deep in time

Chapter 2

Chapter 2 (2)
A break before the third period.

The classmates who probably got to know each other abandoned those "Are you in XX junior high school? Me too? I'm in Class [-], fate, fate", "Our birthdays are only two days away"... a series of strike-up words, Act directly as if they have known each other for several years, and there are many people who hook their shoulders and bite their ears like conjoined twins.

Human beings are really afraid of loneliness and loneliness.

There is a group of boys in the corridor, obviously a small circle.Five or six boys formed an ellipse, and the boy standing on the axisymmetric point of the ellipse was obviously the center of the crowd.The boy's complexion is dark, and his figure is well-proportioned and fit, which is rare for teenagers. The curved and sharp bridge of the nose casts a small shadow on his face, but the boy has a pair of heroic, brilliant, sun-like eyes.




His name slipped between the lips of one person after another.

In the distance, another boy came out of the boys toilet.

Compared with the sunny Ji Nan, the tall and thin boy walking over there is a completely different type, his face is cold, his eyes are as deep as the night, and there seems to be a black hole behind him, swallowing the light with impunity.

"Achen." Ji Nan, who was leaning on the railing, slowly opened his eyebrows, and an extremely warm smile bloomed on his lips.

"En." The thin and tall boy didn't look sideways, and responded lightly, without stopping, and continued to walk towards the classroom.

"This guy." Ji Nan muttered in a low voice, smiled apologetically at the other boys around him, walked out of the small circle and chased after him.

Behind them is the discussion of the crowd.

"What a strange pair of best friends, obviously two completely incompatible personalities."

"Although they are all handsome, they just don't like Cheng Lichen, who looks like a dead man."

"Well, I don't know what's wrong!"


Two people who were described as "incompatible" sat in the classroom.

Cheng Lichen picked up the earphones to listen to the music, while Ji Nan unceremoniously took an ear wire and inserted the earphones into the cochlea.

The two chatted while listening, and the topic followed Ji Nan's unconstrained thinking, from "I heard that our English teacher married a dark-skinned foreigner" to "My mother and my father fought again last night" to "Our school The team's new coach looks like a lump of iron."Then the boy's fingers suddenly made a right-angle shape under the desk.

"What do you think?" asked endlessly.

"How about what?"

"That girl." The right-angled shape drawn by Ji Nan's fingers pointed to the north.

Cheng Lichen narrowed his eyes and looked at the position of the fourth desk in the second group.On the far right is a girl with a round face, slightly baby fat, of the loli type. The girl on the far left has a slender figure, which should be more than 1.6 meters five.Both of these can be described as "pretty-looking".

But the girl in the middle can use more than simple adjectives like "beautiful" and "beautiful".

The skin is three degrees fairer than normal people, and the eyes at the end are upturned like ink and wash paintings. They are a pair of very charming Danfeng eyes.But the girl's demeanor did not look seductive. At this time, she tilted her head slightly, and the smile on her lips made people feel sweet and innocent.

"It is very in line with the aesthetics of high school boys and even adult men." This sentence can be used as a summary.

Cheng Lichen lowered his eyes, adjusted the volume of the earphones again, and said flatly: "There's nothing to see."

"You don't like this kind of thing." Ji Nan scratched his hair, "It's only been less than a month since school started, and the seniors in the second and third grades are all asking about her. It is said that she is called 'His Royal Highness' in private."

"Then wait for a foolish prince like you to act out a fairy tale with no ending." The boy teased viciously.

Ji Nan was a little surprised: "Why don't you like her?"

"Very fake." Cheng Lichen said concisely.

——Is it fake?

Ji Nan looked at Liu Yujing from a distance, just as the girl raised her face and looked this way, her eyes met at a certain point in the air.Probably because Ji Nan's gaze was too unscrupulous, the girl tilted her head slightly, showing a gardenia-like smile, and then lowered her eyes.

Flawless angles, flawless smiles, flawless shyness.

——As if wearing a mask.

Very annoying.

Cheng Lichen was very annoying, as if there was a mollusk in his heart that kept scratching and scratching, "Catch it and crush it to death", but he couldn't catch it anyway!

"Even though I brought an umbrella, my shoes were soaked by the heavy rain", "The teacher caught me watching NBA games on my mobile phone during class", "The second physical education class in the afternoon was replaced by a strict head teacher"...

The feeling of irritability finally reached its peak after the delicate girl handed over a letter. Cheng Lichen reacted, put his hands in his clothes pockets, and said "boring" impatiently. The delicate girl's face turned pale all of a sudden. And the eyes quickly filled with tears like heavy rain outside the corridor.

