Urban Feng Shui Master

Chapter 366 Blood Lotus

Chapter 366 Blood Lotus
As soon as Zeng Yifan arrived at the basement floor of Building 1, he saw two doctors in white coats leading three policemen coming from the west.He quickly hid around a corner and hid.

Even the police were alarmed, something really happened in this hospital.

Several patients died suddenly one after another. Zeng Yifan also guessed that there was an inside story, but now he felt that the matter might be far more complicated than expected. Could it be someone poisoning or biochemical experiment?
Just as he was thinking about it, suddenly, he heard a "pa", and a hand was placed on his shoulder from behind, Zeng Yifan's heart thumped in his throat.



Standing behind Zeng Yifan was Li Shaoyun. At this moment, he was wearing a white coat, looking like a doctor.

"Why are you dressed like this?" Zeng Yifan asked in a low voice.

"If you don't dress like this, how can you get these things?" Li Shaoyun said, raising a few test tubes in his hand, which were filled with red liquid.

Afterwards, neither of them spoke, and continued to hide around the corner until the two real doctors led the three policemen away completely, and then they came out.

The next thing was a matter of course, the two sneaked into the hospital's laboratory together, and began to test the few test tubes of red liquid that Li Shaoyun had brought over.

"These people are all patients who died suddenly in the hospital recently." Li Shaoyun said while observing.

"so much?"

"At present, five people have been confirmed to have died suddenly due to insufficient blood supply to the body."

"Insufficient blood supply to the body? Isn't that anemia? Why is it all anemia?"

When it comes to anemia, Zhang Mengmeng is, so is Wu Aini, and Wu Aini's classmate Xiao Xi, who died, and the son that the crying middle-aged woman said in the payment hall just now are all anemic.

how?Is it really a problem with anemia?
"From the point of view of the symptoms, it is indeed anemia. Moreover, there were no special symptoms before death, and he died as soon as he fell asleep."

Hearing this, Zeng Yifan's heart twitched. Could it be that Li Shaoyun said on the phone before that Zhang Mengmeng would die if it was too late, referring to the fact that she was poisoned like other people who died strangely due to anemia?

"Sure enough!" Li Shaoyun said in a heavy tone after observing the blood in the last test tube, "The pollen of the Bianhua flower is contained in the blood of all the deceased."

"The other shore flower?" Zeng Yifan also thought of this kind of weird flower, not only the other shore flower was everywhere in Wu Aini's community, but also in Zhang Mengmeng's ward!
"Yes, it's that kind of white flower. On the way here, I found that it was planted in several communities. It seems that it was planted on a large scale all of a sudden."

Hearing this, Zeng Yifan couldn't wait any longer, he ran like crazy to Zhang Mengmeng's ward, grabbed the Bana flowers on the window sill and threw them on the ground, and stomped all these coquettish flowers to pieces.

"What happened..." Zhang Jing, who had not left for a long time, turned back suddenly. When she came back, she saw the tyrannical scene, and she couldn't help saying to the residual flowers under Zeng Yifan's feet, "Ah, such a white and flawless Manzhushahua, you really It's a waste of money."

Under Zhang Jing's surprised gaze, Zeng Yifan fell silent.Afterwards, he read word by word a paragraph of text that flashed in his mind: "Blood lotus, the fire flourishes and the water dries up, nourishes and nourishes human blood, so its color is like blood, born in the nether world, and its shape is like a flower on the other side. Those who grow in clusters are like plagues that plague people.”

"You said this white flower is..."

Zeng Yifan almost went crazy: "Why didn't I notice that all you see are white Bana flowers, but I see red blood lotuses!"

"Yifan, calm down." Li Shaoyun walked over, he understood Zeng Yifan's mood at the moment.Those patients who died of anemia due to inhalation of Bianhua pollen, from admission to death, took as long as seven days and as short as three or four days. Zhang Mengmeng has been admitted to the hospital for two days, and his condition is getting worse and worse.

Zeng Yifan threw away Li Shaoyun and tried to grab his arm, and shouted maniacally: "The reason why those other flowers caught my attention is because they are different from other flowers and plants, they are fake flowers! Why didn't I find out before?!"

"Slap!" A loud slap startled Li Shaoyun.

At the same time, Zeng Yifan felt a hot sensation on his cheek.

It turned out that it was Zhang Jing who slapped him hard on the face with a wave of her hand: "It's a man, so stop crying and howling here, and find a way to save your girlfriend! If there is something wrong with Mengmeng, be careful and I will tell you to bury him with you." !"

Looking at Zhang Jing's slightly teary eyes, Zeng Yifan's mood suddenly calmed down, he stroked his hot cheek and said in a deep voice, "I will never let Mengmeng get into trouble!"


The car flew through the traffic flow like flying, and due to the bumping of the body, there was a slight collision sound from the trunk.

"Yifan, can you drive slowly? I am a single passer for ten generations." Li Shaoyun shouted while grabbing the seat belt on his chest.

"If you are afraid of hitting you, get out of the car. I don't have time to talk to you." Zeng Yifan said with a livid face.

"Okay! I was thinking about the safety of the paint in your trunk. If the paint spills, Zhang Mengmeng will really be hopeless."

Hearing this, Zeng Yifan gave Li Shaoyun a hard look, and slowed down the speed of the car a little.

"Red paint is for fire, orange paint is for electricity, yellow paint is for earth, green paint is for wood, green paint is for wind, blue paint is for water, and purple paint is for gold." The seven-color seal seal drawn by seven colors of red, orange, yellow, green, blue, and purple can play a role similar to Taoist charms.

Coupled with the energy of myself and Li Shaoyun, there should be no problem dealing with the fiery blood lotus.

After all, the energy of the blood lotus itself is not strong, but it is good at disguising, using white manjusawa to cover up people's eyes and ears, and it grows harmful and silent, which makes it look weird.

The car soon arrived at Wu Aini's community, which has the largest area of ​​Bianhua.

But after entering the community, the two suddenly discovered that all the Bianhua flowers in the community had been eradicated overnight: every flower bed had obviously been roughed up by someone, and the loess was scattered all over the ground.

But the coquettish blood lotus still stretched its strip-shaped petals and swayed gracefully in the wind, more lush than when I saw it before.

I don't know who would be the one doing this?If it can be shoveled off, it is not a blood lotus.

Zeng Yifan immediately opened the trunk of the car, took out a box of colored paint, and threw it on the ground with a "bang", "Let us send all these false flowers to hell today!"

Choosing an open space, Zeng Yifan laid out seven sheets of snow-white A4 copy paper in a row on the ground.

Under the weak illumination of the torch, Zeng Yifan carefully painted on the paper with a brush dipped in blue paint.Soon, seven blue seals appeared in front of him.

During this process, Li Shaoyun didn't do anything. To deal with fire plants, there was "Seven Stars of Water". He just had to make sure that no one disturbed him.

(End of this chapter)

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