super holy knight

Chapter 226 Special series of tasks

Chapter 226 Special series of tasks
In the past two days, the level of the other members of the fearless mercenary group has caught up. Except for Xiaotuanzi who is addicted to mining and only has level 26, the others have reached level 28 one after another.

In today's level rankings, Li Yunze's level has dropped to second, and the first has become Feng Guo Wuhen, who has been practicing 24 hours of crazy leveling.

However, relying on the advantages of equipment, Li Yunze firmly occupies the first place in the comprehensive ranking list, and this seat cannot be shaken.

"Boss, where have you been these two days, you miss me so much."

Li Yunze came to Yese Town to join everyone, and he was the first to rush over, wanting a bear hug.

Li Yunze kicked him away, still feeling the same: "I did a hidden mission, now that the mission is completed, I can finally level up properly."

All the year round said: "Hidden missions, there must be good things, the two pieces of equipment led by Alex that popped up on the equipment rankings recently, are they your brother's?"

Li Yunze smiled slightly.

Everyone knows it.

Why is there such a big gap between people, good things are all players who are at the top of the leaderboard.

"Han Jiang and Ye Ying went to level up alone, we plan to upgrade to level 30 and go to Stranglethorn Valley." Said throughout the year.

Li Yunze said: "The level of Stranglethorn Valley is too high, it is not suitable for level 30, it is best to go after 35."

Asked throughout the year: "Where do you go? The level 30 copy is still there, and there is no place to level up."

Li Tianze said: "I do know where the level 30, 10-man dungeon is. It's on the coast of Zoram in Ashenvale. There used to be a glorious temple dedicated to Elune, the moon goddess of the night elves. However, the temple collapsed. Into the depths of the waves of the sea of ​​mist."

The 30-player copy of Alliance 10 is in Ashen Valley, named: Dark Abyss.The tribe is in the barren land, named: Razorfen.

Touching his bald head throughout the year, he said, "Isn't that going to the sea?"

Li Yunze nodded: "Yes, you need to dive into the bottom of the sea to find the entrance to the dungeon. I personally don't recommend using this dungeon. First, the entrance is too difficult to find. Second, the environment of the dungeon is very complicated, and the rewards are not proportional to the effort."

Dark Abyss is definitely the most unpopular dungeon on the Alliance side, and the number of players to farm it is very small, less than one-tenth of other dungeons.In addition to the difficulty of the dungeon, there is another important reason. The road to the dungeon is too troublesome. After diving into the bottom of the sea to find the entrance, you have to walk a maze-like road to enter the dungeon.

Moreover, the equipment dropped by the dungeon is not good enough, and it will take at least one day to get through it, and the effort is not proportional to the reward, so it has become an unpopular dungeon.

Li Yunze fought in the Dark Abyss once in his previous life, and he never went back after that.

I am most afraid of being too troublesome all year round: "Forget it, we might as well practice leveling in the wild."

There is also a team dungeon Gnomeregan at level 30 of the alliance. This dungeon can only be opened after Li Yunze completes the story mission.

The level 30 team dungeon corresponding to the Horde is in the Scarlet Monastery in Tirisfal Glades. This dungeon also requires someone to complete the story mission to open it.

Of course, in fact, the dungeons after level 10 are not divided into alliances and tribes, they are shared dungeons.

The Alliance can fight Razorfen and Scarlet Monastery, and the Horde can also fight Dark Abyss and Gnomeregan.

But you must understand that if you want to fight, you have to enter the opponent's territory, and the end will be very miserable.

Li Yunze actually wanted to fight Scarlet Monastery, but no matter how strong he was, he couldn't bring the Fearless Mercenary Group to fight.

The Fearless Mercenary Corps only has 20 members, and the tribe has 15 billion players. Even if it is only 1500% of the Scarlet Monastery, there are 20 million. 1500 vs. [-] million, the person who dies will be very comfortable and feel no pain.

However, Alliance and Horde players will encounter each other sooner or later when they play dungeons.For example, there is only one team copy at level 45. If you want to play a copy, you have to fight first.

"Blood and glory will be staged soon."

The battle in Ashenvale around level 15 was just a small fight. When level 30 starts, the conflict between the two sides will become more and more intense, until level 45 reaches the first peak.

Li Yunze said: "You can go to the map to the north of the wetland, the Arathi Highlands to level up. It is more suitable for level 30 players than Stranglethorn Valley."

Alliance players are more concentrated in the north of Ironforge, because there are three races: dwarves, gnomes, and night elves.With more and more conflicts in Kalimdor, more and more night elf players choose to level up in the Eastern Kingdom, mainly gathered in Ironforge.

Migang in the wetland is also a gathering place for countless players. When players generally reach level 30, they will continue to go north and enter the Arathi Highlands.

A bald head shot throughout the year: "It's such a happy decision to go to Arathi Highlands to upgrade."

Li Yunze reminded: "To the west of the Arathi Highlands is the Hillsbrad Hills, which is where the tribe level 30 is practiced. Be careful and try to avoid conflicts with the tribe."

When I heard about pvp, Dong was the quickest to respond: "Since Hillsbrad Hills is a level 30 map, can't we also enter?"

Kuona said: "That should be the territory of the tribe."

Timo is not meow waving the sword in his hand: "Don't be afraid of the tribe, I will protect you, with the sword in hand, one sword is a tribe pig."

Since the last large-scale conflict broke out in Ashenvale, players from the Alliance and the Horde have completely feuded.Alliance players call Horde players: Tribal pigs, and Horde players call Alliance players: Alliance dogs.

The dog-pig battle is so exciting, "Glory" has turned into an animal world.

Li Yunze smiled and said: "The tribe doesn't have that ability yet. They occupy the hills of Hillsbrad. On the southern coast of that map, there is a town in our alliance, Nanhai Town. It is said that Nanhai Town has the most beautiful night in the alliance. If you have a chance, you can go to Nanhai Town to watch the sunset."

The runaway char siew bun ran back: "Haha, it would be nice to have a town in our alliance, so that when I am hunted down by the tribe, I have a place to hide."

This disgraceful guy, Timo hates iron and steel: "Don't be cowardly, just do it."

Li Yunze misses Nanhai Town very much, there used to be the most passionate days in his previous life.Because in the north of South Sea Town, there is a tribal town, Tarren Mill, and the distance between the two camp towns is too close, so between these two towns, it becomes a battlefield.

The first thousand-regiment battle in the "Glory" game took place outside Nanhai Town, and it was more exciting than the thousand-regiment battle in Ashen Valley.

The others had finished the Night Watchman series of tasks, but Li Yunze hadn't finished them yet. In order not to hinder everyone's leveling efficiency, he decided to do it alone.

Moreover, Li Yunze has a special thing to do when he goes to Crow Ridge. He is going to the northeast of Crow Ridge to find a special npc and do a special series of tasks.

The level 30 world boss stitch monster in Twilight Forest does not need to be refreshed directly, but needs to be summoned by a special task.

The special mission that Li Yunze wants to take is the series of missions to summon the Stitch Monster. In order for the Ashbringer to unseal it for the third time, he must kill the Stitch Monster.

(End of this chapter)

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