And the end of this, which Ji Nan ridiculed as "juvenile andropause symptoms", was the girl who was led in by the 40-year-old and slightly fat head teacher in the second class in the afternoon.

It rained heavily, and the whole world was shrouded in a white mist.

Two weeks after the start of school, the teacher in charge showed an incongruous and gentle expression on his strict mechanical face, asked the girl to stand on the podium, and then said in a rigid voice: "This is Baili, No. 1 in school, Let's get to know everyone."

The girl named Baili has short hair, her skin is not fair like ordinary girls, but more chocolate-colored, her eyes are like deer, she is wearing a pair of old but clean white shoes, she nodded calmly on the podium , and said in a voice that could be heard by the whole class: "Hello everyone, I am Baili, and I am from Yanlang Island."

The kind, inadvertent, and sparse applause made the head teacher frowned, but he didn't say anything. He just pointed to the second-to-last desk in the fifth group, and signaled Baili to sit there. He seemed to feel that he owed the good student, Then he lowered his head and said, "I'll change seats after the monthly exam."

Hearing the hint of "naked", some students in front curled their lips in disdain.

There is a strange rule in X, the student seats are ranked according to grades, starting from the second desk in the third group of the classroom, arranged like a radiation map of the central area.

Admission No.1 should have sat at the second desk in the third group.

The girl walked gently to the seat, pulled the chair away, nodded slightly to her deskmate, and then sat down.She uses a military green Butts backpack, which is about [-]% new.She took out the textbooks and notes from her schoolbag and stared at the blackboard intently.

Cheng Lichen's suppressed irritability suddenly rose again.

Soon, Cheng Lichen received a note from Ji Nan, which was nothing more than nonsense like "The Northeast cuisine at noon is really bad, I won't go to that restaurant in the future", and at the end of the note was appended a sentence "Your The new deskmate looks good haha, help me get her phone number."

"A good-looking new deskmate" - a girl named Baili with excellent grades.

"Go to hell." Cheng Lichen wrote these three words with extremely violent gestures, crumpled them into a ball of paper and threw it over while the head teacher was not paying attention.

Phew, right on the bridge of Ji Nan's nose.

There were bursts of low laughter nearby.

Everything about Cheng Lichen and Ji Nan will always be the center of the vortex of girls' attention.

But in contrast to those girls who secretly peeked at Cheng Lichen with their eyes, Baili, who was sitting closest to Cheng Lichen, was as calm as a pool of stagnant water. Little moves are not in the same world as hers.

"That girl who just came here is called Baili..." the girl sitting in the corridor drinking milk tea said in a drawn out tone.

"It's the unlovable kind." Another girl wearing peach heart earrings went on to say disdainfully, "Where is Yilang Island? It seems that I have never heard of this strange place."

"I also find her very annoying. She always has a faint, standard adult expression. I don't know why, but I think she is out of place."

"Don't talk about her like that behind her back." The voice of the girl who came out to uphold justice was sweet and soft, but with a hint of condemnation, "Baili's family may not be very good, everyone should help her more."

It might be because of the extremely clean smile on the girl's face, or it might be because of the awe-inspiring righteousness on the girl's body. The accused party didn't get angry at all. Instead, he held the girl's hand more intimately: "Yu Jing, you are so kind."

"It's a rare fate to be a classmate. Don't you all think so to spend the three years of high school happily and lovingly together?" The girl blinked playfully, and the atmosphere became even better.

The class bell rang, and the originally noisy corridor gradually quieted down.

The wind gently blows off a leaf.

At the place where a few girls were discussing unscrupulously just now, behind a dense clump of Qilixiang, Baili's figure slowly appeared.

"Baili, it's time for class." The English teacher who walked quickly walked towards the classroom with teaching aids in his hand.

"Okay, teacher." Baili walked to the English teacher and took the teaching aids from the teacher's hand naturally, "Teacher, I will help you."

"Pleasing the teacher", "Knowing that she deliberately said bad things about her behind the bushes and didn't respond", "hypocrisy", "nerd"... Baili, who was rated like this, didn't seem to know that he had been caught in a rumor in the mud.

She is still the first student to arrive at school.

She still followed the teacher all the way to the office to ask questions after class.

Even in a key high school, she is still an unbelievably serious student in class.

No provocation is natural.

The kind of "throwing your fist if you don't see the right eye" should only be done by street gangsters. As students of key high schools, it is impossible for them to be so mentally handicapped.

However, what happened today is really confusing.

Before the second class in the morning, Cheng Lichen and Ji Nan leaned on the desk and chatted.

