super holy knight

Chapter 126 Victory

Chapter 126 Victory

"Queen's power."

An arrow shot from behind, Li Yunze didn't dare to be careless, and immediately used the holy shield technique.

The power of this arrow seems to tear the world apart, carrying infinite power.

If he was at level 120, Li Yunze could catch this arrow directly by fighting back, but he is only at level 17 now, this arrow is enough to instantly kill him.

Li Yunze didn't dare to take it too seriously, and directly activated the invincible resistance to the arrow.

"how can that be!"

Cirvanas' arrow is Feng Guo Wuhen's trump card. This arrow is not considered a weapon, it can only be regarded as a prop.

An epic prop, an arrow given to him by Cirvanas, this arrow will be automatically recovered every time it is shot.

He used this arrow before to break the protection of Grom's Cemetery.

However, such an almost invincible arrow was easily blocked without causing any damage to the opponent.

The mentality is as stable as the wind passes without a trace. Faced with this situation, the mentality has to be shaken.

Nearly invincible, not invincible, and truly invincible, let alone an arrow given by Cirvanas, even if Cirvanas attacks it himself, it will not be able to cause any harm to Li Yunze.

Invincible blocked the wind and surpassed Wuhen's trump card, and the victory was already divided.

Li Yunze was no longer polite, and took advantage of the invincible time to go up and attack wildly.

"What kind of skill is this, why can't it cause any damage to him!"

Feng Guo Wuhen became more and more frightened as he fought. He had never encountered such a perverted skill. Even if all the skills were used, the opponent still did not lose a drop of blood.

"Unexpectedly, I have the ultimate skill of a paladin, invincible."

Li Yunze, who has the upper hand, is in a good mood. Now he is the only one who knows the Holy Shield technique in the whole game, so it is normal for Feng Guo Wuhen not to know.

Feng Guo Wuhen is not a fool, he quickly realized: "Invincible, this must be the invincible skill!"

"I know now, it's too late."

The flustered Feng Guo Wuhen showed enough flaws for Li Yunze to attack him.



With two critical strikes, Feng passed Wuhen's blood volume and fell to the bottom in an instant, leaving only bloodshots.

Ye Ying Meteor, who was watching the battle, suddenly felt a little melancholy: "The undefeated myth in the game circle is about to lose."

She had pursued the goal of her life, but she never expected that it would be defeated in front of her eyes today.

Yeying Meteor stared closely at Li Yunze, this mysterious man, and made her realize again what it means to be hopelessly powerful.From today, Li Yunze became her new target.

Li Yunze raised his sword like a king, looking down at Fengguo Wuhen from a high position: "You lost."

Crusader strikes, the sweeping range makes Feng Guo Wuhen unavoidable.

"I did lose, but you can't kill me."

When the sword fell, Feng Guo Wuhen's figure turned transparent and then disappeared.

The target disappeared, and the Crusader Strike did not fall behind. However, Li Yunze did not hear the system's kill prompt.

"No attack?"

The sure-kill shot missed, which greatly exceeded Li Yunze's expectations: "Could it be, the Shadow Cloak?"

The Shadow Cloak is the ultimate skill of the Shadow Ranger. When sneaking forcibly, it can be immune to all attacks for a short time, so that it will not be knocked out of the stealth state.Moreover, after using the Shadow Cloak, all controls can be released, which is regarded as the invincible skill of the Shadow Ranger.

Facing the decisive blow, Feng Guo Wuhen used the shadow cloak skill at the bottom of the box at the end.

Li Yunze knew that he was careless, and shook his head with a wry smile: "As expected of the queen's favorite heir, he learned the shadow cloak so quickly."

"I can't detect his existence."

Yeying Meteor used the detection props and was surprised to find that the target could not be searched.

During the Shadow Cloak period, it is considered invincible, so the detection of the Night Shadow Meteor is immune.

Just then, the entrance to Grom's tomb closed.

"He's in."

Li Yunze put the Ashbringer behind his back: "This tomb can only be entered by tribe players. I tried to enter it when I was playing, but found that it was blocked by a force."

Li Yunze tried to enter Grom's tomb earlier, but he couldn't get in at all. An irresistible force pushed him out.

Therefore, only Horde players can enter Grom's tomb. Grom's relic is a reward given to Horde players by the mastermind, and Alliance players cannot obtain it.

This can also explain why Feng Guo Wuhen did not get the relic of Cenarius in the previous life, but only got the relic of Grom.

Feng Guo Wuhen entered Grom's tomb, Li Yunze couldn't continue to pursue, and the first fight between the two ended here.

"you win."

Ye Ying Meteor came to Li Yunze: "As a soldier, he took the initiative to retreat and escape. This is a shame that he will never be able to wash away in his life."

Li Yunze did win, if Feng Guo Wuhen continued to fight, he would definitely be sent back to the cemetery.

"Unfortunately, I didn't kill him. I was very much looking forward to exposing his equipment." Not killing Feng Guo Wuhen, for Li Yunze, it was indeed a pity.

The next time the two fight alone again, I don't know when it will happen.

Moreover, next time Feng Guo Wuhen's strength will definitely be stronger than now, and it will be much more difficult to defeat him again.

Li Yunze looked at Yeying Meteor: "Although I didn't kill him, I defeated him. Are you interested in joining our fearless mercenary group?"

Yeying Meteor said: "I will defeat you."

Now Li Yunze is her target.

Li Yunze smiled slightly: "I am looking forward to that day."

As he said that, he sent an invitation to Yeying Meteor's mercenary group.

This time Yeying Meteor did not refuse.

"Yeying Meteor agreed to your invitation."

"Yeying Meteor joins the mercenary group."

When the system prompt appeared on the internal channel of the Fearless Mercenary Group, everyone in the Fearless Mercenary Group was shocked.

"Ah, this..."

"No, no, I'm not awake, am I?"

"Damn it, I must have masturbated too much yesterday, had a strange dream, and had hallucinations."

"Yeying Meteor is the number one thief in that game? Are you sure it's not a counterfeit product?"

"President, you found me another lovely young lady, Ye Ying, come to Queen Teemo's bowl quickly."

We warmly welcome Yeying Meteor to join us.

Directly sent private chats throughout the year: "Brother, you really shocked me. I said in the dead mine that there were no thieves in the mercenary group, and I wanted to add one. In a blink of an eye, you dug out the number one thief in the game." Come here, I am convinced, I am really convinced."

Dong also sent a private chat: "I want to plant a flag with her once."

Li Yunze first returned to the private chats throughout the year: "That's your brother, I have infinite charm, and she is convinced by my charm."

Then go back to Dong's private chat: "If you have a chance, you can plant flags and exchange ideas."

In fact, Li Yunze doesn't like Dong. Compared with Yeying Meteor, her skills are inferior.To be on par with Yeying Meteor, Dong must at least change to a hidden profession.

However, Li Yunze is optimistic about Dong's future, and believes that Dong's future potential is boundless, and his achievements will not be much worse than Yeying Meteor.

(End of this chapter)

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