super holy knight

Chapter 105 Good Luck Charm

Chapter 105 Good Luck Charm

Swords intersect.

Sparks flew and the deck shook with each blow.

Li Yunze used the Ashbringer in his hand to forcibly resist the attack of Mr. Heavy Punch. Unlike the previous bosses, this is a boss with no skills and high stats.

Mr. Heavy Fist's strength is astonishing, and his attack power is powerful. If he hadn't been parried by the Ashbringer, he would probably lose half of his blood if he was hit by a real knife.

"This boss has no skills, let's fight output with him."

Every time Li Yunze parried, he did not forget to give Mr. Heavy Punch a backhand.This boss does not have any skills. The difference between normal difficulty, hard difficulty, and heroic difficulty is just pure numerical strength.

Mr. Heavy Punch in Heroic Difficulty has full attributes, and Li Yunze's super high armor value, it will still be a bit difficult to resist.

This boss is a numerical test machine, without bells and whistles, if the tank hardness is not up to standard, the healing is not powerful enough, and the output is not fast enough, then there is no way to win.

Hang the seal of judgment.

The double halo is on.

The power of the Holy Light is activated.

Judgment hit Mr. Punch, activating the effect of the seal.

Crusader strike.

Normal Attack.

Normal Attack.

During the duration of the gain state, try to fight for more output.

"The special effect of the silver scale breastplate is activated."

Li Yunze immediately used the special effect of the dark Defias leggings, special effect: active use, after use, increase the attack power by 10 points, last for 10 seconds, and cool down for 30 minutes. (Attack power to damage ratio, 1 to 2, 10 attack power equals 20 damage.)
Then use the special effect of the Cui Can necklace to dazzle the boss for 2 seconds.

Crazy output.

The boss's dazzle ends, and he receives the hammer of punishment in seconds. Although he can't be stunned, he can slow the boss for 0.5 seconds.

"Now, everyone give all the control skills to the boss."

When Mr. Heavy Fist's health was about to bottom out, Li Yunze told the others not to be stingy with their control skills.

Everyone obeyed the command very much, and gave the control skills to the boss without hesitation.

Mr. Punch is dulled by various control skills.

Li Yunze seized the opportunity and made a very cool move. He stepped on the deck railing and leaped high, giving Mr. Heavy Punch a blow from the sky.

The Ashbringer's sword slashed at Mr. Punch's face, delivering a critical blow!
Li Yunze's critical strike damage was doubled, and Mr. Heavy Punch's blood volume instantly reached a trace of blood.

The attack didn't stop, the cd of the trial ended, Li Yunze held up the Ashbringer to end Mr. Heavy Fist's life: "Next time, don't be like a beastman, you will be fed and housed to others, the dignity of the tauren, I would rather eat grass than compromise. "

The knife in Mr. Heavy Fist's hand fell, boom!The sturdy body hit the deck heavily.

Li Yunze withdrew his sword, at this moment his blood volume was only half.

So far, Mr. Punch is the first boss to knock him down to half his health.Although his armor value is high, he doesn't have a shield. Facing a boss with high physical damage, he will suffer a bit if he doesn't have a shield to block and reduce damage.

"Save the most delicious ones." Li Yunze glanced at the runaway char siew buns rushing to the street, and then went to pick up the drops of Mr. Heavy Fist.

Facing the corpse of the runaway char siu bun, Chun began to use the resurrection technique. This was the first time she used it, and she was a little nervous.

It is good to have the resurrection technique, without the resurrection technique, the corpse will be resurrected from the cemetery, and it will be at the entrance of the instance.Running back here from the dungeon gate, it would take about twenty minutes just to run.

"Acquired: Mr. Punch's Armor."

"Acquired: Mr. Punch's sword."

"Get: Good Luck Charm."

There are three drops in total, two of which are gold-quality equipment.

"This boss is indeed a high-level member of the Defias Brotherhood. It explodes two pieces of gold equipment at once, which is awesome." Seeing all the explosions throughout the year are all that I can use, I am very happy.

The runaway char siew bun was rescued, and he couldn't wait to run up to Mr. Chongquan and stomp his feet a few times to avenge his shameful death just now: "Ji, dare to sit on your father and me to death, see if I don't kill you, an unfilial son."

Li Yunze ignored him and distributed the equipment.

Mr. Punch's battle armor (gold): plate armor breastplate, 368 armor points, +14 strength, +12 constitution, +8 agility, durability 100/100, requires level 15.

Special Effect: Restore 5 HP every 6 seconds.


Equipment that returns 5 life points is actually not as good as equipment that returns 5 mana points. For melee occupations, this special effect can only be regarded as better than nothing.

Mr. Punch's sword (gold): two-handed weapon, damage 136-151, +16 strength, +15 dexterity, durability 100/100, requires level 15.

Special effect: After the attack hits the target, there is a certain chance to call the soul of Mr. Punch to help.

People who don't understand this special effect will think that Mr. Heavy Punch can be summoned to help fight, making the situation 2 vs 1 in seconds.In fact, it is not the case. After the special effect is triggered, after the soul of Mr. Heavy Fist comes out, it will only attack the target with a saber, and then disappear immediately.

You can understand it this way, that is, when you attack the target, you have a chance to hit the opponent more, but this time Mr. Heavy Punch did it for you.

"The special effect trigger rate of this weapon, forget it, don't mention it."

Li Yunze thought to himself, he didn't mention the fact that the trigger rate is low, after all, this is the first time this weapon has been released: "I personally suggest that the battle armor be given to Teemo, and the weapon be given to Four Seasons, which will improve the most."

Timo is not meow and All Seasons has no objection to this arrangement.

Li Yunze divided the equipment: "There is also a good luck charm, this thing, how should I put it, let's see it."

Lucky charm: put it in your backpack, it can bring you good luck.

Just a word of introduction, just look at the literal meaning, put it in your backpack, your luck will increase.

The lucky value in the game is a hidden attribute and is not displayed. The lucky value will change every day and is not fixed.Therefore, the good luck charm is superstitiously believed by many people, thinking that as long as you put one in your backpack, the lucky value randomly generated every day will be very high.

Those who are superstitious, naturally have disdain. Some people think that this good luck charm can't increase luck at all, and putting it in a backpack can only serve as a psychological comfort.

Personally, Li Yunze is naturally not a believer. He has always felt that putting a good luck charm in his backpack is a waste of backpack slots: "Everyone roll some dots together to see who has the worst luck, and whoever gets it."

Lucky talismans are most suitable for those who are unlucky, as they serve as psychological comfort, so this time, Li Yunze did the opposite and simply took the one with the lowest roll.

"Haha, this thing, I think it must belong to Qiye, he is the most unlucky one in our place." He didn't think that he had the worst luck.

Seven Nights Rejuvenation ignored the runaway char siew buns and said, "I don't need this thing."

Touching his bald head all year round, he said with great interest: "This thing is interesting, put it in the backpack, can it be that you can get the best when you fight the boss, and you can win every time you throw points?"

Xia excitedly said: "Everyone, hurry up and throw some. With this, I will open boxes in the wild, and I will definitely open up piles of top-quality products."

This is the first time everyone sees a lucky charm. Believe it or not, it’s just a matter of throwing some demand.

Li Yunze watched everyone roll, thought for a while, and took out the dice to throw.

Everyone stared at the dice on the ground to see who was the unluckiest one in the team, and they needed to use good luck charms to transfer their luck.

(End of this chapter)

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