Urban Feng Shui Master

Chapter 303 I owe 2 lives

Chapter 303 I owe two lives

"What's going on?" Guan Chengjie's face was pale with pain, and he didn't know whether it was sweat or water on his forehead, but he was still able to speak.

This question made Zeng Yifan completely awake, water, transformer box!He really didn't want his life to come to rescue the policeman, and he didn't know if he could get out alive.

But at this moment, at the critical moment, Zeng Yifan didn't know where the strength came from. With his waist down, he grabbed Guan Chengjie with both hands and fell out of the car door. .

"Pa", the ground was covered with water, and as soon as the two of them fell out, they were covered in water.

Seeing the man thrown out of the car, none of the detectives nearby dared to help him.

The transformer box is broken, the water is conductive!
"Why are you standing there?!" Zeng Yifan sat up and shouted at the stunned detectives, "Come here and help!"

The criminal police were even more stunned. The bare ends of the cables of the transformer box came out, and the water didn't conduct electricity?This time the Guan team does not need to cover the national flag...

Several criminal police rushed forward and moved Guan Chengjie to a safe area, while Zeng Yifan stood up by himself and limped along.

Guan Chengjie was put on the stone platform aside, panting heavily.Seeing Zeng Yifan approaching, he squeezed out a smile with difficulty and said, "Thank you..."

He knew in his heart that he owed Zeng Yifan two lives today.

"Don't blame me for getting in the way of business, huh—" Zeng Yifan rubbed his left hip, grinning in pain.

"Then the two are cleared? I will find you later." Guan Chengjie grinned, but found that it hurts to laugh.

"Your smile is uglier than crying." Zeng Yifan couldn't help pulling his mouth, but he also hit his face because he fell out just now, and it hurts when he pulled his mouth.

"You're no better than me." Seeing that half of Zeng Yifan's face was bruised, Guan Chengjie felt mixed feelings.

The ambulance carried the injured Guan Chengjie, pulled the alarm and drove away. Zeng Yifan rubbed his face, which was getting hotter and hotter, and turned to leave, but was stopped by someone head on.

"Your captain said that there is no need to take notes." Zeng Yifan thought it was that criminal policeman named Xiao Wang.

"It seems that the collision was not light." That voice that deserves a beating... Li Shaoyun?

"You really show up at your own time..." Zeng Yifan rolled his eyes, "I thought you ran away."

"Run away? I'll find you a car, and I have to cut off the electricity and water. I'm so busy." Li Shaoyun smiled wryly, then raised his phone, "Didn't you send me a text message to ask me to do it? Can you It's really compelling."

"SMS?" Zeng Yifan was also stunned for a moment, but his brain was working quite quickly, "Oh, yes, the collision just now was too hard..."

No wonder the water jet from the fire hydrant didn't continue to impact just now, and no wonder the cables in the transformer box didn't leak electricity just now. If Li Shaoyun didn't cut off the water and electricity, he and Guan Chengjie probably died several times.

Several times such accurate predictions were all made by my previous self.Now Zeng Yifan wants to know more and more, is his memory loss intentional or forced?Or maybe both?
However, if you put these aside and look at the police car going away, Guan Chengjie who was sitting in it, although he suffered two gunshot wounds, the black substance on his body has disappeared.

In other words, Guan Chengjie is not in danger now.

"Let's go, I'll treat you to a big meal today." Zeng Yifan put his arm on Li Shaoyun's shoulder, firstly because it was difficult for him to walk because of the injury, and secondly because he sincerely thanked him.

Regardless of whether it was planned by him or not, this time he really owed Li Shaoyun his life.

At this moment, Li Shaoyun's cell phone rang again, Zeng Yifan subconsciously twitched his mouth: Maybe it was something done by himself before he lost his memory.

Fortunately, it wasn't, this time it was a phone call.

But after Li Shaoyun answered the phone, his expression was not very good.

"Grandpa's condition has suddenly deteriorated, and I have to go back." Li Shaoyun said after hanging up the phone.

"Do you want me to go back with you?"

"Butler Song conveyed the meaning of Grandpa on the phone, asking you to protect the Bi Ansuo Dragon Key here, and don't let it be demonized."

Butler Song...there is actually a housekeeper whose surname is Song. I don’t know if there is a housekeeper whose surname is Yan.

Zeng Yifan suddenly felt that this idea was very familiar, and there were more things in his mind that seemed to belong to him and he couldn't remember, which was very vague.

"Be careful of your own safety. Only one of the four demonized beasts has been dealt with. I'm not here..."

"Life and death depend on fate and wealth, so you should deal with your own affairs quickly, I'm fine." Zeng Yifan interrupted Li Shaoyun, who was suddenly deeply emotional, with a look of indifference.

If the former self could pinch and count, it wouldn't really let the self after amnesia lose his life inexplicably.

The 3000 yuan taxi was still parked obediently by the green area, Zeng Yifan got into the taxi alone, and the car went straight to Zeng Yifan's house.

The scene of the explosion was quickly cleared up, and a thin figure quietly left in the crowd: "I never imagined that the amnesiac Seven Star Water could ruin my good deeds. It seems that we must get rid of him first before we can get rid of that policeman."

By the way, this taxi driver is really interesting. When he came here, he looked like crazy. When he came back, he knew he was fine. He traveled leisurely all the way, and his speed never exceeded 50 yards. By the time Zeng Yifan arrived home, not only was it dark, but he himself Woke up from a big sleep.

"Why is it so dark?" Zeng Yifan subconsciously looked out the window and said to himself.He wasn't woken up by someone at this moment, but woke up by himself, just because he heard some rustling sounds, and the car didn't have the hypnotic feeling of slight bumps.

However, the next second he had goosebumps all over his body: he was the only one in the car, that funny driver was gone!

Saying that the car's surname is Zeng doesn't mean it belongs to him, does it?

Zeng Yifan's first thought was: The driver was killed!

That's right, there have been too many murders recently, especially the explosion at noon, when a living person was blown to pieces, it was too shocking.

"Hello, is anyone here?" Zeng Yifan asked softly as he quietly opened the car door, he didn't know where the car was at the moment.

"Hello" Zeng Yifan asked softly again.

"You're awake!" Suddenly, a head poked out from behind the car.

"You scared me to death!" Zeng Yifan sighed while patting his chest.The poking head was none other than the interesting driver.

"Haha, why are you so timid? I thought you looked like a real man at noon, and that saving posture was so handsome!" The driver was holding a rag in his hand, and now he was spitting and dancing He said, "Is that so? Fly over like this, then push and fall, what the fuck, are you an undercover police officer?"

After the driver finished chattering, Zeng Yifan discovered that this guy was cleaning the car outside.Looking up again, the opposite is the neighborhood where I live.

"I'm home, you can go back too." Zeng Yifan rubbed his swollen head and got out of the car.

(End of this chapter)

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