Chapter 399
Matsumoto Kameda looked at the magazines and newspapers in his hand silently, he seemed to be more concerned about the gossip news on them than the conversation between the two of them.

"Six to four, one to one, three to five to two..." At some point, an extra person appeared beside the table, looking down and fiddled with an abacus the size of a book, muttering to himself.

"One hundred and five, the number is six, and the combination of hexagrams is a hurdle. It's not very good." Sitting down beside Zeng Yifan, the man greeted the waiter, "Bring me a pot of health-preserving tea."

The tea was brought soon, the man poured a cup, took a sip comfortably, and the abacus in his hand rang again: "One hundred and five, add 48, and the number is 150 three, take the number as nine, and combine the hexagrams to make a fortune." ,good."

What that person did was inexplicable in the eyes of others, but Zeng Yifan and the others were very clear in their hearts.He is responding to the hexagram, the hexagram of the audience.

Kan hexagram is not good for audiences; Qian hexagram is good for seeing adults and virtuous people.And the purpose of their gathering here is to wait for the main players of the rematch.

"I forgot to introduce myself, Xiao Lang." The man put down his abacus and looked at the bill, "Is this meal AA or who will pay for it?"

This man was in his early thirties, with a bit of shrewdness in his gentleness. He wore a pair of black plastic-rimmed glasses on the bridge of his nose, and he was wearing a navy blue Chinese tunic suit with a white shirt underneath. He was dressed like an intellectual in the 70s.

Don't underestimate this old-fashioned Xiao Lang. In the last Global Divination Competition, no one knew that there was such a number one figure, because he only made his debut later, and it was only three or four years later. Already well-known in the world of divination.No matter how difficult it is, as long as he flicks the abacus in his hand, three times, five times and two divisions will be solved, so he got the nickname of "three times, five divisions and two".

The strange thing is that no one in the divination world knows about his school of succession. Some people infer from his divination method that Xiao Lang's divination is likely to be the lost "magic number and ghost calculation".

"I'll pay for this meal." Zeng Yifan said straightforwardly, not to mention having a lot of money in his pocket at the moment, even if he didn't have much money, he would still invite him.

Because he found Xiao Lang very pleasing to the eye, as for why, Zeng Yifan couldn't say it himself.

"That's so embarrassing." Xiao Lang picked up the teacup in a polite manner, and quickly took another big sip, "Has the person sent by the top arrived?"

"Obviously, it didn't arrive." Park Gen-hee looked at his watch, "The main contestant doesn't seem to be very punctual..."

Before he finished speaking, a waiter came over: "Excuse me, the guests in box three would like to invite four of you to come over."

As she spoke, she pointed to the box on one side, made a "please" gesture, and signaled the four of them to follow her.

Except for Xiao Lang, the rest of the people were a little bit surprised. The box was located in the northwest of them, which happened to be the dry seat.

"The old man is very punctual." Xiao Lang said to himself, straightening out his discipline, as if meeting the elder.

The four got up and were about to go, but the waiter handed Pu Genxi a note: "This is from the customer over there."

A few words were written flying and dancing on the note: "Your watch is fast."

Like the other boxes, the spacious box No. [-] has a circle of sand and a large coffee table, the only difference is that there is an extra portable projection board.On the sofa, two white-haired old men stared at the projection board, chatting like a war of words.

"Did you see it?! I said it's going to fall, but you don't believe me." The round-faced old man pointed at the projection board triumphantly, "Be careful with your coffin book, don't soak it all in."

"What are you screaming about? You are shouting before closing the market. Didn't you see a large amount of money buying?" The square-faced old man curled his lips and said, "He is almost a hundred years old in winter, and he still looks like a boy."

Although they entered the door, Zeng Yifan and others did not say a word, the four big men lined up and stood by the door in an orderly manner, even Pu Genxi, who was the most arrogant, was much more honest.

They were not afraid of anything, but had a sense of awe towards these two humble old men.

From the moment they entered the door, all four of them discovered an unusual phenomenon - the two old men could not feel the "quantity" at all.

Generally speaking, normal people will have a certain amount of "quantity", which is innate, and it is also a basis for divination to be traced.However, the "amount" on a divination expert will be much more than that of a normal person. Although it can be hidden through one's own control, there are still some traces.

But the two old men didn't even have any hidden traces on their bodies, something that even Cai Wen, the last divination champion, couldn't do.

"The market has closed, but it still hasn't broken 15 yuan." The round-faced old man gloated, "My stock is still strong."

"You can succeed in this way with an increase of two cents. Look at your potential." The square-faced old man glanced at the four "pillars" by the door, "The business is coming, let's greet them first."

Perhaps because he only noticed the special features of the two old men, Zeng Yifan realized that they were arguing about the stock price just now.

The two main contestants, who are nearly a hundred years old, are still concerned about stock trading at this time. There are really strange things happening these days.

Briefly introduce, Zeng Yifan and the others know the names of the two old men, the one with the round face is called Jiang Shan, and the one with the square face is called Sun Le.It is worth mentioning that the two old brothers are both [-] years old this year.

An old man who has lived for a century has no memory of his name at all.Zeng Yifan thought to himself, the names of these two old men were probably aliases, maybe they were experts of the older generation specially invited by the organizing committee of the competition.

"We old brothers have no background, so you don't have to guess, just remember the names." Sun Le put away the notebook with a smile, "As for the four of you... Brother Jiang and I will just guess our identities and count them as your meeting gift .”

Just as Jiang Shan packed up the projection board, he was overjoyed when he heard this: "Success, I'll take a look first."

Saying that, he took out a magnifying glass from his pocket and looked at Pu Genxi.

"Among the four people, you are the elder, and you are the dry one, and the taste is spicy; you look like a foreigner when you enter the door, and the dryness is from the northwest, so you should come from the southeast." Jiang Shan muttered as if appreciating cultural relics, "Your clothes are green and the bottom is green. Hei, the appearance of wood floating in the water, came across the water; the clothes are straight, the surname is wood, and it is a divination, it should be surnamed Pu."

Pu Genxi was sweating a little on his face, it was too mysterious, he had learned divination for nearly 50 years, and this was the first time he had learned such a fortune-telling method, and he felt a little guilty.

"From our point of view, people who cross the sea in the southeast, who love spicy food, and whose surname is Pu, are only Gaoli Bangzi." Jiang Shan didn't care whether he was sweating or not, and continued to mutter, "You are that Pu Genxi, the representative of the Baji sect. .”

"Yes, it's Gaoli Bangzi." At this moment, Pu Genxi didn't know what to do, and agreed along with Jiang Shan's words, regardless of whether the phrase "Gaoli Bangzi" was scolding him or not.

(End of this chapter)

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