Chapter 345
After Zhang Mengmeng put on the wig, a strange scene appeared before his eyes.

In a barren house, a little girl with thick dark hair was cleaning the dishes.A woman was smoking a cigarette, staring at her coldly.Once the girl slowed down, a strand of her hair would be pulled off. The girl hugged her head and shrank in a corner, while the blood from her hair was absorbed back.

The girl was as thin as a stick, and she was about to die, so the smoking woman took a big urn, put the girl in the urn, and buried her whole body with loess, only her head was exposed.After a while, the little girl died.

Afterwards, the hair grew wildly, until the corpse in the soil turned into a pile of powder, leaving only the hair.

The woman took out her hair, put it on her head, walked back and forth in front of a broken mirror triumphantly, and then said to the man smoking opium on the kang: "I'm going out for a few days, you take good care of the house. If Something went wrong, take care of your skin!" After saying that, he left.

This woman is walking around the neon bars, and everyone is attracted by her hair.

The woman went straight to a shop, and a man with a scar on his eye took out a handful of silver coins. The woman took off the wig on her head, exchanged it for silver coins, and left with her bald head.

Zhang Mengmeng thought she was going home, or going to the opium den to buy opium for her man, or just to buy something.Unexpectedly, she went straight to a crowd of beggars and began to choose carefully.

Grass is planted on the heads of these beggars, indicating that they are open for sale.A bearded man is the master of these people. When someone comes, the bearded man takes care of them attentively.

The woman picked out a seven or eight-year-old girl, threw an ocean, and left quickly.Take the girl back to the dilapidated house with four walls.

As soon as the little girl entered the door, someone pinned her down and shaved her hair.After shaving, a thin talisman, as thin as a cicada's wings, was pasted on the head.Soon, fluffy hair grew on that scalp.

The rest is very simple, the girl is getting thinner and thinner, and her hair is getting thicker and darker.The two adults lay on the kang all day long and smoked big cigarettes, living a life where they opened their mouths when they had food and stretched out their hands when they needed clothes.

A month later, when the little girl is extremely weak, she will be buried in a urn like the previous girl, devoting all her energy to that mass of long black hair.So again and again.

However, just as the girl was about to be filled with loess, the house suddenly caught fire, and the fire was so fierce that the man and the woman left the dying girl and prepared to escape.

They just ran to the door, but the girl's long hair was wrapped around their necks, and all three of them were killed in the flames.

In the fire, Zhang Mengmeng saw a dozen girls laughing loudly, but the string of thick, long and black hair was not burned by the fire and was preserved.

After the fire, a man came here, and he picked up the strand of hair. When he turned around, Zhang Mengmeng clearly saw that there was a clear scar on the man's eye...

"The owner of that small shop has a scar on his right eye!"

Zhang Mengmeng took off his wig and said to "Third Uncle".

"Are you sure?" "Third Uncle" said happily.

"Sure!" Zhang Mengmeng nodded heavily, but then said to himself, "But there is no reason. I don't know the age of the person I saw. How could it be the same person as the shopkeeper?"

But no matter what, Chen Jie should be regarded as not in danger of life, but her hair
Considering that there may be sequelae of sleeping for too long through the effect of medicine, "Third Uncle" woke up Chen Jie by casting a spell.

Unexpectedly, when Chen Jie woke up, her eyes were blank and she didn't know where she was: "Why am I here? The welcome party is about to begin!"

Looking at the thin Chen Jie, Zhang Mengmeng burst into tears that had been accumulated for a long time.

"I don't know how this girl will feel when she sees her own head." "Third Uncle" looked at the bald and bumpy head and thought to himself.

After a long time, "Third Uncle" suddenly shouted: "There is a way!"

As soon as these words came out, several people were shocked.

"Who is this woman with a long beard?" Chen Jie looked at Zhang Mengmeng and Awei with doubts on her face.

"Third Uncle" was embarrassed, while Zhang Mengmeng and Awei couldn't help laughing.

Although everyone was very careful not to let Chen Jie touch things like mirrors, it was inevitable that she could see some clues on a stainless steel teacup.

She had a horrible expression, her eyes were red all over, and she ran to the bathroom like crazy.

Seeing this, Zhang Mengmeng and Awei immediately pulled her back.Unexpectedly, her strength was too great, and the two of them were also very skeptical about how such a thin body could burst out with such great strength.

But the fact is that the two of them couldn't hold Chen Jie at all. She just stayed in the bathroom for a long time, staring at the mirror without saying a word, and then fainted when she came out.

This dizziness is one day and one night.After she woke up, her mood was terribly depressed, and no one could persuade her to eat, drink or talk.Several people had to take turns to guard her, worried that she would not be able to think about it for a while.

When Chen Jie's condition improved a little bit, several people decided to go back.In order to prevent accidents, "Third Uncle" still used the method of lighting incense to make Chen Jie fall into a deep sleep.

When we got off the train, it was already night and everyone was very tired.In the taxi, Chen Jie leaned on Zhang Mengmeng's shoulder, and the car headed south from the train station.

When he was about to arrive, Zhang Mengmeng suddenly called out in a low voice.Everyone immediately woke up from the chaos and hurriedly asked what happened.

"I saw that little girl on Chen Jie's shoulder again." Zhang Mengmeng said with a suppressed voice.

Then everyone took a closer look, and an incredible thing happened. On Chen Jie's bald head, jet-black hair began to grow again. Although it is still very short now, it will not become the same in the future.

"It seems that only by finding the shopkeeper can all problems be solved." "Third Uncle" said after a moment of thought.

So he immediately asked the master to turn the car around and drive towards the small shop that Zhang Mengmeng and Chen Jie met.

But after several people searched all the places, they couldn't find the store that Zhang Mengmeng mentioned.

"Could it be that you remember the wrong way?" In Ah Wei's view, all girls are road idiots.Not to mention that several stores here are similar, and it is normal to not find them, even if the direction is completely wrong, it is also possible.

Zhang Mengmeng gave Ah Wei a blank look when he heard the words.Other girls may be crazy, but she still has a strong sense of direction.Especially that strange store, because of the string of wigs and the quarrel with Chen Jie, she will never remember it wrong no matter what.

"There is really no other way. We can only find that person after Chen Jie dies." "Third Uncle" said after thinking for a while.

(End of this chapter)

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