Shushan Wushen

Chapter 991 Summoning Parents

Chapter 991 Summoning Parents


Lu Meiting originally had a relationship with Tang Chen!Sentimental first love, that lakeside, that debut novel with fragrant ink!
But Tang Chen has been inseparable this year... Lu Meiting and Zhang Pusen get along with each other, and love turns hate!More of a demonstration!You don't want me?Someone wants it!Is this girl unable to marry?

Gradually, Lu Meiting changed from struggling to submitting!Later, they catered to them!The two hugged each other and kissed earth-shatteringly!The rock-cracking landslide of kisses!In this world of kisses, time has stopped!

The students were all dumbfounded!This hot scene is simply abusing single dogs!Suddenly several couples were infected!Just like Tang Chen and Lu Meiting, they hug each other passionately and kiss together!
More single dogs, dejected, walked out of the school in a sense of loss, walking like flying!Straight to Spielberg's office! "Si... Teacher Si! Teacher Si! Something serious happened!"

You guys love concubines!You Lennon Me Lennon!Crazy single dog!If you are single, report to the teacher!Jedi counterattack!

Teacher Si was skeptical, and walked like flying towards the school...

In the endless years of coaching, Spielberg has never seen such an absurd scene!The scene in front of me is not only shocking!It made Spielberg feel even colder! "Boom~~boo~~"


Those who are full of love, hard to restrain themselves, and groan the most are actually Spielberg's favorite outstanding students!It's unimaginable!Absolutely incredible!At this moment, Spielberg felt that all the beliefs in his life had collapsed!
An extremely furious roar!But I am tired of the sweet and tender love!No one noticed Spielberg's "arrival"!

night!Even though the lights are on, the corridor on the third floor of No. [-] Middle School is still full of people!Crying girls, boys who can't stop begging for mercy!Out of the roar of angry parents...

a long time!The father and daughter of Lu Meiting, who had their heads down and couldn't see the expressions on their faces, finally walked out of Teacher Si's office!Tang Chen's father, Tang Batian, grabbed Tang Chen's ears and was about to rush in!

"Father Tang Chen, stop!" Lu Bu stretched out his hand and made a blocking motion, pointing outside. "Let's talk! I have a suggestion!"

Tang Batian, whoa!Showed the work card!In front of Lu Bu, shake it!Cold response: "I am a government official at the imperial level! My children have been excellent since childhood, and the kindergarten used to..."

"No, no, no! Don't get me wrong! It's not asking for a crime! I have a suggestion! Hmm! Very good suggestion! Please!" Lu Bu was generous, stretching out his hand and sitting in a gesture of invitation.

"Hmph!" Tang Batian snorted coldly, the corridor was surprisingly quiet at this moment, all the parents and classmates were watching this scene!Seeing Tang Batian's complexion was unkind, he reached out and responded with a "please"!Pull Tang Chen directly, and go downstairs first!
Tang Batian walked down to the third floor, but stood there. Seeing Lu Bu's father and daughter coming downstairs behind him, he opened his eyes wide from bottom to top, and looked up!Tang Chen felt that his father's eyes were a little strange, it didn't look like...

Following his gaze, "Huh?" Tang Chen was stunned!What Tang Batian stared at was Lu Meiting, who was still ashamed with her head down!Seeing this, Lu Bu smiled slightly and shook his head.Reaching out in his pocket, he took out a box of cigarettes, took out two and handed them to Tang Batian!
Tang Batian took it over naturally, approached Lu Bu to light the fire, took a sip lightly, and put a smile on his face: "Dude, your girl is so beautiful! It's fate if you say it!"

"Congratulations! Your Tang Chen is also good! I really appreciate it!" Lu Bu smiled and reached out to shake hands with Tang Batian: "Lu Bu!"

"Tang batian!"

The two shook hands naturally, leaving Tang Chen and Lu Meiting behind!The two people in front of you come and go, and the chat gradually becomes heated!
Tang Chen gradually approached Lu Meiting, and reached out to grab Lu Meiting's hand!However, Lu Meiting stretched out her hand long ago, and Tang Chen grabbed Lu Meiting's wrist instead. Immediately, the two of them had a feeling of mutual understanding, and neither of them wanted to move.

Almost at the same time, embrace each other!Lu Meiting approached Tang Chen's ear: "My father said a lot of good things for you in front of Spielberg! Teacher Si was very angry! My father said, if you really want to be punished, let me drop out of school and marry you! Crazy! Giggle..."

"Ho ho ho..." Tang Chen smirked, and hugged Lu Meiting even tighter!At this moment, Tang Chen felt that his body organs were so sensitive!Actually through their school uniforms, they could feel Lu Meiting's fiery body temperature!

The small and soft fluff on Lu Meiting's face brushed across Tang Chen's face, the feeling was so clear!Tang Chen discovered that his endurance was surprisingly good!I can actually hold back that itchy feeling!Just to enjoy a little more time when the beautiful woman is in your arms!
Tang Chen murmured: "This moment becomes eternity! How wonderful it would be!"

In an instant, Tang Chen felt a little wet on his shoulders, and a hot drop flowed into his neck: "I would like to die in your arms, just like this!"


Whoa, whoa, whoa!
There was an extremely suppressed cough, low and full of headhunters!Untimely sound!At the stairs on the third floor, two parents and their children stood there angrily!
"You go as you please! It's not blocking your way! You're so stupid!" Lu Bu climbed to the second floor at the other side of the stairs!Follow behind Tang batian!When the two of them came out, they smelled like cigarettes, and they had obviously been paying attention secretly for a long time.

"The road is so wide, why are you coughing! You are stupid! You have never had a date!" Tang Batian threw the cigarette butt in his hand on the ground, raised his foot and crushed it vigorously!As if to trample the parent upstairs to death!

Tang Chen and Lu Meiting couldn't help being astonished!The parent upstairs also cast a weird look!Blunted: "You two are hired by them!"

"How do you talk? Who was hired? What eyes do you see! My son Duo Lian looks like..." Tang Batian pointed at Tang Chen, only to realize that Tang Chen's muscular face was a bit exaggerated!Can't help but be taken aback.

"Tang Chen! Why are you so worthless? You'll get allergic to your face if you hug it for a while? It's the end of the game!"

With an angry look, he looked at Lu Bu again, and Lu Bu answered the words to comfort him: "Forget it! Don't scold the child! You will get used to it in the future! You will get used to it! There is an adaptation process for everything! My family Tang Chen is probably allergic to the cosmetics on Meiting's face..."

"It's over!" Tang Batian gave Tang Chen a hard look with a look of reluctance.Turning around, he even dragged Lu Bu downstairs again.

The pair of parents upstairs looked like they had seen a ghost. When they passed by Tang Chen and Lu Meiting, "Hi, Uncle, Auntie!" Tang Chen and Lu Meiting greeted each other, and jumped off the parents. "Okay! Go ahead!" Fleeing away!
(End of this chapter)

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