Chapter 310 Doomed to Die

"Yifan, don't talk to him anymore, if you say a word, I'll let the snake bite him!" At this moment, A Duo was still annoyed at the fact that he had identified the wrong person and held the wrong arm just now, and wished that all the phantom snakes in his hands would be killed. Rush over and bite him to pieces.

"Even criminals must be punished by the law." Guan Chengjie who was still leaning on the collapsed hospital bed suddenly said.

As a criminal policeman, he certainly couldn't watch the murder happen in front of his own eyes.Criminals are human beings, let alone criminals who have not been tried.

Hearing this, and receiving Zeng Yifan's negative look at the same time, A Duo could only flip his hand resentfully, and the snakes disappeared out of thin air.

At this moment, Yun San's toes tapped the ground again, ready to jump out of the encirclement.

"Turn around and put your hands on your head!" Seeing this, a special police officer raised his gun and shouted at the injured Yun San.

But Yun San didn't do what the special police said. He put his hand, which was too beautiful to be human, to his ear, and made a posture of listening.

Following his action, the room was so quiet that one could even hear a needle drop to the ground.

Da, da. There were a few light noises on the ground, a bit like the previous movement.

Seeing Yun San grinning, he jumped onto the window sill suddenly.

Before everyone could react, with a "boom", the whole ground suddenly collapsed, and all the people fell down.

"This policeman is going to die sooner or later, but it's a pity that so many people were buried with him." Yun San on the window sill sighed, took out a bottle from his arms, twisted it, and threw it into the big hole in the ground.

Then he smashed the window with an elbow, flipped out, jumped into a waiting ambulance at the intersection, and walked away.

Fluff, pale yellow fluff, emerged from the bottle that Yun San dropped, and spread rapidly.

Under the ward is a basement, about [-] square meters, and within half a minute, it was completely eroded by this kind of fluff. It looks like a thick layer of yellow mold has grown, which is disgusting.

But it wasn't just a kind of mold. A special policeman happened to be next to the bottle when he fell, and the yellow fluff climbed up his body at the first time.

In just a few seconds, the whole body of the special police officer was covered with fluff, yellow fluff, like weird worms, clinging to his police uniform and body armor.

With a strange "squeaking" sound, the body armor on the special policeman began to emit bubbles, like a piece of iron immersed in an acid solution, which began to corrode at a speed visible to the naked eye.

"Take off your clothes!" Seeing this, Zeng Yifan hurriedly shouted.

The special policeman was a little dazed because of the sudden fall, but he was completely stunned when he saw such a strange scene that happened to him.

Seeing that the yellow fluff was about to erode the special policeman's coat, but the girl stood there dumbfounded and at a loss, Zeng Yifan subconsciously raised water mist from the palm of his hand, and with one blow, a strong jet of water sprayed directly to the policeman. That SWAT.

Facing the sudden water column, the special police backed back again and again, and finally couldn't stand upright, and sat down directly on the ground.

Although the water column slowed down the erosion of the yellow down on the clothes, it obviously couldn't eliminate it.Just with this time gap, another special policeman hurried forward and helped take off the special policeman's clothes.

It is said to be undressing, but in fact it is just tore off the pieces that are stuck to the body.Because the yellow fluff eroded too fast before, some of the skin had already been adhered, and the clothes were pulled quickly, causing the special police officer to scream in pain.

But now life-saving is the most important thing. It wasn't until the special police coat was stripped off, leaving only a pair of underwear and a vest, that the yellow fluff disappeared.It's just that there are scars on his body.

"Everyone come to bed!" Zeng Yifan shouted again.

Although the ground was covered with water, the yellow fluff seemed not afraid of water at all. Not only was it not afraid of water, but the water accumulated on the ground quickly condensed into balls, far away from the ever-expanding yellow fluff.

"Earth is rich and gold decays, as thin as fluff, it grows when it is attached, it invades everything, and it is yellow moss."

A line of words skipped Zeng Yifan's mind, but he didn't say it.Because the situation at the moment was too urgent to allow him to explain or explain anything.

Although the yellow moss invades everywhere, it is golden and rustic, and the bed with metal supports can somewhat resist the erosion speed of some yellow moss.Before I can think of a better way, I can only climb into bed first.

Because he saw the terrifying scene of the special policeman covered in yellow fluff just now, he was able to save his life, thanks to the water column that suddenly appeared.So when Zeng Yifan yelled, the others quickly stood on the hospital bed.

Strange to say, those fluffs actually slowed down when they reached the bedside, and eroded little by little, and rust spots began to appear on the polished stainless steel bed frame.

"What the hell are these things?" The special police officer who had been stripped down to nothing but his underwear asked with lingering fear.

"This is called yellow moss, and it is a highly corrosive living bacteria." Zeng Yifan said briefly, then broke off two metal rods from the head of the bed, and handed one of them to A Duo, "Use this first Resist it."

Seeing Zeng Yifan operate like this, the two special police also hurriedly broke a metal pole each.The four surrounded the injured Guan Chengjie and waved metal poles to drive away the yellow moss that was trying to come up.

"What's going on?" Guan Chengjie's leg injury made him unable to move, so he could only watch.

Who exactly did he offend? From the weird killer to the terrifying scene in front of him, the conventional logic in his mind was completely shattered.

It was Zeng Yifan who called himself who was recuperating in the hospital, saying that a fake doctor would attack him, and the fatal liquid injected had been replaced, all he needed to do was to cooperate and pretend to be dead.

It's just a pity that the extra actor Xiao Wang, who didn't know it, really thought he was dead from the beginning to the end.But the less people know about this kind of thing, the better.

When Zeng Yifan rescued him from death, he thought he was assassinated by a vengeful criminal.Zeng Yifan confessed that he would temporarily pretend to be dead in order to lure out the murderer.So he notified the director, and after discussion, he recommended Zeng Yifan and others to participate in the arrest operation.

It was also Zeng Yifan's idea to pretend to be unconscious, in order to win a chance at a critical moment, but they didn't expect that the other party's methods were beyond imagination.

"Manpower can't compete with nature." Guan Chengjie suddenly remembered a sentence from the old detective who brought him, maybe his death is predestined and there is no way to escape.

 This is a game within a game. Thirteen wants to say that this game is only halfway through. The truth and purpose are far more than that.
(End of this chapter)

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