Urban Feng Shui Master

Chapter 349 Weird Valley

Chapter 349 Weird Valley
This time Zeng Yifan and the three of them walked all the way around the beach, they didn't go through the forest full of giant mosquitoes that Zeng Yifan and Zhao Dapeng walked through before.

Zhang Mengmeng was missing, and they couldn't have left her on this island alone.

"If there is indeed a host that relies on blood for life that Zhang Mengmeng experienced, then we must go south to find it." This is Li Shaoyun's judgment.Based on the analysis that the host needs Yang Qi to prolong life.

After walking for about three or four miles, a valley appeared in front of the valley. There were gentle hills on the east and west sides of the valley, and the meadow about 50 meters in the middle was almost flat. Only some low trees grew on the gentle hills on both sides.The valley goes all the way to the south, and there should be a mountain.

"This place is very weird, it seems it is." Li Shaoyun said.

"Weird?! Can you not go in?" Zhao Dapeng was pulled up in a daze, and was told that Zhang Mengmeng was missing. They wanted to come and look for him. Now he was standing at the entrance of the valley with goose bumps all over his body. It's easy to deal with, he just wants to stay by the beach, quietly waiting for rescue.

"Then you stay outside alone." Zeng Yifan gave Zhao Dapeng a blank look.

"That's not what I mean, what I mean is, in such a dangerous place, should we wait for the reinforcements to arrive before entering?" Of course Zhao Dapeng didn't want to stay outside alone, it would definitely be more dangerous than going in.

Zeng Yifan said yesterday that on this island, everyone who can breathe out is masculine, regardless of gender, they may be arrested and raised.

"If I can wait, I don't want to act now." Li Shaoyun said helplessly.

There was a dead silence in the valley, there was no sound, not even the chirping of birds, and the color of the plants was also that warm green, but a dull dark green, and because of lack of water, they were wilting.

In addition, since there was no wind and the vegetation did not move, the whole valley could only hear the increasingly heavy footsteps of three people.

As the three of them walked into the valley, they vigilantly watched all the movements in the grass.As he walked, his steps gradually became lighter, and he didn't even dare to make a sound of footsteps.Immediately afterwards, the three of them breathed as quietly as possible.

After walking for about half an hour, it seemed that the head was not at all, and the three of them were already sweating profusely, not hot, but depressed.The environment is too depressing.

"Let's rest for a while!" Zeng Yifan said the first words after entering the valley.

Hearing this, Zhao Dapeng let out a heavy breath and said, "I don't even dare to breathe out. This place is really gloomy and uncomfortable." With chapped lips, he swallowed heavily.

It was still early, and the sun had just risen over the mountain, casting its rays down the valley, mostly on the left slope.Zeng Yifan found a raised stone and sat down, took out a pack of compressed biscuits from his bag, tore open, and gave Li Shaoyun and Zhao Dapeng each a portion, and the three of them sat down and ate some for breakfast.

After resting for a while, Zeng Yifan was about to stand up and continue to walk forward, but found that Li Shaoyun suddenly put an arm in front of him, and made a movement of silence.

Afterwards, Zeng Yifan listened carefully, and he really heard rustling sounds in the deep bushes on both sides of the valley, because the valley was very quiet, and even the slightest sound would attract attention.

Like Zhang Mengmeng, Li Shaoyun's five sense organs have been particularly sensitive since he was a child, and he is naturally quickest to detect small voices. Therefore, he is ready to stand up and fight back at any time.

At this moment, Zeng Yifan also quietly took out the folding engineering shovel, assembled it silently, and held it tightly in his hand.

Zhao Dapeng didn't know why at first, and he didn't hear or see anything at all, but seeing Li Shaoyun and Zeng Yifan suddenly tense up, he knew that there might be danger, and he quickly got on guard.

The sound was getting closer, Zeng Yifan and Li Shaoyun had already gripped the engineering shovel tightly, ready to attack at any time.The voice became clearer and clearer, and it indicated that it was within the attack range of the two.

The two of them turned around at the same time, one left and one right soared into the air, and slapped the source of the sound accurately with the engineering shovel.

A scream made the entire silent valley feel like a bolt from the blue.

Although they knew that they had hit the target with one hit, Zeng Yifan and Li Shaoyun still did not dare to let go, and then they hit it several times, until the thing stopped moving, and then they took a closer look at the guy who died tragically under the engineer's shovel. Son.

"It's just a wild boar, you two are really surprised." Zhao Dapeng moved his head closer to have a look, and wiped the sweat from his forehead.

Wild boars are indeed more dangerous if they are encountered in normal times, but on this island, even mosquitoes the size of sparrows and mice the size of house cats have been dealt with. It is just a normal-sized wild boar, so it can only be regarded as a false alarm. one game.

"But there's something wrong with this pig, it has no skin!"

Just when he found Zhao Dapeng and turned around to go back to sit for a while, what Zeng Yifan said made him almost stagger.

What do you mean a pig has no skin?Can a pig without skin run or be crushed to death?

Li Shaoyun was also surprised when he saw the pig.The wild boar's fur was almost gone, revealing the bloody flesh and bones, and the white bones were also exposed.

"I'm afraid I've been poisoned!" After Li Shaoyun finished speaking, he immediately took out a small bottle, poured some powder from it and poured it on the wild boar's carcass. After a while, a foul smell came out.

Afterwards, he lit a match, and as a puff of black smoke rose, the three of them hurriedly hid behind a big tree five meters away. The bones of wild boars have turned black.

After experiencing the wild boar incident, the three became more careful.The mountain pass could already be seen in front of them, and the three of them could not help speeding up their pace, because they had to get to the mountain pass before noon.

Because Li Shaoyun believes that the sun is at its peak at noon, and the area where the sun shines into the valley is the largest, even if it is really weird, he dare not come out to be exposed to the sun at this time.

The three of them walked towards the south cautiously, fearing that any accident would happen again.

Just before entering a dense forest in the valley, they smelled a strange smell, and the smell became stronger and stronger.

"I think there might be that kind of tree in this forest." Li Shaoyun frowned.

But because both he and Zeng Yifan knew that this road should be the only way to go, and that kind of tree must be faced, so they could only continue to move forward.

In fact, Zhao Dapeng really wanted to ask, what kind of tree is "that kind of tree"?But at this moment, not only did he not have the strength to speak, the soles of his feet also began to lose control, his head felt dizzy, and even seeing the road ahead was a little blurry.

"Wow—" Zhao Dapeng suddenly spat out a mouthful of blood.

Only then did Zeng Yifan and the others realize that Zhao Dapeng's condition was very wrong, his face was pale and his lips were black.

"He may be poisoned, help him to the sun!" Li Shaoyun said, and immediately joined hands with Zeng Yifan, dragging the already limp Zhao Dapeng to the sun.

That's right, in this valley, as long as there are trees, the trees grow extremely luxuriantly, covering all the sunlight overhead, and it's pitch black.

(End of this chapter)

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