super holy knight

Chapter 132 Recruitment

Chapter 132 Recruitment
What kind of rare skill book did Li Yunze think it would be, one would cost 10 gold coins, and when he opened the booth to see it, he really wanted to swear at the stall owner.

It's not a rare skill book, but I met a Shabby stall owner, no wonder the previous players scolded her.

A total of more than ten skill books were sold at this booth, all priced at 10 gold. 10 gold is fine, the problem is that these skill books are ordinary skill books worth dozens of silver.

"stupid guy."

Li Yunze gave the stall owner an evaluation, turned and left: "Forget it, let's recruit people first."

The mercenary group is currently extremely short of people, the level 20 team copy needs 20, and the ultimate group copy of the expansion pack needs 40 people.Therefore, the mercenary group needs at least 40 people to deal with all the copies in the first expansion.

Li Yunze recruited people, he didn't recruit randomly, no cats or dogs, all he invited were players who he believed to be capable, and many of them were friends from previous lives.

A total of more than 20 friend applications have been sent to see how many can pass.

"Kona Kaiquisto approved your friend request."

"Lazy cat through your friend request."

"Immortal solitude through your friend request."

"Li Wenying applied through your friend application."

"The following crimes are made through your friend request."

"You guessed it through your friend request."



A total of 13 friend requests were answered in seconds, and the others have not responded yet.

Li Yunze couldn't be sure whether the others were not online or had other ideas. After all, most people would usually pass the friend application of the number one player.

Among all the unapproved friend applications, Li Yunze cares most about the friend application of Han Jiang Guying.

He can be sure that Hanjiang Guying must be online, because the other party rose to level 17 half an hour ago, the number one tank in the game, and did not participate in the faction battle.

Li Yunze would not hide and fight. The fearless mercenary group with two large tanks is actually not particularly short of tanks.


The first person to send a private chat was Kuona, the future No. [-] female tank player of Glory.

Li Yunze replied immediately and sent her a sincere invitation to the mercenary group. He knew that Kuona had not joined the guild or the mercenary group.

This time, the people Li Yunze took the initiative to invite were all players without guilds and mercenary groups, and only this type of players were most suitable for the Fearless Mercenary Group.

Kuona said: "Fenghuang sent me an invitation before you, but I didn't agree."

Kuona's words did not surprise Li Yunze. As the top ten female players in the overall ranking, it was impossible for the Phoenix Guild not to win her over.

The current comprehensive ranking has undergone great changes, and Kuona rushed back to No.9.

Before Li Yunze could reply, Kuo Na said again: "Do you know why?"

Li Yunze said: "Why?"

Kuona said: "I don't like guilds that are all women."

Li Yunze agreed with Kuo Na's words: "Indeed, there are more bad luck than good luck."

Homophony, this is homonym, Li Yunze was friends with Kuo Na in his previous life, and he knows her character very well.

Sure enough, Kuona smiled: "You are very interesting, so I plan to join the Fearless Mercenary Group for fun."

Li Yunze immediately told her the coordinates.

Quona happens to be in Stormwind and will be joining her soon.

Li Yunze contacted the remaining 12 people one by one. Some expressed interest in the fearless mercenary group, while some declined Li Yunze's invitation.

In the end, there were exactly 6 people who agreed to join the Fearless Mercenary Corps, namely the 6 names mentioned above.

Kuona is a hidden professional lightcast garrison officer, tank professional, level 16, and her joining has allowed the fearless mercenary group to have three tanks.With the three major tanks in place, Li Yunze's need for Hanjiang Guying became no longer urgent.

The lazy cat is a female human holy knight, level 15.

Immortal lone human demon warlock, level 16.

Li Wenying, a dwarf destruction warlock, level 16.

With the addition of two warlocks, the fearless mercenary group has three major warlocks. Seven Nights Rejuvenation is now a shadow warlock, and he will not be transferred to an elemental warlock until the middle of the game.

The following is a wild night elf druid, good at bear talent, he is not a top player, just an ordinary player.The reason why Li Yunze took the initiative to invite him was because he was a friend of Li Yunze's previous life, and the relationship between the two was very close. He often helped Li Yunze when he was in a trough.

The kindness of a drop of water is reciprocated by the spring. In the previous life, Li Yunze received help from the following criminals. When he came back from rebirth, Li Yunze naturally wanted to give him a hand.

Guess it's a human berserk warrior, he is the same as the following criminals, not a top player, but a friend of Li Yunze's previous life.

Li Yunze, the following criminals, and you guessed it, the three of them have known each other since the early days of the game in their previous lives, and they have been playing for ten years of Glory.

Now that it is reborn, Audio-Technica will definitely reorganize.

"Level 14, the mess is as miserable as in the previous life."

Li Yunze looked at the levels of the two and shook his head. As a friend, he would feel sorry for his conscience if he didn't help them.

"Haha, welcome."

Li Yunze added them all to the mercenary group, and the fearless mercenary group immediately became lively.

"Call the number when you come in, go to the man's side, and the woman will come to me to keep warm." Runaway Char Siu Bun said.

Timo is not meow: "The men go to the barbecued pork, the women come to me, and I will protect you."

The 6 newcomers to the mercenary group immediately greeted everyone, and soon everyone became acquainted.

Li Yunze said: "As a group, gather in Stormwind City. If the travel expenses are not enough, I will reimburse the team leader. We will divide into two teams and go to Red Ridge Mountain to level up together."

A team of 10 is the most efficient for leveling. Now the mercenary group has 20 people, which can be divided into two teams according to their occupations.

Fearless Mercenary Corps, the current lineup configuration is actually good, the only fly in the ointment, there is only one thief.

Ahem, in fact, with the number one thief in the game, one does not have much impact, and one Night Shadow Meteor is enough to stand up to three thieves.

To wait for other people to gather, Li Yunze extended the gathering time again.

"Forget it, setting up a stall is unreliable, I'd better go to the auction house to buy the skill book." Li Yunze thought of the 10-gold skill book before, and felt that it was too unreliable to set up a stall, it was a waste of time, why not just go to the auction house to buy it .

Go to the auction house and directly search for the desired skill book.


There are three copies, the starting price of two copies is 1 gold, which has already been topped up to 3 gold, and the price of one book is 4 gold.

Li Yunze looked at the two "Dedication" skill books that were in the auction, and there were still more than 20 hours left.

It's been too long, so he directly bought the "Devotion" skill book with a price of 4 gold.

"Sword of Wrath"

There is only one copy, good guy, and the price is 5 gold.



"Justice Criminal Law"


"Crusader Strength"


The Seal of the Crusade

Yes, and there are many, the price is not expensive, buy it.

Li Yunze searched for more than ten skills, and finally bought three skill books.

"Consecration", "Sword of Wrath", "Seal of the Crusader".

That's right, he bought the "Sword of Wrath" that costs 5 gold now.

(End of this chapter)

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