Urban Feng Shui Master

Chapter 402 Xiao Lang is in Difficulty

Chapter 402 Xiao Lang is in Difficulty
She remembered the moment before the confusion, she was about to use the technique of asking rice to compete with the Korean stick, but when she tapped the white rice with her palm a few times, everything in her mind became blank.

"Have you ever seen the things attached to the white rice?" Zeng Yifan stared at the few white rice on the ground and said, in his eyes, there was a layer of bright blue light faintly flashing on the rice grains.

"I've seen something that puts people insane or even crazy - 'crazy measure'." Asked Mi Po affirmed, "Fortunately, the person who did it didn't add a few percent, otherwise I would be a mad dog right now, old woman."

"You are lucky, at least better than my friend before." Zeng Yifan said slowly, with a murderous look in his eyes.

Jiang is old and hot, Wenmi Po has been in the world of divination for so many years, and when she saw Zeng Yifan like that, she immediately knew that she was inseparable.

However, although the things were made by Goryeo sticks, they didn't have such things.So, there must be someone behind the scenes.

"The old lady knows the person who knows this technique." Wenmi Po looked around and scratched a name on the front of her shirt.

"I'm already out of this year's competition, my old lady. I admit it, and I'll go back to my hometown to farm." Wenmi Po sighed, and clasped her fist at Zeng Yifan, "Today's kindness is written down, and it will be useful another day Just let the place know."

Zeng Yifan smiled politely, glanced at his phone, an hour and a half had passed, and for him, the remaining time was enough.

Some people say, "A good abacus makes a good business." This is not entirely reasonable, Xiao Lang can't do business.

Coming out of the teahouse, Xiao Lang carried a bag and started wandering all over the street.Unlike Zeng Yifan, he didn't care about the hustle and bustle on the street, but just looked around, as if he was satisfied with everything around him.

"Wealthy people have talents, shells come out of the water, and those who are talented get them." Xiao Lang hummed as he walked, he must be a talented person, all he has to do now is to touch the "shells" in the "water".

But where is this "water", and what kind of wealth does "bei" represent?
Xiao Lang is not worried about this problem, he is looking for "water" by wandering around like this, as long as he finds "water", the "shell" will be easy to touch.

The north of the four directions is the ridge and the water. After walking for a long time in the north, there is nothing eye-catching.The five colors of black are water, although the neighborhood is full of colorful colors, there is still a lack of black, that's right, who would use an unlucky color for nothing?The numbers nine and ten are water... It's better to save effort, light boxes, house numbers, advertisements, vehicles, nines and ten are everywhere, just counting it once would probably take a day's work.

After wandering around like this for an hour, Xiao Lang still didn't find any usable "water". He was not in a hurry, he took out a pocket watch as he walked, and murmured about the time. It was already nine o'clock in the evening up.

"Haishi, the earthly branch is water." Xiao Lang adjusted his glasses, "I've had enough rest, let's start work!"

After wandering around for a long time, he was actually resting. Could it be that he has already made up his mind?

Wow, Xiao Lang took out an abacus from his bag, it was different from the one he used before, this abacus was yellow and clear, most likely it was made of brass.He stroked the beads of the abacus, leaned against the dark corner of the street, and began to strike.

"Hetu Luoshu forms the nine palaces, which are divided into southeast, north, and west. The nine stars and eight gods are on duty, and they are matched with the eight gates for good and bad luck." He muttered while playing, and it was full of charm like singing.

As the fingering speed accelerated, the words in Xiao Lang's mouth had reached the point of being indistinguishable, and the abacus beads made intensive tinkling sounds.

"Use the divine basalt to lay down the shallow pit, and enter the gate of life to make a fortune." Xiao Lang stopped his hands, and uttered the last two words from his mouth.

Nine palaces, nine stars, eight gods, eight gates, judging from the words read by Xiao Lang, he should be using Qimen Dunjia now.Both originated from Hetu Luoshu, Shenshu Guisuan and Qimen Dunjia are exquisite spells, but it is not easy to perfectly combine the two spells.

Qimen Dunjia assigns the eight gates to the eight directions. The Shengmen is facing the northeast, which means making money; the Xuanwu water phase means obtaining secretly.This is equivalent to saying that as long as Xiao Lang goes to the northeast, he can find "water" and obtain money through relatively subtle means.

The result was quite obvious, but Xiao Lang didn't immediately set off and walk towards the northeast, as if he hesitated.

"The Northeast is gen, soil, and water. Seeking money is a barrier, and the transaction is not good." With the abacus in hand, he dialed a few more times, "Use the god Xuanwu to guard against villains, and the nine stars to be the sky, which means that you will lose your horse." .”

Xiao Lang was indeed hesitant. Judging from the calculation, he had to go to the northeast to ask for money, and he had to pay attention to the low-lying places and the sign that looked like Xuanwu.But there is another layer of hidden ominousness in it. One is that Gen Tu Keshui is not going well, and the other is that Tianchong star of the Qimen Nine Stars is facing Shengmen. Although there is no serious problem, it also means something is not going well.Judging from this, it seems that someone will secretly obstruct you from seeking money in the northeast.

"Crack!" A tattered beggar fell in front of Xiao Lang, the enamel bowl in his hand flew out, and tinkling coins spilled all over him.

Most nerds are well-meaning people, Xiao Lang helped the beggar, picked up the coins, took out some money and stuffed it into a bowl, and handed it to the beggar.

"Good man, good man, thank you, big brother!" The beggar couldn't help but thanked, the broken hat on his head kept falling, covering his eyes several times.

The voice was so hoarse that it made people feel uncomfortable, Xiao Lang didn't dislike him very much, waved at him, turned around and walked to the northeast by himself.

"It's a pity, good people don't necessarily have good lives." The beggar looked at Xiao Lang's retreating back, sneered, and disappeared into the shadows beside the street.

A coin was quietly lying in Xiao Lang's pocket, flashing a strange blue light.

At this moment, Cai Wen and his apprentice Mo Rufeng were also wandering in the street, but what they walked was the commanding heights, a commercial building for a while, a hotel for a while, and a pedestrian bridge for a while.

"Chi, chi—" Cai Wen's cigarette popped into sparks twice.Mo Rufeng's eyes flashed, and he reached out his hand to touch something around his waist.

"There's no need to use a golden abacus." Cai Wen looked up at the sky, "Xiao Lang's son is in trouble."

"Master, what are you doing..." Mo Rufeng was a little stunned, he knew that Master's divination skills were profound and unpredictable, but he could divination out what was going on with Xiao Lang with a flick of his fingers, which seemed a little too miraculous, there must be some kind of trick in it.

"This tobacco leaf was concocted by Xiao Lang himself to honor me." Cai Wen pointed to the sky, "It's a response to the weather, a sign of temptation."

The Yinghuo Cai Wen mentioned was Mars, which was the name given by the ancients. Now it seems that the light of Mars is flickering, and it seems to be very active.

Mo Rufeng suddenly understood that the Lang in Xiao Lang's name is a man, and a man is the sky. Yinghuo hangs in the sky, the five elements belong to gold, and the frequent flickering indicates the sky's fierce appearance; tobacco leaves grow on the ground, the five elements belong to wood, and bursting sparks are The earth shows a fierce appearance; the five elements of Yinghuo and tobacco leaves are gold and wood, implying the appearance of fighting.

These can be summed up in four words that are very clear - "Xiao Lang is in trouble".

(End of this chapter)

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