super holy knight

Chapter 119 Tears of Sorrow

Chapter 119 Tears of Sorrow (Diamond)
When they came to the ruins of Yamisaran again, Li Yunze and Feihua Xueying looked at the souls wandering in the ruins, and they were very shocked.


The name of that wandering soul was Anaya who took Li Yunze and the two of them away in the battle space, and then waited for her lover to come back in the city.

As expected, Anaya died and became a soul. Thousands of years later, she was still waiting for her lover's return in Yamisaland.

"This is an obsession." Li Yunze shook his head, and the night elf women were more stubborn than the other.

Feihua Xueying was touched: "Has she wandered here for 1 years?"

Li Yunze said: "If you ask in the past, you will know."

The two walked in front of Anaya's soul, and something unexpected happened. After 1 years, Anaya still recognized them.

Anaya's soul looked at the two of them and said, "Have you seen Cerelion?"

Li Yunze said: "I see."

It's true, Cerelion is by the docks in Auberdine.

Anaya was very excited: "He's still alive, he's still alive..."

Then, Anaya's soul state became extremely unstable, she stopped talking to Li Yunze and the two, and kept repeating that he was still alive...

Fei Huaxueying said: "The mission has changed, let me go to Auberdine and tell Cerelion about Anaya's news."

"The soul has been waiting for 1 years, this is a poor woman." Li Yunze felt that night elf males seemed so ungrateful and ungrateful, and the only one who was not merciless gave up his identity as a night elf and became the world's first demon hunter .

"It's still my egg that is always affectionate and righteous."

Li Yunze admired Malfurion's younger brother, Illidan, unlike his brother who was ruthless and ungrateful. Whenever his sister-in-law, Tyrande, was in danger, he would immediately appear to protect her.

Li Yunze and Feihua Xueying left the ruins of Yamisaran, returned to the port city of Auberdine, and found Cerelion at the port.

Feihua Xueying told Cerelion the news that Anaya's soul had been waiting for him for 1 years in the ruins of Yamisaran.

After learning that Anaya's soul was still waiting for him, Cerelion fell into grief: "She must be free, but I don't have the courage to do it, because for her to be free, she must first destroy her undead soul."


Feihua Xueying was shocked: "You want us to destroy Anaya's soul?"

Cerelion: "It would be better if I did it myself... However, even after 1 years, I can't bear to kill my beloved. Only you can help me, help Anna Ya's soul is liberated."

Cerelion's answer silenced Feihua Xueying, probably in her heart, she must think that men don't have a good thing.

The case was solved, and Li Yunze finally understood why she had no scandals in the past ten years, so she did this task.

Li Yunze said: "Sometimes destruction is not necessarily destruction, it may be liberation, just like salvation in reality."

Fei Huaxueying looked at the mission of "Never Change" and said, "Let's go and help Anaya get rid of it now."

After receiving the new mission, the two returned to the ruins of Yamisaran again. There were many players here, but no one could see Anaya's soul.Only Li Yunze and Feihua Xueying, who have experienced the destruction of Yami Saran, can see her existence.

She was lonely, wandering alone in Yamisaran for thousands of years, compared to her, Tyrande was lucky, before Tyrande could use dried bananas to relieve her loneliness.

Anaya's soul has a yellow name and is in a neutral state, which means that Li Yunze and the other two can actively attack her.

A level 10 ordinary npc with pitifully low blood volume, Feihua Xueying can finish her off without Li Yunze's action.

Li Yunze saw that Feihua Xueying couldn't bear it, so he pulled out the Ashbringer: "I'll do it."

Ashbringer can cleanse the soul.

"Has he come back?" Anaya asked delightedly when she saw Li Yunze and the two came back.

At this time, one had to be ruthless to be able to strike, Feihua Xueying turned around and couldn't bear to watch, Li Yunze's Ash Messenger slashed out, instantly killing Anaya's soul.

