super holy knight

Chapter 135 3% Strength of the Leader

Chapter 135: Thirty percent of the strength of the leader

Li Yunze enjoyed the tranquility of fishing, he didn't need to fight monsters himself, it was really comfortable.

"There are no dead ends in all aspects of 360 degrees. It is worthy of being a light-forged garrison officer."

When the fish didn't take the bait, Li Yunze never forgot to watch everyone fight monsters.

The lightforged vindicator's shield floats around the body, while the shields of other tanks can only defend the 180-degree range in front of the body, the lightforged vindicator's shield can do 360 degrees without dead ends.

The defense has no dead ends, coupled with high-damage two-handed weapons, can suppress the tank profession of the Lightforged Vindicator, only the Demon Hunter with higher output, tougher, more agile body, and wings that can fly.

This is also the reason why Kuona is not as good as Han Jiang Guying in the "Glory" ten-year ranking list.

Everyone worked hard to fight monsters, Li Yunze couldn't just fish, he set up a fire beside him, and roasted the clams he caught.

Food without recipes will not have additional attribute bonuses, but can only restore stamina.

Fishing can catch mussels, including river mussels and sea mussels, mussel meat can be cooked, and there is a certain chance to produce various pearls.

Pearl is an important material, which is needed for forging, engineering, enchanting, tailoring, etc.

Li Yunze caught a bunch of mussels, but only one colorful pearl came out.

Runaway char siew buns shot a monster to death, exhausted, came to the fire, grabbed a clam regardless of the heat: "Boss, I'll eat one to fill my empty body."

As he said that, he ate the clam meat inside. It was not satisfying, so he just picked up an unroasted one.

The raw river mussels were forcibly broken open with brute force, and an arrow was taken out, and the arrows were stirred on the mussel meat, and the mussel meat was stirred from side to side.

The runaway char siu bun was very proud, and dug out the raw clam meat.

After eating the raw clam meat, I was still not satisfied, and shook my head: "It's not as delicious as sea clam, and it lacks the salty smell of sea water."

Li Yunze put down his fishing rod, got up and kicked him back into the crowd, this guy was resting his stomach to nourish his kidneys.

Seeing the runaway char siew buns being kicked back again, the following criminal said: "It's boring to eat in the game, I usually eat it as a midnight snack."

You guessed it and said: "I don't like to eat clam meat, I like braised abalone with sea cucumber."

Lazy cat: "What are you talking about? Why can't I understand."

Kuona, a violent tank, can't even recognize a fleeing murloc: "Joining the Fearless Mercenary Corps is really a good addition. This place is more interesting than Phoenix."

"Get it, Spotted Sunfish."

There are enough 100 murlocs, Li Yunze put away his pole and got up. While he was fishing, the murlocs here were almost killed to extinction by other people.

At the end of the paddling, Li Yunze said: "Everyone, come and have a rest, and eat something to restore your strength."

Kuona, who hadn't finished the fight yet, said, "There are still murlocs that haven't been cleared yet."

Li Yunze took out the Ashbringer from behind: "Leave the other murlocs to me, and now I will work for you."

Immortal loneliness: "The leader fights alone?"

Li Wenying: "I'll help the leader."

Li Yunze waved his hand: "No, you guys have a good rest, I'll take you to other places to continue killing monsters later, and try to upgrade everyone today."

Timo said meow: "You don't have to worry about the leader, he is the No.1 game, let alone a mere murloc, even if Feng Guo Wuhen is here, the leader can easily beat him."

Timo's not meow's words made everyone think that Li Yunze is the number one player in the game overall.

I haven't seen Li Yunze make a move before, and everyone doesn't have a concept of the strength of No.1 in the game.Now that they have the opportunity to watch, everyone is very curious about how big the gap between themselves and the first place will be.

Kuona stopped attacking, as one of the top ten players in the game, she wanted to know Li Yunze's strength more than anyone else.

Everyone else got out of the way, and it was time for Li Yunze to perform. As the head of the mercenary group, he needed to use his strength to convince everyone.

The lazy cat wanted to increase blood, Li Yunze told her to sit down at ease, and then rushed to kill the murloc in front.


Li Yunze rushed into the crowd of murlocs, facing ordinary murlocs of level 16, the Ash Envoy in his hand was like a death scythe, one sword at a time.

"The Holy Seal of the Crusaders."

"The Crusaders Strike."

Six or seven holy seals were hanged in seconds, and a crusader strike knocked out a row of murlocs in front of him in seconds.

"The Holy Seal of Judgment."


Then put the Holy Seal of Judgment on another murloc at the side, and use the Judgment to activate the Holy Seal, and the attributes will be greatly improved.

"The power of the Holy Light."

"Sword of Wrath."




The system is very face-saving, the three consecutive critical strikes of the Sword of Wrath reduce the cooling time of the Sword of Wrath by 60 seconds.


"Is this still human?"

"What happened just now, I lowered my head to eat clam meat, why did I gain more than ten experience screens?"

Their jaws dropped in shock. Everyone who had never seen Li Yunze's strength was shocked by Li Yunze's performance of descending from the gods.

Kuona was shocked: "Can I handle such an output?"

Soon she was sure of one thing, she couldn't resist such a terrifying output.

"This is the strength of the leader?"

"This is Game No.1?"

Li Wenying and Immortal Lonely are both well-known warlock players in the game circle. In Li Yunze's previous life, their rankings were comparable to the runaway char siew buns.

The lazy cat was the number one oracle in the game in Li Yunze's previous life, a hidden profession of the holy knight.

The future oracle, after seeing Li Yunze's strength, suddenly had a strange idea that healing was a superfluous profession.This made her inexplicably want to throw away the healing one-handed hammer and directly switch to a sword to chop.

The following crimes and you guess, just ordinary players can no longer be ordinary players, when have they seen such terrifying strength.In their hearts, Li Yunze had become a god wearing golden armor and holding a holy sword.

Runaway Char Siu Bao snickered at the side: "The boss is too bad, he frightened a lot of children when he made a move. Oh, why don't you use the big move of the whole picture in seconds."

It's not that Timo didn't look at it, she was trying to grill fish: "This should be [-]% of the strength of the team leader, right?"

Li Yunze did hide his strength, the halo was not activated, and the awakening of Ashes was useless.

After using up his normal skills, Li Yunze relied on his state to start hunting and killing murlocs with normal attacks.

Li Yunze's normal attack was equally terrifying, and he could finish off a murloc with just two or three hits.

Moreover, he used his coquettish positioning to dodge the murloc's attacks the whole time, and was only hit by attacks that he couldn't dodge from the beginning to the end.

When Li Yunze killed more than 30 murlocs, his blood loss was less than 5%.

"The leader can suck blood?" The lazy cat noticed the clue, Li Yunze's blood volume dropped below 95%, but after a few attacks, it came back up again.

Kuona was very excited: "Haha, as expected of the No.1 game, it is indeed right to join the Fearless Mercenary Group."

"The war is raging, the battle of Ashenvale between the Alliance and the Horde has started again, the Silver Wing Fortress and the Warsong Lumbering Ground once again issued a call for war, and the Warsong Gulch battlefield will open in 24 hours!"

The system also joined in the fun, and several announcements rang in everyone's ears.

The game's first battlefield, the Warsong Gulch battlefield in Ashenvale, has opened.

 Liu Feng, the administrator of the reader group of this book, is right, he is the villain of this book. He wrote a World of Warcraft game novel, the undead thieves of the protagonist tribe, you can read it, there is a through train below.

  Ask the readers, go to see the testimonials on the shelves, there are.

(End of this chapter)

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