Chapter 322
There is a Gude Street in the north of Fancheng, and there is a freight company a dozen meters away. The owner, Gu Maoyan, is an honest man in his 40s.

It is said that honest people suffer, but this doesn't apply to Gu Maoyan, at least not right now.

Three years ago, Gu Maoyan was a driver of a sports car for the freight boss. He made a net profit of [-] a month, after rent, utilities and other expenses. These days, he was basically living on his own, and he was heavily in debt, and he still had to drag his wife and children along.

His wife is hardworking and looks pretty good, but she has a problem with cold legs. Once she falls ill, she can't get out of bed all day long. She just lies there humming, and most of the time she can only stay at home.

After a year and a half of this kind of life, luck suddenly came.

One day, Gu Maoyan passed by a street lottery shop and bought a lottery ticket on a whim.Unexpectedly, this casually bought lottery ticket won a grand prize of 500 million yuan.

Since then, Gu Maoyan's life has completely changed. He cured his wife's cold legs and opened his own freight company. In addition, he is loyal and honest, and his business life has been prosperous for a year.

Of course, he never said that he won the lottery.

Don't look at life well, Gu Maoyan neither gambles nor prostitutes, every day at the company and home at two o'clock and one line, he can be called a model boss and model husband, and his young life is calm and happy.

It's just that today is a little different. It's not because Gu Maoyan just talked about a big deal, but because he encountered a lot of strange people and things when he came back from the client.

First, a deaf-mute person asked him for directions. In fact, it was the Entrepreneurial Building, just go straight and turn left.But Gu Maoyan explained to the deaf-mute man for a long time, but he didn't understand. Originally, he wanted to lead him to the Entrepreneurial Building. Fortunately, he met a volunteer who took the initiative to deliver it for him.

Then when I went back to pick up the car, I met a young man in the shape of a killer, sitting carelessly on the front cover of his car and playing the guitar.

The guy said that he had a sudden inspiration, and he had to finish playing and singing this song before he would come down.

But this song is really, really long.Gu Maoyan waited until the flowers were almost withering. Fortunately, the security guard in the underground garage may have discovered the problem through monitoring, and came to drag the young man away.

But he didn't expect that, as soon as he drove out of the street, he hung up on a girl for some reason.The strange thing is that the girl was also injured, but she clings to Gu Maoyan for a while, and refuses to call the police. In the end, there are too many people watching, so the girl had to take [-] medical expenses to escape.

The remaining road to Good Street is less than three kilometers, but Gu Maoyan drove for a full hour. He was really scared. He must look at the almanac carefully when he looks back. What day is today?
When the car arrived at Goode Street, Gu Maoyan finally breathed a sigh of relief, should it stop now?Before he had finished thinking about it, he found a seven or eight-year-old child squatting outside the company door, trying his best to play the erhu there.

Gu Maoyan's head was growing big, he fumbled for some change in his pocket, and stuffed twenty or thirty in one hand, hoping that this little ancestor would leave quickly.

But he didn't think about it. After taking the money, the little boy became more energetic, and continued for a while with his head sullen.It wasn't until the company's security came to chase the child away that Gu Maoyan was able to enter the company's gate smoothly.

Entering the office, Gu Maoyan took out the almanac from the drawer, looked at it in bewilderment, and said to himself: "Didn't you say today is a bad day?"

Not far from Gu Maoyan's company, there is a park. The sun is pleasant at this moment, and people of all ages are enjoying the warmth comfortably on the benches and lawn, but not many people notice the three people sitting on the edge of the rockery .

"I was almost hit by his car." A Duo pouted, pinching the 300 yuan in his hand.

"You're drunk too, change back to this Shamat look." Li Shaoyun looked at Zeng Yifan and couldn't stand it.

However, he really didn't expect that Zeng Yifan could actually play the guitar.

Unfortunately, even so, it failed to hold Gu Maoyan.

Apparently Zeng Yifan was also dissatisfied with Li Shaoyun's acting skills, he mocked: "You don't pretend to be dumb, why can't you go to a farther place?"

"If it wasn't for the volunteers who appeared suddenly, I could delay him for at least ten minutes." Li Shaoyun retorted.

However, no matter how much they argue, even if they later created some traffic jams and hired a kid to make trouble at the entrance of Gu Maoyan's company, they still couldn't delay their stay for long.

Zeng Yifan looked at his watch, it was one o'clock in the afternoon, according to Lao Huo's prediction, Gu Maoyan would just bump into his wife and another man, Wushan Yunyu, at 03:30 in the afternoon, and Gu Maoyan's prison omen was thus And born—intentional killing in the process of catching rape.

Therefore, as long as Zeng Yifan and the others drag Gu Maoyan past 03:30, maybe this thing will not happen.At least, this is a solution.

Of course, just in case, Zeng Yifan had a backup plan.

Shusheng Primary School, where Gu Maoyan's only son is in the second grade.At two o'clock, elementary school ends.

To the south of the school, there is a small fountain, and an angel blowing a trumpet stands in a circular pool.I don't know who took the lead, but this pool has somehow become a wishing pool. People often run around and throw coins into it, regardless of whether it works or not.

At this moment, Zeng Yifan was also tossing coins.Unlike others, he seems to be tossing coins all the time, and no one knows what purpose he wants to achieve, or where to throw them. Anyway, he has already tossed six coins.

"Flop", a child threw in a coin, which happened to land on a coin dropped by Zeng Yifan.

Zeng Yifan looked back at the child, suddenly smiled, stepped forward and touched the child's head friendly, took out a piece of chocolate from his pocket and stuffed it into the child's hand.

If Gu Maoyan can't be held back, his son may be the key to saving his life.

It is said that after Gu Maoyan arrived at the company, he read six contracts, signed more than a dozen documents, and held two short meetings.

"Mr. Gu, your phone number." Before his butt touched the stool, the secretary called again on the line.

The call was from the furniture company. Gu Maoyan's ordered furniture was completed ahead of schedule, and it was arranged to be delivered today at 03:30 in the afternoon.

"Okay, okay, no problem." Gu Maoyan was in a good mood, it was the style his wife had always wanted, and he decided on it without telling her, just to surprise her.

Since it is a surprise, the wife must be at home, so that when the furniture is delivered, you can just see it and feel a sense of surprise.

Gu Maoyan then called his family, but he didn't get through and the line was busy.

"Busy means you're at home." Gu Maoyan said to himself, and at the same time happily hung up the phone, he explained his affairs to the secretary, pushed off all the rest of the meeting and entertainment, and rushed home in a hurry.

(End of this chapter)

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