deep in time

Chapter 13

Chapter 13 (1)
This is the case.

Gray-black clouds drag down long black lines, and outside the window is the smell of bursting scallions. She drags your hand, stops suddenly, pinches your fingertips, frowns thinly, and asks what is the point of your fingertips? What happened to a small scar where blood formed a flail.You can't recall it, and you say it's okay impatiently.But she secretly followed you on the way to school for several days in a row. She was afraid that you might have conflicts with your classmates at school, or that you might not have a good relationship with your classmates.

Your little wound is the world to her.

The person you are dearest to in the world, she gave birth to you in October of her pregnancy, she held your little feet and smiled happily, she waved her hands heavily when you were naughty but then dropped them lightly, she posed The expression of ignoring but persisting for less than a quarter of an hour, she can give you everything she has, including life and dignity.

The person you are dearest to in the world, you are crying and laughing in her arms, you are attached to her chest and listening to her slow heartbeat, you wish you could make her proud with three heads and six arms, you have never had a moment If you leave her, you are willing to give back everything you have, including your life and dignity.

You and her are an ordinary pair of mother and child in this world. Except for her, you can't imagine giving the word "mother" to another person, and the same thing is, apart from you, she can't simply say to another person. A boy calls out the title "son".

However, this is all your imaginary world.

in reality.

She said to you indifferently: "Now you have seen me too, you can go back." She showed a "don't come to me again, you are a trouble" expression, and the way she looked at you made you feel cold all over.

None of this is what you want.

These are not what you can imagine.

The boy walked out of the gloomy one-story house where his mother he had been thinking about day and night in a daze.

There is a kind of person, even if he pretends to be a gentleman, but the moment you see him, you will think of words such as "false prudence", "little man" and "wretched".

Chi Wu is such a person.

The tall and big Chi Wu is wearing a suit, his cheap leather shoes are polished, and his hair is combed back meticulously with mousse. At first glance, he looks like a small boss who is living a good life.

When passing through the alley, he saw a silver-gray mountain bike leaning against the door of his house, and a boy with handsome facial features rushed out of the door almost like escaping.It took only a minute or two from the boy riding the mountain bike to the moment when a gust of wind flew past him, but he still saw the unique embroidered badge of "X Zhong" on the boy's school uniform jacket, which made his eyes shine. It's the expensive brand of shoes that boys wear, and the things that boys fall out of their trouser pockets when they pedal hard.

A rectangular, silver-white machine shining like moonlight, Chi Wu thought it was a mobile phone, but when he got closer, it turned out to be an MP3 with an English logo written on it.

There was no one in the alley, and Chi Wu suddenly squatted down at a speed that didn't match his body shape, and quickly picked up the gleaming MP3.After stuffing the MP3 into his trouser pocket, he looked around, and that kind of wretched smile returned to his face, humming a ditty and walking forward.

The light in the alley was dim, and even though there was still a scorching sun outside, Chi Wu still couldn't get used to it when he entered the house. After a while, he saw his daughter sitting on the floor playing, while Xu Meifeng stared blankly at the empty wall , It seems that he didn't notice him coming in.

"Feng, Feng." Chi Wu called a few times but got no response, and suddenly raised his volume, "Xu Meifeng——"

Something must have happened. Chi Wu pulled the plastic stool over and sat next to Xu Meifeng, salivating, and put his hand on Xu Meifeng's shoulder.

Xu Meifeng's eyes were red and swollen, she turned sideways, and suddenly patted Chi Wu's hand on her shoulder vigorously, with impatience flooding her eyes, and her voice was sharp and piercing: "You still know the way home? Could it be?" I gambled away again, come back to ask for money? Let me tell you, my mother has no money."

"Why do you say it so badly?" Chi Wu smiled flatteringly, "Isn't this my home? You and Xiaoni are both my treasures. I've figured it out. From now on, I won't gamble anymore. Seriously. Find a job, earn money and take you and Xiaoni to that...Madives to play."

"Bah!" Xu Meifeng sneered, "Chi Wu, I was coaxed by your sweet words before, and now you still want to lie to me? No way! I feel disgusted when I see you now. How could I be blind back then? Fuck you liar."

The smile on Chi Wu's face disappeared in an instant, and he changed his face faster than turning the page: "Hmph, I didn't know who was waiting for me every night with the door open. Who do you think you are, but a husband who is not at home to endure No lonely bitch!"

Something gradually grew in Xu Meifeng's empty eyes, her lips trembled and turned dark purple, and there was a sword light in her eyes that wanted to tear Chi Wu into pieces. She stood up and hit Chi Wu's chest directly.

Chi Wu was hit with pain in his chest. Relying on his tall stature, he grabbed Xu Meifeng's hair and pulled it back fiercely. He only heard a bang, and Xu Meifeng's forehead hit the pots and pans on the table. On the simple iron frame, Xu Meifeng raised her head amidst the sound of crackling and breaking, blood oozing from her right forehead.

Xiao Ni, who had been sitting next to her, burst into tears.