The girl from the class next door stepped in under the guise of "forgot to borrow the history book", and joined the chat group enthusiastically.

The summer sun is a warm golden color, Cheng Lichen's hair is soft black, his deep eyes are shimmering, holding a can of Coke in his right hand that some admirer forced him into, and he casually answered the class next door. The girl asked a little shyly.

Ji Nan looked at it suspiciously, and felt that Cheng Lichen seemed to be preoccupied. Just when he was about to ask, Baili walked around the podium. I don't know if it was an illusion. Jin Nan seemed to see Cheng Lichen's There was a malicious smile on the corner of his mouth.

Is something going to happen?As soon as this thought came to mind, a scream was heard.

The girl in the next class screamed, and jumped back nimbly, covering her lips with her hand, and made an indistinct sound from her mouth.

Then, a jar fell to the ground with a ding-dong sound.

The Coke can in Cheng Lichen's hand disappeared, and the accompanying scene was: most of Baili's hair and face were slowly soaked in a blurry brown liquid, and drops of brown-white Coke foam trickled down the hair tip, chin, and shoulders. On a white school shirt.

"I'm sorry, I missed it for a while." Cheng Lichen said this in a tone that could not hear a trace of apology.

There was a sudden silence in the classroom, and the class bell rang.

The physics teacher asked with a gloomy face, "What's going on here?"

"I accidentally bumped into a classmate." Baili's face was mature beyond his age, "Teacher, can I go to the toilet to clean it?"

There was no expected anger, outrage, accusation.

"Teacher, I'll go with Baili." Liu Yujing suddenly raised her hand, with a hint of worry about Baili on her face.

The icing on the cake is not as good as giving charcoal in the snow.The teacher nodded, agreeing.

Liu Yujing caught up with Baili and walked out together.

Cheng Lichen stared at Baili's back, a look of surprise slowly appeared on his face.

"Your acting skills are worse than Taiwan's XX who won the Golden Bell Award." Ji Nan said with a smile in his probing eyes.

About 10 minutes after the class time, Baili and Liu Yujing came back together.

She seemed to have cleaned up in the toilet, but for some reason, Cheng Lichen always seemed to smell a faint scent of cola.

Before the morning class the next day, Baili walked to Liu Yujing's seat and took out a pure white handkerchief. The clean handkerchief exuded a faint orange fragrance.

"Thank you for lending me yesterday." Very sincere tone.

"You're welcome." Liu Yujing took the handkerchief, sniffed it under her nose, and smiled unexpectedly, "It's very fragrant. You even went to wash it specially, so there's no need for such trouble."

Baili tilted his head slightly, looked at Liu Yujing, with some confusion on his face: "You... are very much like a good friend of mine from before."

"Really?" Liu Yujing's eyes widened, but she obviously didn't take it to heart, and quickly changed the subject, "Baili, we're going to the canteen, do you want me to bring you milk tea?"

"No, thank you." Disappointed that her words didn't get a response from the other party, the girl shook her head, "I brought plain water."

"Good soil, I brought plain boiled water." On the way to the canteen, a girl couldn't help imitating Baili's demeanor and voice.

"That's right, she's ashamed to say it. I don't feel ashamed at all to pack plain water in mineral water bottles and bring it to school to drink."

The comparison of high school girls is not as naive as junior high school girls, who will directly say "my skirt is purchased from Japan", which is similar to self-destructive showing off, but only wears a certain brand of clothes very implicitly, buys a certain brand A mobile phone that is heavily advertised on TV, with petty keychains and perfume.

However, a girl like Baili who wears shoes that are obviously sold in the night market and carries a schoolbag that I don’t know has been used for a few years, and said very frankly "I brought boiled water", such a girl is really a strange existence .

Liu Yujing walked in front and didn't join the discussion of the girls behind, her slender fingers were clenched into twisted balls in her pockets.

When all the girls were saying "I want charcoal coffee" and "I want ice cream, what do you want" in front of the canteen, she walked to the right side of the canteen that was hidden by trees, and there was a green fruit box behind it.

Liu Yujing stood there, the sun sifted through the gaps in the leaves above her head, and little by little golden light hit her face. She took out her left hand that had been hidden in her pocket all the time, holding a soft pure white handkerchief in her palm. .The girl flicked out of the corner of her eye, and found that no one was paying attention, she stretched her hand forward quickly, and the handkerchief slipped lightly down the gap between her fingers, and the waste paper and food in the fruit bin Half of the burger, a viscous unknown liquid, etc. were mixed together.

"Yu Jing, you are here." A girl ran over, "I bought you your favorite kiwi fruit-flavored drink for you."

(End of this chapter)

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