Urban Feng Shui Master

Chapter 379 Interrogation

Chapter 379 Interrogation
Zhao Lei rubbed his temples and took a deep breath. The discovery of the fragments of the woman's body was indeed a disgrace to the police force, but he had to remain calm.

Because, he felt that there was a pair of eyes staring at him behind him, and the eyes were full of weird smiles.Brazenly and continuously committing crimes, the modus operandi is constantly escalating, what is the purpose of the other party doing this?

show off?Unlike, there is no iconic mark on the scene, and there is no show-like display.

Hate society?It's not like, the place and time of the case are not enough to cause social impact.

Vendetta?It's possible, but it's not certain. There were no dead bodies at the scene of the two crimes, and the family members who were killed didn't see any doubts.

It seems that the only way to find a breakthrough is from this unknown female corpse. As long as the relationship between the female corpse and the previous victim is found out, the investigation of the case may make progress.

Thinking of this, Zhao Lei gave a wry smile. Clues are needed to solve the case, but ironically, the clues come from the new corpse.

"Captain Zhao..." When he opened the door and came in, Lao Ma was stunned. There was no thick smoke in the office. There was only one possibility for such an abnormality——Zhao Lei had no clue about the case.

"Well, everything is arranged?" Zhao Lei took out the notebook from the drawer, got up and asked.

"Yes, we have arranged an interrogation room for each of them." Lao Ma nodded, looking at Zhao Lei with worried eyes.

"Okay, you are in charge of the old man, and Zeng Yifan will leave it to me." Zhao Lei straightened his police uniform, "Has the brother from the on-site inspection come back?"

"I'm back. This is the site inspection report, and the parts that need to be tested are also marked." The old horse handed over a report, "The unnamed female body is undergoing an autopsy."

Looking at the investigation report, Zhao Lei frowned slightly: "There was no blood reaction at the scene?"

"There is no clue at Zeng Yifan's house. The brothers have even removed the sewer coil." Lao Ma shook his head, "The residue has been sent to the laboratory, but it is estimated that there is little hope."

As he estimated, Zeng Yifan's family may not have any clues, so Zhao Lei closed the report.But this does not mean that Zeng Yifan has nothing to do with this case. This seemingly ordinary young man has a very special sense of mystery about him. His professional sense tells Zhao Lei that Zeng Yifan must be the key to solving the case.

"There are no clues at the scene, so look for them." Zhao Lei narrowed his eyes.

in the interrogation room.

"The house is often cleaned?" Zhao Lei nodded, looking at the table, "I mean, the bathroom and the sewer."

The on-site investigation report clearly stated that a large amount of detergent and bleach were found in the bathtub and sewer of Zeng Yifan's house. It was precisely because of the destruction of these substances that no tissue related to the female corpse could be obtained at the scene.

"Clean it every other day. I like to take precautions before they happen." Zeng Yifan sighed, "The world is full of viruses these days. It's not easy for chickens to sneeze and pigs to catch a cold."

The criminal policeman in the monitoring room almost laughed out loud, this kid is really good at talking, can you still raise pigs and chickens in your toilet?

Zhao Lei was not happy, he didn't even have the intention of laughing, because right now he wanted to ask the most critical question.

"You didn't seem to be scared at all when you saw the corpse." Zhao Lei stared coldly at Zeng Yifan, and the temperature in the interrogation room dropped suddenly.

He didn't know whether it was the mention of the female corpse or Zhao Lei's gaze played a role, Zeng Yifan shuddered exaggeratedly.

"Aren't you afraid? Stop joking..." Zeng Yifan trembled a few more times, "When I think about it now, my whole body is covered in hairs. That's a dead person dismembered to pieces, and it's not like killing chickens for nothing."

Zhao Lei smiled. Zeng Yifan was by his side when the body was found at the scene. The boy didn't show any fear or behavior at all, and even stood very close.Unless Zeng Yifan was a person who often came into contact with such corpses, or a person who often produced such corpses, he would never have looked at the corpse so calmly, but did not run away.

However, Zhao Lei did not speak directly, but looked at him lightly, with an expression of "I am not satisfied with this answer" on his face.

"Alas!" Zeng Yifan seemed to fully understand the expression on his face, and sighed heavily, "Now that the matter has come to an end, I can only confess."

In interrogation room No. [-], it was not easy for Lao Ma and Lao Huo to deal with each other.

Lao Ma's interrogation method is more friendly to the people, but in terms of interrogation experience, he is not inferior to Zhao Lei at all, especially in the psychological analysis of criminals, which is his strong point.

However, with the old man Huo, the old horse encountered Waterloo.

During the interrogation, Lao Ma cleverly set up a lot of traps, if it were someone else, I am afraid that his true colors would have been revealed.But Lao Huo, like a normal person, solved all the problems without any leaks.

At the end of the question, the old horse was almost out of words, but the old Huo turned his back on the customer with enthusiasm, and helped him analyze the clues. The logical thinking was very clear, but the old horse was stunned by what he said.

How did Lao Ma know that Lao Huo, a direct disciple of the Dao of divination, actually regarded him as the object of fortune-telling.

From the beginning of the interrogation, Lao Huo has been paying attention to every move of the old horse, which is called "every movement is a hexagram" in Daoist divination.

From the words and deeds of the old horse, Lao Huo evolved various auspicious hexagrams, and selectively answered his questions according to the meaning of the hexagrams.

This is like a gamble, Lao Huo knows every hole card, how can Lao Ma win?
"Isn't that often shown on TV?" Lao Huo continued to flicker at Lao Ma, "Kill someone and drag the body to other places, so that you police can't find him, and while we are wasting time with us, the murderer will go Continue to kill elsewhere."

The old horse is full of hair. This old man is really good at talking. Take detective TV dramas as an example, but you can't say that he is completely wrong. After all, the possibility he said still exists.

In the end, the eloquent Lao Huo was sent out of the interrogation room. Lao Ma looked at the notebook in hand, but couldn't find any valuable clues at all.

After leaving the police station, Lao Huo naturally didn't go back in a hurry, but leaned against a big tree by the roadside, waiting quietly.

Not long after, I saw Zeng Yifan walking out of the police station unsteadily.

Right after Zeng Yifan left the police station, two plainclothes officers who came out of the police station quietly followed behind him.

"Could it be that both of them misunderstood the hexagram of water and fire?" Lao Huo was secretly surprised, "These policemen are keeping an eye on them!"

However, from Zeng Yifan's face, there was no worry at all. He whistled relaxedly, and even walked towards the big tree that Lao Huo was leaning on without hesitation, and said hello loudly: "Old Huo, it seems that I am still suspicious. You came out earlier than me!"

(End of this chapter)

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