Chi Wu let go of Xu Meifeng, clapped his hands, said "crazy woman", and walked towards the gate angrily, but when he got to the gate, Chi Wu turned around strangely and smiled: "The one who wore X just now The boy in the middle school uniform is the son of your rich ex-husband."

Xu Meifeng's eyes widened, and her voice was sharp and sharp: "If you dare to make up his mind, I will kill you."

"Haha, I'm so scared." Chi Wu shrugged, the ill-fitting gray suit was like a line that stepped down.

"Get out!" Accompanied by this yell, Xu Meifeng picked up a half-broken bowl on the floor and threw it over forcefully.

"Bang", the broken bowl hit the door, and it shattered into more fragments.

A terrified, frightened, and trembling "Mom—" awakened the furious woman.

Xu Meifeng saw Xiao Ni walking towards her, and the floor was full of sharp shards. She hurriedly stepped over, hugged her daughter tightly, and burst into tears.

The little girl didn't fully understand the scene just now, but her thin and small fingers gently touched the wound on Xu Meifeng's forehead, exhaled, and said in a crying voice: "Mom, it doesn't hurt. Mom, Don't cry."

The camera zoomed out a little further, and it was the neighbors who heard the sound of fighting and cracking pots and bowls, but no one came out to persuade them to fight. It seemed that the quarrel between Chi Wu and Xu Meifeng had become commonplace.

A low female voice said: "Oh, what a shame. The man in that family is just a gambler who doesn't do his job properly. He doesn't go home every two days. When he comes home, he asks for money. That woman is actually quite pitiful. Raising a daughter, but being beaten by her husband. Women, they are afraid of marrying the wrong person."

Another female voice also echoed in a low voice: "When the woman first came, she was gentle and clean, and her life was terrible. Later, she was forced by that man to look like a dominatrix, which made people scared at first sight."

A voice who knew more about the inside story said: "Oh, that woman used to live in Ping'an Hutong. Her husband always went out to do business. She was not a good woman. I heard that she had a fever and fainted. She was met by Chi Wu and sent home. They hooked up together. Later, when her husband made money and came back, she was already pregnant with Chi Wu's child. Tsk tsk, watching the husband who made money leave, it's not good."


All the behind-the-scenes discussions, no matter whether they were cold and vicious, or gloating, could not reach Xu Meifeng's ears at this time anyway.

She hugged her daughter and stood on the floor of broken porcelain, scattered pots and pans, mixed with leftovers, feeling extremely cold all over her body.

The darkness stretched out its octopus-like tentacles, wrapping her tightly around her.

She stared blankly at the position where Cheng Lichen was standing when she came today. Facing her son whom she hadn't seen in six years, her first reaction was not "he's grown taller and handsome" or "like an adult", but "so dark This place will pollute my son who is as beautiful as jade." It is enough for her to stay alone in this gloomy place and moldy, and she must not let her son follow her to face these filth and filth.

Even, she was very glad that she drove Cheng Lichen away before Chi Wu came back.Even though her son looked at her so sadly when he left, she didn't soften her heart for a moment.

——I can't give you the beautiful, warm, gorgeous, and rich things, but at least I can't let the insidious, ugly, cold, vicious, and dirty things touch you.

Those filthy ugly years that have happened to me have turned into a rushing muddy river, my feet can't reach the bottom, I will be swallowed up, and I deserve it.But you are different.

The meaning of your life is that any beautiful words in the world can be used to describe it.

Some cruelty is a last resort.

The days in summer are quite long, until seven o'clock in the evening, there seems to be no sign of darkness at all.

Baili likes summer. Standing on the viewing balcony on the 22nd floor, watching the beautiful streamer in the sky, he feels a sense of satisfaction in his heart.

It will be fine weather tomorrow.

A bright white lamp was lit in the kitchen, and the "sizzling" sound of the gas touching the pan immediately followed, and after a while, the aroma of the food slowly spread.

But why hasn't Cheng Lichen come back yet?
Cheng Huihuang and Song Lanlan flew to another city again, and when Cheng Huihuang solemnly asked her to take care of Cheng Lichen, she smiled nonchalantly. In Baili's dictionary, a 16-year-old boy like Cheng Lichen still needs others Care is an incredible thing.But what she didn't expect was that Cheng Lichen would disappear on the first day.

The dishes on the table slowly lost their heat, the sky darkened, and the door was still waiting for the door to open.

After hesitating for a while, Baili found Cheng Lichen's mobile phone number written on the first line in the booklet on the European-style table in the living room, and pressed the number keys to dial.

Almost at the same time as the phone was connected, Baili heard a faint sound of music, as if blocked by something, with a sense of haziness.She held the wireless phone and walked to the right following the sound of the music, and heard a clearer music sound in front of Cheng Lichen's closed door.

Is Cheng Lichen in the room at all, or did he forget to bring his mobile phone to go out?
Baili leaned over and put her ears close to the door to listen, but she didn't expect that the door was ajar, she leaned over, the weight of her body made the door swing back with a bang, she lost her balance and rushed in several times. Take a step to stabilize your footsteps.

The first time I saw Cheng Lichen's room was nearly a month after I came to Cheng's house.

(End of this chapter)

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