Chapter 35 I Want To Take A Bath Too

Chapter 35 I Want To Take A Bath Too

"Ji Mo, the meat made from stir-frying vegetables is so delicious, it's much better than barbecued meat."

"Then you can just fry the meat in the future."

Ji Mo and Xiyan ate up a piece of Chinese cabbage after frying. As for the barbecued meat, Ji Mo only ate a little while Xiyan didn't eat at all, and ate all the vegetables.

"Ji Mo, teach me, I'll do the same in the future, it's really delicious."

"Okay, it's actually very simple. You didn't see it all by the side just now. You don't need anything. Just put the meat first, then put the vegetables and salt. But the meat needs to be fat."

After sending Xiyan away, Ji Mo cleaned the pot by himself, but found that the greasy one was not clean, so he had to add water and put it on the fire.

Qian Huang had already packed up the barbecue and walked to Ji Mo's side and said, "You should follow along on the next collection day."

Ji Mo nodded and asked, "Qianhuang, do you have the kind of soaphorn that can make foam? Or, what do you usually use to wash animal skins?"

Qianhuang took out a branch from a corner of the cave and threw it to Ji Mo, "Is this what you want?"

Ji Mo didn't know the soap horn, but he took one off and opened it. It really smelled like soap, so it should be it.

Ji Mo took it to clean the pot, but found that the bottom had cracked. Ji Mo sighed helplessly. Sure enough, this kind of simple pottery can't stand high temperature.

Seeing that Qianhuang was going out, Ji Mo quickly asked, "Where are you going? Take me with you."

Qianhuang glanced at her and said two words coldly, "Take a bath."

The corner of Ji Mo's mouth twitched, but he touched the hairpin in his pocket and suddenly smiled, "I'm going with you, just to give you a present."

Qianhuang didn't know why, but he didn't reject Ji Mo, and carried her out of the cave. The two kept walking up the river. The surrounding vegetation became more and more lush, and the leaves were almost blocking the sunlight.

Ji Mo has been trotting all the time, otherwise he wouldn't be able to keep up with Qianhuang's footsteps.

"Hey, where are you going to take a bath? Don't you orcs need to avoid anything? When I saw so many females by the river, the orcs were bathing there."

Now that Ji Mo thinks about it, he still feels a little uncomfortable. He uses the same water for bathing and eating. I don't know if it will cause diarrhea.

Qianhuang stopped, looked around, and untied his animal skin skirt directly in front of Ji Mo. Ji Mo hurriedly turned his head, but his eyes couldn't help but glance at his almost perfect figure.

Ji Mo's face blushed, and anxiously walked a few steps away, shouting, "Can you tell me before you take off your clothes, do you have any sense of shame?"

"What are you muttering? Hurry up and take a shower."

"Ah? I want to wash too?" Ji Mo turned around and saw that Qianhuang was already in the water, and the heat on his face subsided a little.

"You can wash it yourself. I'll go around to see if there are any saponin trees. We forgot to bring them when we just came out."

In fact, she just felt embarrassed, people here are open, but she still understands see no evil.What she didn't expect was that she actually saw the saponin tree. It was very big, but not too tall. Ji Mo's height could be picked. Ji Mo picked some and walked back.

Qianhuang was still in the water, he glanced at Ji Mo and swam around in the water on his own.

(End of this chapter)

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