"She got relief." Li Yunze sighed, and at some point, he actually became a little sentimental.

Feihua Xueying looked at a necklace that fell on the ground after Anaya's soul disappeared, and picked it up.

Anaya's pendant.

"Let's go back to find Cerelion." Fei Huaxueying didn't like Cerelion very much. He could come to see Anaya in person, but he wanted them to destroy Anaya's soul, fame, and liberation.

If it wasn't for the quest to go back to find Cerelion, Feihua Xueying would never see this ruthless night elf again.

The two left Yamisaran again, returned to Auberdine, and found Cerelion at the dock.

Flying Snow Shadow gave Anaya's pendant to Cerelion.

At this time, Anaya's soul came out of the necklace.

Cerelion: "Anaya...? Are my eyes not deceiving me? Is it really you?"

Anaya: "Time has been cruel to me and you, my love...but in the end we meet again."

Cerelion: "Fate is so cruel, it makes us meet again after thousands of years apart."

Cerelion: "My love, do you hate me? I destroyed your body in desperation, because only in this way can you be freed from the pain forever."

Anaya: "Darling, don't feel guilty about this, you have freed me from endless pain and torment, and I will only love you more for it."

Anaya: "However, even this reunion after thousands of years of separation is so short, my connection with this world is gradually weakening, and I am slowly leaving it...leaving you..."

Cerelion: "No! Anaya...Anaya! Please don't leave me! No..."

Anaya: "Goodbye, Cerelion, my love, we will meet again..."

Anaya's soft voice echoed softly in the mist: "I love you forever..."

Cerelion was in agony: "What should I do, my love? Without you, what would I do... Without you... How would I have the courage to survive in this world..."

Li Yunze and Feihua Xueying quietly watched the conversation between Anaya and Cerelian after thousands of years.

After Anaya's soul completely disappeared, Li Yunze looked at the painful Cerelion, and said to Fei Huaxueying beside him, "There is nothing more painful than the disappearance of your beloved before your eyes. This is the greatest punishment for Cerelion." .”

Feihua Xueying remained silent and did not answer.

Cerelion was in pain for a while, and then looked at the two of them: "Thank you for allowing me to meet Anaya again and free Anaya's soul."

Cerelion said, took out two ornaments and handed them to the two respectively: "I hope that the tears of sorrow will be far away from all lovers in the world."

Li Yunze took the jewelry and was pleasantly surprised after checking the attributes.

Tears of Sorrow (Diamond): Trinket (Left)
Soulbound: Soul Drifter (Untradeable, Undropable, Undestroyable)

Special effect: When receiving fatal damage, there is a certain chance to resist the damage.

Special effect: After use, add a shield that can absorb 1000 points of damage to your teammate, cooldown time is 30 minutes.

Special effect: When teaming up with the owner of the Tears of Sorrow (right), all attributes increase by 5%, and experience gain increases by 1%.

Diamond jewelry!

Diamonds are forever, one is forever, and diamonds represent love.

Li Yunze got the left, Feihua Xueying got the right, and the special effects of the two tears of sorrow are the same.

Li Yunze looked at Feihua Xueying: "Xueying, if there is a dungeon that we can't beat next time, we can form a team and fight together."

The third special effect of Tears of Sorrow, the added 5% attribute, becomes stronger in the later stage.The experience gained by forming a team increases by 1%. To be honest, if possible, Li Yunze would not mind teaming up with Feihua Xueying to level up.

Feihua Xueying equipped the Tears of Sorrow, this accessory has no level limit: "You can go back to find Tyrande."

She didn't answer Li Yunze's words just now, but just told Li Yunze that the job transfer series tasks Tyrande gave were finished.

"Woman, it will only affect the speed at which I draw my sword."

Li Yunze no longer mentioned the matter of teaming up to play a dungeon leveling. With his strength, he can still maintain the first place without the third special effect blessing of Tears of Sorrow.

(End of this chapter)

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