uncontrollably!Plunging headlong into Tang Chen's arms!
"Big brother! Big brother! Don't blame me! Don't blame me! I didn't mean it! I really don't want to!"

Little Lolita's crying made Tang Chen's heart throb!He really likes water cicadas.However, Shui Chan'er must have deceived him!

Tang Chen gently rubbed the back of the little loli, and continued to comfort softly: "Okay! Alright! Little sister! Brother will peel the chocolate for you to eat! If you cry again, I won't eat it!"

Tang Chen gently peeled off a piece of chocolate, and handed it to little Lolita. Shui Chan'er broke into a smile, took the chocolate, and stuffed it into her mouth. Her big red and swollen eyes gradually glowed!Tang Chen pitifully took out a handkerchief, and helped him wipe it gently.asked casually.

"How long will it take us to reach the gate of the God Realm?"

"Huh?" Little Lolita Shui Chan'er was stunned!The chocolate melted in the mouth and flowed into the alveoli: "Cough! Cough! Cough! Cough! Cough! Cough!"

Tang Chen helped Shui Chan'er gently tap on the back, and said extremely calmly: "It's nothing! It's just that I want to go back and save my brother! When you get home, just lend me the [Dragon Head God Shuttle]! Greetings from Brother Haoran!"

Shui Chan'er showed a bitter face.

Shui Chan'er silently approached Tang Chen, her fair cheeks turned pale and lost their luster!Tears flowed down Tang Chen's neck!Tang Chen raised his hand to wipe it clean, turned around and hugged Shui Chan'er in his arms...

"It's just ahead..." Before Shui Chan'er finished speaking, Tang Chen's lips were already...

Suddenly! 【Dragon Head Shenshuo】Shocked!Make incredible tweets!interrupted the tune of the two.Shui Chaner was shocked!Tang Chen's eyes revealed an unbelievable light!Nana said to himself: "Little sister, don't be afraid! Another big brother is here...!"

...before endless ages—

Glory plane.

It was a moonless night and the sky was full of stars!Bright and extremely dazzling!It's a pity that the neon lights in the city are too bright!The light that is so close at hand is dazzling!No more time to look at the stars in the sky!

It's like a star exploded in the sky!The invisible aurora channel was born, colorful and endlessly gorgeous!A black hand suddenly appeared!
Could it be that this giant hand pierced the sky?
Unfortunately, only astronomy enthusiasts observed this scene!He rubbed his eyes in disbelief, added a few drops of eye drops, and observed through the telescope...

"Ha...ow! Hi! Hallucination!"

Under the gravitational force of the Glory Star, the black hand slammed towards the surface!boom!dusty!A huge deep pit instantly appeared on the ground!

Whoosh!A big man who seemed to be wearing a yaksha mask suddenly jumped out of the deep pit!After waving his hands to disperse the dust, nine beautiful women jumped out in a panic!cough!cough!cough!However, they quickly jumped down again!Holding out a bloody corpse...

at the same time!

Tang Chen, a senior high school student, suddenly woke up!Cold sweat!Putting his hands on his chest, he looked like he was still in shock!Stare at the computer screen in front of you with puffy eyes!It took half a day to recover!Crackling, pulling a slipper, rushing into the bathroom!

Tang Chen trembled, turned on the faucet, wow!Wow!Wow!I washed my face!Make the ground full of water!I can't care less about it!Hurry up and look in the mirror!
"Black eyes! Black hair! Yellow skin! Yes! Eh?"

Tang Chen shook his head, bent down, wow!Wow!Wow!

Tang Chen washed his face again!Carefully, look in the mirror!

(End of this chapter)

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