deep in time

Chapter 6

Chapter 6 (3)
Before the first class, the classroom was full of chaos.

There are three layers of people around Ji Nan. In X, Ji Nan's popularity is not so good. Even the president of the student union in the third year of high school once saw Ji Nan, and patted him on the shoulder and jokingly said: "When Come to the student union, then I won't have to worry about not being able to find a beautiful woman to join the student union."

Girls who have confessed to Ji Nan, even if they are rejected, will be calm in the boy's breezy smile and gentle apology, and will not develop any hatred for this boy. ", "Being friends with Ji Nan, it's easy for a person as passionate as him to fall in love with him for a long time." It should be the fluke mentality of most girls.

Strangely, Ji Nan, who is extremely popular among girls, is also very popular among boys.

"Heroic", "bright", "not fussy", "enthusiastic, willing to help others" are the evaluations given by boys to Jinan, and Jinan will occasionally start a conversation with some boys who have a good relationship, "Don't you guys like it too?" I" such a harmless joke.

There is a kind of person who has an innate affinity.

Ji Nan is undoubtedly the kind of person who was born to be favored by God.

The representative of the mathematics department was also in Ji Nan's circle of friends, talking about such topics as "the 3D theater in Jinting Pedestrian Street is pretty good", suddenly slapped his head, squeezed out the crowd, and walked to Cheng Lichen's desk, which was a bit cold, Scratching his head: " haven't handed in yesterday's math test yet."

Cheng Lichen's cochlea was stuffed with white ear wire, he frowned, took off one ear wire, and said, "What?"

The representative of the mathematics department seemed to be taken aback by Cheng Lichen's cold tone, and quickly waved his hands: "I didn't tell you. Baili, your math homework hasn't been handed in yet!"

"Didn't hand it in?" Baili by the window raised his head, "I handed it in to the team leader yesterday."

The math class representative shrugged: "But I registered homework after school yesterday, and there is no exercise book for you."


Seeing Baili's expression of disbelief, the mathematics department representative sneered, "If you don't have it, you don't have it. Could it be that I'm still lying to you!"

Ji Nan also came over at some point, and just after he understood what the math representative said, the class bell rang, and a math teacher wearing gold-rimmed glasses walked in.

"It's been four or five weeks since I've been in class, and this is the first time my homework hasn't been handed in." The math teacher went straight to the point, "This kind of atmosphere is really bad. Baili."

Baili stood up slowly.

"Where's your exercise book?"

That is the XX national key high school exercise set that the school uniformly subscribes for students. Each student has a copy, and it is very difficult to buy a replacement if it is lost.Thin beads of sweat oozed from Baili's forehead, and he twisted the corners of his clothes with his hands, but his eyes calmly and firmly met the math teacher's scrutiny: "Teacher, I handed in the workbook before school yesterday, and the whole stack of exercise books was just Put it on the podium."

"Did anyone see Baili handing in his homework?"

Baili bit his lip and looked around at the students around him.

It was very quiet.

Suddenly, a slender boy stood up and said with a smile, "Teacher, I happened to be in the classroom when Baili handed in the exercise set yesterday."

Baili turned his head slowly, and saw Ji Nan with a sincere smile on his face.

The math teacher frowned, and after deliberating for a while, asked Ji Nan and Baili to sit down first, and put an end to the matter temporarily with "Don't delay the get out of class, you two come to my office after class".

Before Baili sat down, he took a look at Ji Nan, who knew that there was a telepathy, and at this moment, Ji Nan actually looked at her, his eyes blinked quickly, but Baili's heart beat violently for a while Dozens of times.

Nothing at all.After school yesterday, she packed all of Cheng Lichen's schoolbags. When she saw the stack of exercise sets on the podium, she suddenly realized that her exercise sets hadn't been handed in yet.It was already past five o'clock at that time, and the two classmates who were cleaning had gone downstairs with the trash basket a moment earlier, and she was the only one in the classroom at that time.

No one can testify against her.

But why did Jinan lie?
At the same time, Cheng Lichen lowered his head. He was with Ji Nan all the time yesterday afternoon, and they were playing in the gymnasium after five o'clock after school. He didn't know when Ji Nan practiced the avatar technique.

Ji Nan is obviously helping Baili.

(End of this chapter)

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